Why would aliens be interested in us?

I have video tape showing drawers and kitchen cupboards moving violently open and shut (unaided, of course ). I also have video tape of a shadow walking down a hallway with no body to cast it.
If I send this tape to you, will you be amazed, convinced or even slightly more open-minded to paranormal activity in any way what-so-ever, or what? What will you do with the impact of this evidence?
What happens next in your life once you have proof? Will you believe the tape to be real, not doctored?
Glad to see you're on the " I want proof " mission like me!! LOL!
One day, Boris....one day...

Kind Regards,

A tape would certainly be a start. However, as you yourself pointed out there still is the question of doctoring, illusionism or special effects. What needs to happen in addition to the tape, is a thorough documentation by an independent (hopefully, hostile) source (with wide expertise in illusionism) of the precise environment in which the tape was made and in which the proposed event occurred.

After all, on TV we sometimes see people getting sawed in half, or levitated in thin air -- and we all know that's not what is really happening. So as I said, tapes are a start, but they do not a case make (though they certainly do make for fun watching :D).

I am; therefore I think.

Come on, man...just climb out of the box for just a second. Just a little baby step out; like just poke your little toe out for just a second. Just answer this question for me, yes or no...Is it possible that an unobserved dimension exists?

When I asked myself that question I had to say yes.

Is it statistically probable that an unobserved dimension exists, given only our current level of scientific understanding of our universe?

When I asked myself that question, I had to admit that our current knowledge base was obviously just scratching the surface. I know, for an observable fact, that scientific advancement has been increasing at an increasing rate since I've been alive. I also know that there is an entire universe out there that we know virtually nothing about. That's a fact. And I also know that given what there is to know, we have only scratched the surface regarding this very planet that we live on, and about our very own selves and each other. Not to say that we don't know a lot, but I would argue statistically that there is much more learning to do. Sooooo, I had to say yes.

Ok, then and only then do you DARE to take the risk of factoring in the incredible ABUNDANCE of testimony, witness, AND OBSERVABLE DOCUMENTATION OF EVIDENCE, of what we call "paranormal" activity, which I have also seen many times on TV for crying out loud. It wasn't that long ago that I saw an entire prime time TV special that was devoted to collecting the very evidence that you keep blindly argueing does not exist. The show was created by a journalist who was extremely skepital of all of these weird events that were being reported of all over the place. He wanted to see if he could get it on tape, and collect PHYSICAL evidence, and he did. Of a statue of Jesus crying tears of blood. The statue was inspected by a frickin' TEAM OF ATHEIST SCIENTISTS. They went so far as to cat scan the thing, and found absolutely nothing. There were no devices, no perforations, no pumps, no chemicals, just blood. The blood was taken to a lab and put under a microscope. It was found to be human blood. That of a woman. They also filmed a woman who went through something called stigmata. Suffering the emotional and physical pain that Jesus did when he was crucified. It wasn't a trick, ok Boris? The camera was on her the whole time. There were plenty of witnesses there, and it wasn't something that was easy to watch. The reporters there, and the crew were truly stunned, and could not believe what they were seeing. This woman was definately not having a good time or getting rich off of anything. Even if she was, could you still explain it? No, there is no way to scientifically explain it as of yet. And though there does exist a scientific explanation for it yet undiscovered, it can not explain why it happened. The question of why is what I really wish you would focus some of that brain power of yours on. You're a smart guy, and you deserve to ask yourself the big questions in life.

