Why would anyone fear GOD?


I came face to face.

First time it was a dream...but it was more then that. We had a little brawl...
I was younger then. I thought he beat me, now I don"t know what to think.

Second time it wasn't a dream, and appearing male, he was purely angry with me. I think he tried to take me out of the picture, but something else happened.

Someone asked if I would kill if God told me to. No. I am me and God knows that.
so you would go against gods wishes, dosn't it bother you, what he might do to you for defying him.
I have no Fear. None. Not even a little. I enjoy danger and defiance!!!
My parents are both Buddhists and I grow up learning and practicing Buddhism. Now I walk my own path and have my own Religion. According to some texts in Buddhism, I might be burning in Hell for a very long time. There are also verses in the bibile that would surely condemn me to eternal hell.

I am free from fear!!! I do not believe in hell!!! We make hell ourselves fromthe inside. Do you really love anyone? Could you be happy in Heavan if the person you love was suffering the agonies being in of Hell? If so...then some lover you are. If not, then your heart is functioning as a heart should!

Sometimes a good child must defy his parents in order to stay true to them!
I do what my heart feels is right, not what others...no matter how high in the heirechy, tell me to do!!!
I have no Fear. None. Not even a little. I enjoy danger and defiance!!!
My parents are both Buddhists and I grow up learning and practicing Buddhism. Now I walk my own path and have my own Religion. According to some texts in Buddhism, I might be burning in Hell for a very long time. There are also verses in the bibile that would surely condemn me to eternal hell.

I am free from fear!!! I do not believe in hell!!! We make hell ourselves fromthe inside. Do you really love anyone? Could you be happy in Heavan if the person you love was suffering the agonies being in of Hell? If so...then some lover you are. If not, then your heart is functioning as a heart should!

Sometimes a good child must defy his parents in order to stay true to them!
I do what my heart feels is right, not what others...no matter how high in the heirechy, tell me to do!!!
totally agree well said.
Sorry I thought you were a christian.
Ah! Fear...it can drive any living species to do anything!
Some fears are mild anxieties, while others terrorize, freezing you before you can make a decision. Social situations, tests and risky environments can be a source of fear
Issues of morality are a key aspect of most religions and in ancient times harsh authroritarianism was the expected and accepted method for controlling the masses. The message is essentially do what you are told or be punished. Justice was rare and those in power had the final say. It is no surprise then that the religions and the concepts of gods that those early peoples created would reflect their accepted life values.

Christianity took the concept to its logical extreme - the imagined reward is imortality in a utopian paradise and the punishment is eternal torture/death. A single 'one'god' concept is simply a reductionist simplification of the extreme.

Perhaps today with our concepts of democracy new religions might be created with multiple gods who take a vote on what is right and wrong. But also today we often see deviant bahavior as a psychological issue, to be cured, and not punished.

If you believe in these antiquated authoritarian concepts as true then you should fear your imagined god since a simple mistake on your part will result in your permanent death or eternal torture - such is the cruel nature of the Christian principles.

Of course many Christian cults teach that once you sincerely accept Jesus as your savior then you have nothing more to fear. Any further mistakes you make won't count against you. The problem here is that apart from the radical extremist highly emotional born-agains, most Christians I have met periodically experience waves of doubt about some of their 'sins' and wonder what they can do extra to ensure their reward. I.e. the in built fear of punishment remains a key component of human nature, it is what has evolved with us to help in our survival.

The serious downside to the "I am saved and no need to worry" feature is that it promotes a lack of responsibility for ones actions. In reality what we observe is that if you do something wrong then the action cannot be undone and you must live with the consequences. Even if the person realized their mistake later it still causes great stress for many and something they would like to remove.

That leads us to the Church of Scientology who uses that exact principle and teaches how to remove those stressful blocks from your brain... but then that takes us to a whole different level of what religious fear means.
Whats this about Scientology? I know so little about it?
I co-worker of mine once told me that L Ron Hubbarb was a freind of Aleister Crowly. Is that true?