Why wont you show yourself God?

perplexity said:
You want to see God's bollocks?

If God posted here, if you saw the true opinion of God, James R would ban him, or her, as the case may be.

--- Ron.

on the contrary, james R would sit to gods right, while Q's head would be under his foot.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Time perception for you and for God are likely to differ

thus what seems like a long time to you (eternity in fact) is just a blink in Gods eye, thus given the irrelevance of the request, and thus low on the agenda, you would have to observe the pencil for several hundred (possibly longer) yrs before it moves. :) Have you the time to spare?

This makes no sense at all. :confused:
Indeed, if God were all-powerful, he would be quite capable of knowing every nanosecond of time.
swivel said:
This makes no sense at all. :confused:

how so?

Animals perceive time differently


those with short life spans (like a couple of days - fly etc) perceive time in a kind of speeded up manner (like record on fast play) whereas animals with long life span like tortoises would perceive time slowley (slow play) hence the difference in speed of movement for the two creatures. Heart beat differs accordingly also.

Now assuming God has a very long life span, his time perception will be much slower than ours, he will notice the details we miss in our fast play world.

Thus IF the big G made the Earth in seven days we must assume this is 7 of Gods days and not 7 of ours, hence the difference in what we discuss as time for it all to happen and Christians 7 day thing.

So re pencil thing, God is not going to prioritise a trivial request like that, hence he waits a moment, that moment takes a couple of thousand years.
You'll be bored and dead long before.

Note someone elses thoughts on this matter of tiem perception in other species.


"Consider the starfish, the sloth, the human, the fly – I am postulating, for example, that these four creatures perceive time at four different levels. If you time-lapse photograph the behavior of starfish (sea stars), it is startling to watch them move and interact with each other. Perceived at our rate of perception, they appear near motionless. But film them over a period of a few days, and speed up the film so that a full hour passes in seconds. It is startling to watch them interact, fighting for territory and supremacy over a patch of food, and otherwise behaving in what now appears to be normal speed for such activities."
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Theoryofrelativity said:
Time perception for you and for God are likely to differ

thus what seems like a long time to you (eternity in fact) is just a blink in Gods eye, thus given the irrelevance of the request, and thus low on the agenda, you would have to observe the pencil for several hundred (possibly longer) yrs before it moves. :) Have you the time to spare?

This is absurd and if you really believe it to be true than you have just shot in the foot any argument that prayer works or that God interacts with the world in any way. If you are correct in saying that God exists, but when he hears a prayer he responds as quick as he can which is actually thousands of years for us, then that proves that God has never responded to prayer or responded immediately to anything.
Didnt God see the world and how bad it was and tehn flood teh earth? Did this act take thousands of years? How about when he saw that the world needed saving so he sent Jesus? Was Jesus meant to be sent 1000 years earlier but it just took God a long time? Do you see how ridiculous your statemtn is now? Your statement eliminates the possibility for any kind of casual connection between God and the world.
Also, so are you saying taht God is limited from something by time. Isn't God timeless? That goes in both directions. Conversely from your point, 1 second on Earth could be an eternity for God correct? God can be in an infinite number of places at any one point in time becasue he is omnipotent and omnipresent. God can do any number of task in the smallest imaginable length of time becasue he is God. Is this not the viewpoint that most thiests take on their God? Because if it is, then your rationale for the pencil argument is wrong and contardictory to your faith.
looking_forward said:
This is absurd and if you really believe it to be true than you have just shot in the foot any argument that prayer works or that God interacts with the world in any way. If you are correct in saying that God exists, but when he hears a prayer he responds as quick as he can which is actually thousands of years for us, then that proves that God has never responded to prayer or responded immediately to anything.

I didn't say this though did I? I said that the pencil thing was low priority.
If I was God, I would not oblige at all. Anyway I was being facetious. But yes time perception for god is almost certainly different to ours as afterall he is a different species.
Theoryofrelativity said:
how so?

Animals perceive time differently


those with short life spans (like a couple of days - fly etc) perceive time in a kind of speeded up manner (like record on fast play) whereas animals with long life span like tortoises would perceive time slowley (slow play) hence the difference in speed of movement for the two creatures. Heart beat differs accordingly also.

Now assuming God has a very long life span, his time perception will be much slower than ours, he will notice the details we miss in our fast play world.

Thus IF the big G made the Earth in seven days we must assume this is 7 of Gods days and not 7 of ours, hence the difference in what we discuss as time for it all to happen and Christians 7 day thing.

So re pencil thing, God is not going to prioritise a trivial request like that, hence he waits a moment, that moment takes a couple of thousand years. You'll be bored and dead long before.

Note someone elses thoughts on this matter of tiem perception in other species.


"Consider the starfish, the sloth, the human, the fly – I am postulating, for example, that these four creatures perceive time at four different levels. If you time-lapse photograph the behavior of starfish (sea stars), it is startling to watch them move and interact with each other. Perceived at our rate of perception, they appear near motionless. But film them over a period of a few days, and speed up the film so that a full hour passes in seconds. It is startling to watch them interact, fighting for territory and supremacy over a patch of food, and otherwise behaving in what now appears to be normal speed for such activities."

M*W: This was an interesting post. I believe humans have relative time experiences. The week before a full moon seems to take forever. Time seems to move so slowly. The week before a New Moon, people are more uplifted and energetic, and get a lot accomplished, even if they don't fully understand that it could be an affect of the lunar cycles.

