Why would anyone fear GOD?

I see God every second of my life no matter where I look. I feel God everywhere. I breath God in. I hear God always. I Love God in every Form God presents. I cherish God. I am very happy to be. The Sun shines for me when I settle my emotions, too many coincides by now for me to wonder. But you are right...I don't believe in God in the usual sense. Do you believe you have fingers?

No, I know I have fingers.. no believe there ;)
((((( Originally Posted by Jozen-Bo
I wouldn't call it hell If I enjoyed being there. Female devils can be sexy...that's what my body says at least, I think my mind follows. Then again...so are Angels!!! Hot Sex in the Fire!!!! Yeaahh!!!

Are you sure you believe in God ? lol )))))

Oh yeah...that Devil tid-bit. Sorry...can't help it....it is sexy!!! Why would god make me that way?
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For anyone who believes in God, as I do,

Why would anyone fear God?

It makes no sense to me?

Is it the books? Word of mouth? Just wondering.

An Idealogy created by men to keep people from straying from what they wanted them to believe.
Fear can do amazing things to people.
Has any one ever seen Kali or heard her voice? Would God not explore different forms of Pleasure instead of always being in One? Could you eat pizza for the rest of your life?
Oh yeah...that Devil tid-bit. Sorry...can't help it....it is sexy!!! Why would god make me that way?

Huh ? lol Is that a reply to my post above ?
Please quote the post you are replying to in your post, makes things easier ;)

i have often wondered how could a good and merciful, and all powerful and wise god such as Mithras would allow suffering, ignorance evil in the world.

But i reckon, because there is suffering and evil in the world then that proves that Mithra is not good and merciful. If we reason that Mithra introduced evil and suffering and disease and death to us to make us better then we can reason that Mithra is flawed, and the god is not all powerful and wise.

Therefore if you believe in such a god then you should have fear.
Why would anyone fear GOD?

From a biblical perspective because he demands it and shows favour to those that do fear him. Ruling through fear is quite typical of tyrants and the biblical god is no exception.
((((( Originally Posted by Jozen-Bo
I wouldn't call it hell If I enjoyed being there. Female devils can be sexy...that's what my body says at least, I think my mind follows. Then again...so are Angels!!! Hot Sex in the Fire!!!! Yeaahh!!!

Are you sure you believe in God ? lol )))))

Oh yeah...that Devil tid-bit. Sorry...can't help it....it is sexy!!! Why would god make me that way?

You must know I am what they call an atheist though.
So the devil bit doesn't bother me at all ;)
For anyone who believes in God, as I do,

Why would anyone fear God?

It makes no sense to me?

Is it the books? Word of mouth? Just wondering.
if god asked to to kill someone, would you do it?
I guess if you believe in an all powerful being that can do whatever it wants, and that says you must do this and you must do that etc.. people can get intimidated.. ;)
so it's kind of like a policeman

they are only feared by criminals

others who exist in the normal social order feel secure

so it's kind of like a policeman

they are only feared by criminals

others who exist in the normal social order feel secure


I imagine it would be like that yeah..
But then Christians can be horribly insecure about their own good intentions, strangely enough..
I imagine it would be like that yeah..
But then Christians can be horribly insecure about their own good intentions, strangely enough..
hence any religious discipline that advocates "fear of god" as the ultimate relationship with god is far from perfectional.
It may be good premise initially to install a bit of discipline or obedience, but such relationships cannot persevere.

Someone asked if I would kill if God told me to. No. I am me and God knows that. I would kill someone if they broke into my house and attacked me or I would be killed. It doesn't matter, I'll live as long as I am going to.

I wouldn't kill for any other reason, if I could help it. Because to kill another is to kill your own spirit. Not entirely, but you do become spiritually retarded. That is not what I want, no no.

Has anyone here ever seen the devil???
No way....REALLY????

I must hear a description..please do tell????