Why would anyone fear GOD?


The Wheel Spinning King!!!
Registered Senior Member
For anyone who believes in God, as I do,

Why would anyone fear God?

It makes no sense to me?

Is it the books? Word of mouth? Just wondering.
I guess if you believe in an all powerful being that can do whatever it wants, and that says you must do this and you must do that etc.. people can get intimidated.. ;)
If you fear yourself, you fear God. If you love God, you fear nothing, and love all things as God created them and intended them to be.
Since when do men give birth? Who says God is a he? From my perspective I God being a female Goddess is much sexier and appealing!
That wouldn't be a female fantasy...would it (a male God that demands fear and respect and gets it)?
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Create, gave birth, projected from the self, its all the same to me. Life comes out and lives. Yes, I do associate that as someone Women do.
People fear God because a lot of peole are afraid that doing certain things might block their entrance into heaven. It would seem like you live your entire life wondering if you're good enough.
People fear God because a lot of peole are afraid that doing certain things might block their entrance into heaven. It would seem like you live your entire life wondering if you're good enough.

And being blocked from heaven van only mean one thing, right ? Hell..
There's some insight!!! When they did it!!! Life comes together and makes life!!! God is where 2 are 1, as All are None.
I wouldn't call it hell If I enjoyed being there. Female devils can be sexy...that's what my body says at least, I think my mind follows. Then again...so are Angels!!! Hot Sex in the Fire!!!! Yeaahh!!!
I wouldn't call it hell If I enjoyed being there. Female devils can be sexy...that's what my body says at least, I think my mind follows. Then again...so are Angels!!! Hot Sex in the Fire!!!! Yeaahh!!!

Are you sure you believe in God ? lol :p
If you fear yourself, you fear God. If you love God, you fear nothing, and love all things as God created them and intended them to be.

Can you explain to me again why marijuana is illegal?
I mean that God is only God when United in Whole. The Whole is both Male and Female, Everything and Nothing, Yin and Yang are the same together. Its this fusion that brings about life. God had/is having/is going to have more sex with Goddess and little spirit babies come out of the Really Really Big Bang. And what do babies do? You don't need to look hard to see, Nature reproduces itself over and over again.
I see God every second of my life no matter where I look. I feel God everywhere. I breath God in. I hear God always. I Love God in every Form God presents. I cherish God. I am very happy to be. The Sun shines for me when I settle my emotions, too many coincides by now for me to wonder. But you are right...I don't believe in God in the usual sense. Do you believe you have fingers?
I mean that God is only God when United in Whole. The Whole is both Male and Female, Everything and Nothing, Yin and Yang are the same together. Its this fusion that brings about life. God had/is having/is going to have more sex with Goddess and little spirit babies come out of the Really Really Big Bang. And what do babies do? You don't need to look hard to see, Nature reproduces itself over and over again.

You certainly do not adhere to the commonly accepted Christian concept of God, it's cool though :)
Pagan influences ?