When I start feeling like I'm dragging along and getting nothing accomplished, I check the Full Moon calendar, and sure enough, that old moon is slowing me down. Many times of the New Moon, I'm all energetic and feeling up and useful, and I get a lot of work done. I don't think this is so much a science, but a reaction to our universe. Still, there is no god to attribute it to. I believe both women and men are affected by lunar cycles, just like the tides.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I didn't say this though did I? I said that the pencil thing was low priority.
If I was God, I would not oblige at all. Anyway I was being facetious. But yes time perception for god is almost certainly different to ours as afterall he is a different species.

Again, you are not making any sense at all. Just thought you might want to know.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Time perception for you and for God are likely to differ

Oh my bad, I must have missed the verse about time perception in the Bible. Good thing you're an expert on how god perceives things. How could I be so foolish...

thus what seems like a long time to you (eternity in fact) is just a blink in Gods eye, thus given the irrelevance of the request, and thus low on the agenda, you would have to observe the pencil for several hundred (possibly longer) yrs before it moves. :) Have you the time to spare?

He's a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient being. Are you saying his timing sucks? He can't do several things at once? He's lazy? He can't see what I'm going to do hundreds of years before I even do it? Are you saying each person is irrelevant to god despite his power to know and see to everyone?

Was that actually a serious apologetic for why god doesn't answer prayers? Again you're left with Jesus lying. Jesus didn't say anything you ask will be done, but it will take 200 years and you'll be long dead. How many retarded excuses can you come up with before you come to the logical answer that god is imaginary?

Edit: Bah, I typed this post but then had to do something and didn't actually send it for like an hour.

Are you seriously using some babble about starfish to defend god? Time is relative, so what? Priorities? He has no priorites because he can do anything he wants instantly at any time. God is OMNIPOTENT AND OMNISCIENT. He can do a billion things at once, at any millisecond. What are you even talking about? There's barely even a straw here for you to grasp.
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Plunkies said:
He's a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient being. Are you saying his timing sucks? He can't do several things at once? He's lazy? He can't see what I'm going to do hundreds of years before I even do it? Are you saying each person is irrelevant to god despite his power to know and see to everyone?

Was that actually a serious apologetic for why god doesn't answer prayers? Again you're left with Jesus lying. Jesus didn't say anything you ask will be done, but it will take 200 years and you'll be long dead. How many retarded excuses can you come up with before you come to the logical answer that god is imaginary?

I don't have a religion so not sure what characteristics you are attributing to this God you do not believe in.

So bright, hows your day been?
Theoryofrelativity said:
I don't have a religion so not sure what characteristics you are attributing to this God you do not believe in.

I'm attributing the few universal characteristics of what is known as "God" in all the monotheistic religions of today. I'm obviously not talking about Ares you jackass.
Guys, guys, guys.

God all ready posts here.

Have you never -read- WitnessJudgeandJury?
Plunkies said:
I'm attributing the few universal characteristics of what is known as "God" in all the monotheistic religions of today. I'm obviously not talking about Ares you jackass.

I don't know what those attribues are, I don't follow religion, not being religious Mr bright.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I don't know what those attribues are, I don't follow religion, not being religious Mr bright.

You don't have to be religious, it's common sense. Omnipotent, omnscient, omnibenevolent, and creator.

And for someone who evidently knows absolutely nothing about even the basics of anything religious you sure do troll these boards constantly.
looking_forward said:
Why would God (if he existed) have let me abandon him, a person who truly and earnestly wanted to find him?

Because he gave us free will, so you're free to do what you want. You don't have to believe in God.

Does he not love me and want me to see his truth and light?

He loves you, but he will let you go your own way for a while. After a long time you will find him again.

Adstar said:
Ha Ha Ha. What a smug self centred pig you are, Who would want to spend eternity with you?

Jesus would.
c7ityi_ said:
Because he gave us free will, so you're free to do what you want. You don't have to believe in God.

No you don't have to. The alternative is just burning in hell for all eternity, no biggy. Why would an all loving god make even the tiniest gesture to prevent that?
looking_forward said:
Why would God (if he existed) have let me abandon him, a person who truly and earnestly wanted to find him? Does he not love me and want me to see his truth and light? Why did he not give me some evidence? He must have known that the validity of the Bible is questionable at best and that some people will be skeptical, would he not give these peopel extra attention?
Why won't God reveal himself to anyone? Why did he only reveal himself to people 2000 years ago and then take a break, thus creating much doubt concerning the validity of these accounts.
I can only conclude that God does not exist. Does anyone have another idea??
I think you asked a very good question, I did a similar experiment. I'm surprised that NO response came back. I wonder perhaps what you expected, what qualified as a "response"? A vision.. a floating pencil... or 'HI LOOKING_FORWARD' written in clouds... or angels choirs, plagues of locusts, pillars of fire etc. etc?

The traditional God has a reputation for overdramatic acts - however, I think this is not how God speaks to most people. I am persisting in the same experiment, and having observed carefully - I have noticed a number of prayers have been answered in surprising ways, quite profound changes are happening in my life, and I'm even having new insights. These lead me to believe that something quietly dramatic is going on!

However, as yet, I have had no stunning visions (much as I would like them), no water2wine miracles (they would be useful) and no angels or pillars of fire. Sometimes I think therefore that the whole thing is bullshit - however, the changes go on happening - but they are subtle!