You brought up the suggestion of schizophrenia, so let me ask you, do you think that when I say that when I pray, I actually hear God answering me in my head, that I'm suffering from the same "delusions" as a schizophrenic? Is there some type of physical condition that brings about these delusions? I'm sure that if there was, you would know what it is. Some type of abnormal brain activity documented in psychiatric patients? If there is no such physical evidence in some cases, such as my own implied case, then let me offer up a possible explanation in the form of an account of a personal experience. Several years ago, not long after my husband and I first met actually, he suffered an apparent "nervous breakdown". I use that term loosely, as I'm not quite sure how to describe what went on with him. All I know is that one night he was himself, though noticably emotionally upset over something legitimate that I won't mention and is irrelevant, and the next morning when I woke up, he was not himself at all. He continued to be "not himself" for maybe two months or so. And it seemed that as quickly as he had slipped into it, he slipped right out of it, and hasn't returned since. His behavior during this time was such that I did not forsee a continued romantic relationship with him in any sense at all. We had gotten very close though, and I couldn't help but notice that his good friends did not want anything to do with this new behavior of his. It was pretty bad, to the point where he had frisked a couple of them when they came to his house, he couldn't work, he wouldn't eat, and he said things that didn't make any sense. He was completely wired, and obviously paranoid, but without reason. To the point where he thought someone may be watching through the TV or that everyone (me, his friends) were in on some conspiracy. I felt awful for him. He drove his friends off (I'm sure you're familiar with how well men deal with emotionally intense situations), and he was alone and basically trapped in the house with his parents, who were immensely worried about him, and scared. So I used to visit him. We'd just sit on the porch and talk. He would kind of pop in and out. What he said would make a little sense, then it wouldn't. He said things like, "I don't like anything that's red." What do you say in response to that? Or one time, some guy that was out in his front yard about 8 houses down on the opposite side of the street was getting loud with someone on in his house or on his porch or whatever, and my husband somehow thought that had something to do with him??? Got real nervous and defensive. He wouldn't sit next to me on the porch swing. Like I said, previous to this, we had been very close. I certainly wondered what could be going on in his head, but I had to admit that the behavior was definately paranoid. So anyway, I hung around, and when I was out on the porch with him, and every day actually, I prayed for his healing in Jesus's name. Like I said, he snapped right out of it, and hasn't returned since. Not too long ago, I was talking to him about aliens, not that he's really all that interested in aliens, but I was telling him about how they are apparently able to talk to people telepathically. Like they would just hear a voice in their head. Or maybe I was talking about prayer. I'm not sure, but he said to me, "I've heard voices in my head before". I about fell off the couch. He doesn't talk much about, or take much of an interest in all this paranormal, spritual, alien stuff like I do, so it surprised me when he said it. He said that he heard them when he was sick. In particular, he told me of an evening when he was at his sister's house, and he was laying on the floor watching TV, and he said he kept hearing, "Go ahead and just kill yourself. Go ahead and kill yourself." Repeated over and over, he's not sure how long, but without realizing it, he said that apparently he started repeating it out loud to himself, until his sister heard him and said, "What the hell did you just say?!" And he said he kind of snapped out of it, but looking back on his behavior during that time, I would say this was probably not the only occurrance of hearing these "voices". If it were his own voice, then wouldn't he have said, "I should kill myself"? I think that something actually was talking to him. I think that a weakened emotional state or spiritual state or even a physical state such as with drug addition leaves a person very vulnerable to what I would refer to as spiritual suggestion. Actually, I would agrue that the suggestion itself is what perpetuates it's own acceptance, in a cyclical way, to the point where the suggestion is so intense that one would actually hear a voice in their head. The suggestion would have to be accepted though, kind of invited to infiltrate our minds through a negative or weakened state of our spirit. The same is true when you are strong in faith in the Lord and you pray, you are inviting his message to you. So, basically what I'm saying is that I think demons were messing with my husband. I also think that the fact that I prayed for his healing to God in Jesus' name that it healed him. At the time, though I really had no verification, I did feel that he was being messed with spiritually, by something evil, and I prayed for his protection from it. It worked. It works, Boris.

God loves you and so do I!
Bystander, I' ll try to answer your original question as best as I can. First of all, you are correct that we would likely seem as below average in terms of intelligence and our level of advancement. However, you answer part of your question when you say humans are dangerous. If we' re a danger to them, then I can' t understand why they wouldn' t be watching our development, simply to protect themselves. There are also many other reasons why aliens would be interested in us and our planet. The first and most important: water. If we believe the scientists, water is required for all life forms, and an alien civilization that required water would likely find earth intriguing due to the readily available water supply. Earth is also mineral rich, which I'm sure aliens would be interested in. Plus, if the species is interested in science, there is a myriad of different animal and plant species to study. Finally, they could study humans in order to get an idea of how their own civilization might have developed at the same stage. And if they' re militaristic, they could probably find a use for us as slaves. Not necessarily a nice thought, but hey, its something to consider.
The idea of an advanced civilization finding use for slaves is ridiculous. Who would want weak, easily damaged, expensively maintained, unproductive slugs doing the chores, when you can have indestructible, self-maintaining, low-overhead machines that can work nonstop 24-7-365?

I am; therefore I think.

Is it possible that an unobserved dimension exists? When I asked myself that question I had to say yes.

It is possible, but that doesn't mean it's certain.

Is it statistically probable that an unobserved dimension exists, given only our current level of scientific understanding of our universe?

