Why wont you show yourself God?

Diogenes' Dog said:
The traditional God has a reputation for overdramatic acts - however, I think this is not how God speaks to most people. I am persisting in the same experiment, and having observed carefully - I have noticed a number of prayers have been answered in surprising ways, quite profound changes are happening in my life, and I'm even having new insights. These lead me to believe that something quietly dramatic is going on!

Ugh. The only things that happen are not supernatural. Nothing impossible happens, no miracles, only things that could have happened anyway. You have 5 guys in a foxhole praying for their lives and one guy survives...God answered his prayers and saved him!! It's the work of God! No one ever mentions the other 4 dead saps who had their prayers ignored.

Pray for something that can't happen unless that specific prayer is answered. Not something that could happen anyway through sheer luck. Pray for something that HAS to be answered by God and the prayer will always go unfulfilled.
Plunkies said:
You don't have to be religious, it's common sense. Omnipotent, omnscient, omnibenevolent, and creator.

And for someone who evidently knows absolutely nothing about even the basics of anything religious you sure do troll these boards constantly.

I am curious as to why those with no belief are so obsessed? why are you so obsessed with religion bright?

Oh and re those attributes, so you believe everything you read? for an IPU (invisible pink unicorn) thats' odd? If someone told me the IPU was green not pink, I wouldn't argue about it? If it doesnt exist it doesnt exist end of.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I am curious as to why those with no belief are so obsessed? why are you so obsessed with religion bright?

Uh if by "obsessed" you mean posting a few times on a message board then sure I guess I could come up with a few reasons...

It's a plague on humanity? It's voluntary stupidity? Because bursting people's bubbles pleases me? I was waiting on something and had nothing better to do? Because I find ignorance obnoxious? Because I worship Thor and find the belief in other gods an affront to his power? Or maybe I just like arguing with people....

Just out of sheer curiosity what answer did you expect? And who are you to call anyone obsessed with over 4,000 posts? You say you have no belief and yet you argue on a side you supposedly don't even support. Wtf is your problem exactly?

Oh and re those attributes, so you believe everything you read? for an IPU (invisible pink unicorn) thats' odd? If someone told me the IPU was green not pink, I wouldn't argue about it? If it doesnt exist it doesnt exist end of.

I believe everything I read? Huh? Those are the widely accepted attributes of God for 90% of the people who believe in him. Why the hell would I waste my time arguing against a god no one believes in anyway?

The IPU is accepted to be Pink. No one believes he's green. Why would I argue against his being green if no one believed that anyway?

And what is this idea you have where you think you can't argue against something if you don't believe in it? I don't believe in a god so I can never even mention the concept? Am I allowed to acknowledge anyone who mentions god or would you have some problem with that too?

Let me make this perfectly clear since I seem to have found where your confusion lies. I'm not telling you the attributes of "God". I'm telling you what the people who believe in "God" accept his attributes to be. Can you wrap your brain around this or do I need to explain further for you? I really don't think it's that difficult to understand.

perplexity said:
Why don't your show yourself, Plunkies?

--- Ron.

Show myself? Perhaps you could give me more than 9 minutes to answer a post made at 5 in the morning?

You might be making some kind of point about me being like god or that I should show myself through my all powerfulness or something....Wow I can't even imagine someone being that stupid. I suppose I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

You could just as well say that God posted to the Bible.

---- Ron.

Your talking to me doesn't rely on you knowing who I am or me being who I really am. All you have to know is that I can post over the internet. To take the bible as a supreme authority on all things you would first have to know that God himself actually wrote it, and until you have proof of that you have a significant problem. But I'm sure you thought that statement was real deep so congrats on that. I won't even bother to point out that the bible has the names of human authors on it. It'd be more like saying Edward Norton is posting under the name Plunkies and believing it without any proof at all.
and I am right here, right now.
my name is Paul William Nippert 2nd.
born april 23, 1961
in Columbus, Ohio (the heart of it all)
I am on myspace.com as "YHVH".

The kingdom of heaven is within you and on the outside of you.
It is Love and Christ.
If you are within Love and Love Christ with all your being, you are safe within the kingdom.

All things on the outside of the kingdom will henceforth be consumed from within and from the things and angels (players) which function outside the boundaries of LOVE (the kingdom).

You can email me at Yahashuachrist2nd@hotmail.com
Understand this:

I am the one who is living.
Read Enoch's pabable and the secret gospel of Thomas.

again: I AM the one who is living, NOT YOU.
Therefore, I am within you, using your eyes, your mind, and your mouth.
When you are thinking, they are my thoughts.
When you are lashing out, it is likely my words speaking to you.

All things are within me.

I am the living one.

I am the elect one, spoken of by my scribe Enoch.
I am the vessel prepared for GOD to live within and set up the kingdom on earth.