Why would aliens be interested in us?

So that they could see their pet monkeys work! And dance, play & live their little lives running about. And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers excitedly, "Look Ma, they talk!!". Then they would ask, "Are they like us?".

According to many scientists, the likelyhood of a race, however advanced, discovering intellegent life, is impressively low. Should some other form of intellegent life discover us, it is very, very unlikely that they would not take a great deal of interest in us.

Especially if they were the ones who put us here in the first place?

[This message has been edited by Searcher (edited October 09, 1999).]
So that they can watch their pet monkeys work! And dance, play & go about their little lives as if it were important. And the baby alienoids well tell their mothers excitedly, "Look Ma, they talk!!". Then ask them,"Are they like us?". As the pet monkeys scurry about, intent on the business beforehand. With sad eyes, remembering the old ways & days. With mournful songs of old Earth, before They came.
Why humans as slaves? Well just like we treat monkeys, parrots & dolphins. To watch their monkeys work, dance & play, thinking that their little lives are important. While the little alienoids tell their moms excitedly,"Look Ma! They talk!!" And then ask them, "Are they like us, Ma?".

Why wouldn't they use robots? or be able to just speak and make something happen. If they could travel here they would have very superior technology to ours. In as little as 50 years we may be able to control matter at the atomic level. which will mean making dirt into a satisfying meal. Wouldn't that be great.

Humans are much to hard to maintain and it wouldn't be very worthwhile travelling to a whole new planet for humans who would only have 30 years hard labor in them anyway.
In response to Randolfo's repeated post, I think the wrong person in this string was named "Dork".
To Boris - NO SOUL? -
The soul is what cries, laughs, rejoices, feels deeply and unconditions when the mind presents it with an image or thought which is appropriately moving to the individual.
The soul is older than the universe, it is invisible but it is connected to every single living organism in time and space. This abstact quality makes it very unobtrusive, hence you are only aware of it under the right circumstances but the soul is much more complicated than I can explain in this simple code and in the short time I have available. I will go deeper into it if any Earthlings are interested, 'bye 4 now.
The reason that they are here is to provide the deception regarding end-time events in the Bible. They will cover up the rapture of the Church. They will support the Antichrist's rise to power. They will provide evidence to support the new age religion. They will claim to be our creators. They will claim to foster a spiritual enlightenment. They will deny that Jesus is the Son of God. They will "save" us. But it's only an illusion. Very cleverly crafted over several thousand years, but a lie none the less. Watch....

God loves you and so do I!
to the whatchamicallit:

This really is a wrong forum for this, but since you asked, I'll reply. The "soul" you describe consists of emotions, motivations, perceptions and self-cognition. All of which are functions of the brain, as are beliefs, desires, hopes, memories, knowledge, doubt and faith. The brain is a marvellous machine indeed, but there is nothing supernatural about it, nor about any of its inputs or outputs.

I am; therefore I think.