What do you mean, "statistically probable" (based on what probability model?) We may not understand the precise arrangement of basic physical effects driving various processes; however, that does not mean that our grasp of the universe's full set of fundamental physical effects is not nearing completion. To make an analogy, science does not know how exactly an ant colony organizes itself; however, you can be very certain (never 100%, mind you, until such a derivation is actually made -- but VERY certain) that science knows all the fundamental principles needed to derive such self-organization from the ground up. The reason is that everything around us consists of matter, and behaves through energy -- both of which we now understand in incredible detail with astonishing precision over a mind-boggling range of scales. We certainly understand extremely well the behavior of matter at scales and energies that are relevant to the workings of our surroundings and ourselves.

Ok, then and only then do you DARE to take the risk of factoring in the incredible ABUNDANCE of testimony, witness, AND OBSERVABLE DOCUMENTATION OF EVIDENCE, of what we call "paranormal" activity, which I have also seen many times on TV for crying out loud.

That's the key: it's what we <u>call</u> "paranormal"; whether it actually is or is not, remains yet to be demonstrated. Now, TV is, once again, not a source of reliable information -- <u>especially</u> the "paranormal" shows designed to cater to the unfortunately very wide and gullible religious audience. Please remember that TV is about ratings, not about truth or fact. The very reason that TV networks have been ramping up the output of UFO and paranormal "investigations" -- is because people like you seem to just eat it up with no limit in sight. You literally get what you ask for -- but it is hardly what you want.

...statue of Jesus crying tears of blood. The statue was inspected by a frickin' TEAM OF ATHEIST SCIENTISTS. They went so far as to cat scan the thing, and found absolutely nothing. There were no devices, no perforations, no pumps, no chemicals, just blood. The blood was taken to a lab and put under a microscope. It was found to be human blood. That of a woman.

Only one question: did they start out their observations when the statue already stopped "crying", or were they present when blood was actually in the process of pouring out from the "eyes"? As you can see, the answer to this question would make a huge difference, with respect to showing that the "miracle" was not a hoax. I am willing to bet that the answer is going to be a little disappointing.

They also filmed a woman who went through something called stigmata. Suffering the emotional and physical pain that Jesus did when he was crucified. It wasn't a trick, ok Boris?

And perhaps it wasn't a trick (though on "candid camera" you can never be certain). But it doesn't mean that the source of the symptoms, (supposing they were real) -- was not of this Earth.

No, there is no way to scientifically explain it as of yet. And though there does exist a scientific explanation for it yet undiscovered, it can not explain why it happened. The question of why is what I really wish you would focus some of that brain power of yours on.

If there is a scientific explanation, then we will eventually know what caused it to happen. And if "causes" are not synonymous with "why", I don't know what is. And, if you are asking why the causes were there in the first place -- then your answer is as good as any, or should I say, as bad. Besides, if it is the existence of causes that we are debating here, then why are we even concerning ourselves with their effects?

You brought up the suggestion of schizophrenia, so let me ask you, do you think that when I say that when I pray, I actually hear God answering me in my head, that I'm suffering from the same "delusions" as a schizophrenic?

Nobody is calling you clinically insane (unless religion is considered to be a form of insanity, but let's not go there...) However, even a schizophrenic's brain is not all that different from yours or mine. When you dream, you see things and you hear things and feel things -- and often dreams involve objects that seem to be out of "your" control. Nevertheless, everything in a dream is generated by your brain. This does not mean that I have found an explanation to whatever it is you claim to have heard; however I did intend to show that your brain is capable of generating absolutely anything you think you perceive, with one exception. The exception is information which you do not possess before an "experience". If you had a psychic experience, and suddenly came to recall the schematics of the most recent U.S. nuclear warhead design -- then you can be fairly certain that your experience was not entirely caused by your brain (unless you are a nuclear engineer, of course...)


The problem with all the so-called "miracles" and "experiences", is that they are still entirely stone-age, and are quite out of place in the modern world. Blood, wounds, visions -- this stuff just doesn't cut it any more. If God wants to appeal to the modern mind, he must play slightly more elaborate tricks -- especially tricks that would involve the sorts of energies or physical effects which are unattainable by any zealot.

I am; therefore I think.

I saw this documentary also. It was truly amazing. The camera crew, journalists and scientists spent days with this woman.

According to the documentary, and the commentary by the journalists and scientists who witnessed this (and got it on film), the scientists took control of the statue at a time when it was not in the act of crying. They performed the thorough examination of the statue and continue to observe it, continuously, then... it started crying the blood, of which, they took a sample and found it to be human blood.

The team stayed with this woman prior to, during and after the stigmata incident. The entire episode was captured on video. The wound sites were tested before, during and after their development and healing. Nothing could be found to explain how these bleeding wounds developed (and they were determined to be actual, fresh wounds), and nothing could explain how they healed at a much faster rate than normal. The deeper wounds actually left scars. The woman was in a bed, which had been thoroughly examined, during the entire stigmata ordeal.

According to the non-believers of the group who witnessed, tested and documented these miracles, they became believers.

I think I'll do some research to get the names and contact information (to post on this board) of the individuals who participated in this study (particularly the scientists). That way, anyone who is interested in learning more about what they experienced can hear it first hand and perhaps get the documented results.

If the statue was actually observed in the process of "crying" -- was its weight changing? Were there infrared or radio recordings done? Did the blood appear on the surface as droplets, or as a thin film? What part of the eyes did the blood come out of? Did the blood contain any anti-coagulants? Where is the statue now, and has it been examined by other teams? It would indeed be nice to know the types of measurements that were done, the credentials of the people who did it, and those people's present locations and lines of work. Oh yes, and it would also be nice to have access to their actual raw data, too. One last question: how come they didn't go for the <A HREF="http://www.randi.org/">James Randy Educational Foundation</A>'s $1,000,000 "Paranormal Challenge"?

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited September 27, 1999).]
Think outside the box ! Meaning : try to imagine there are some things that we just can't observe. These things are the cause of events who are observable, that is why we have come up with these out-of-the-box-things in the first place. If there was no interaction going on we wouldn't need ourselves to consern with them, right ?

First of all : outside the box lies infinity ! There are literally an infinite amount of unobservable things so we like to keep the box closed just to keep things organised.

Second how does the interaction between the unobservable and the observable take place ? It seems that this interaction is sporadic, we don't see ghosts every day, we aren't abducted every saterday night at 10 pm and we don't witness the spontaneous weeping of a statue every time after breakfast.
Reproducability is the key word here, reliability is an other ! So why are these things so mysterious ? Because that is what they feed and thrive on : the mystery.
If we explain one mystery all the fun leaks out of it like a balloon with a hole in it. If we don't believe in fairies or dragons any more we replace them swiftly by aliens and spiritual energies.
If you are considering the 'enormous amount of evidence' that supports paranormal (or alien) events then put that next to the evidence that for example an electron exists. Do they have the same valor ? Do we only know of electron because some people say them in a vision or because of some very strange behavior of a magnetic field of a certain magnet that is blessed by the Messiah himself ?

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
I have e-mailed a source who might be able to provide the names and contact information of scientists who have observed and tested statues crying blood (and pure, virgin, olive-oil... there are many throughout the world now). I will post the information when received.

By the way... There have been countless miracles happening around the world during the last decade. People from many nations of many beliefs have witnessed them. Surprisingly enough, some have been recurring at the same time every day for years!

I would suggest that some of the nonbelievers or those "sitting on the fence" go and check these recurring miracles out for themselves. You can learn more about the who, what, where and when by searching for "miracles" on the net.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 04, 1999).]
So they could see their pet monkeys work! And dance, and scurry about, and be feed. And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers, "Look Ma! They Talk!!". And ask questions like," Are they like us?"
So they could watch their monkeys work! And dance, and play! And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers', "Look they talk!!!". And then ask, "Mom, are they like us?".
So they could watch their monkeys work! And dance, and play! And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers', "Look they talk!!!". And then ask, "Mom, are they like us?".
So they could watch their pet monkeys work! And dance, play & go about their lives. And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers excitedly,"Look Ma they talk!!". Then ask their mothers," Are they like us?".
So they could watch their pet monkeys work! And dance, play & go about their lives. And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers excitedly,"Look Ma they talk!!". Then ask their mothers," Are they like us?".
So they can watch their pet monkeys work! And dance, play & go about their little lives. And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers excitedly,"Look Ma, they talk!"
Then ask them, "Are they like us?".
So they can watch their pet monkeys work! And dance, play & go about their little lives. And the baby alienoids would tell their mothers excitedly,"Look Ma, they talk!"
Then ask them, "Are they like us?".
LOL...ENOUGH ALREADY I'd be willing to bet my last dollar that these guys are pretty far from thier animal roots.