Why was Jesus executed? It doesn't make sense !

  • Try discussion not argument please.

This article explains the intended usage:


In this context, as this is a debate (see here: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/debate) about a particular topic, I am following their definition here:

"The noun ‘argument’ means in technical terms statements, reasoning or evidence presented by someone in written or spoken form that support something, such as a particular opinion."

Also, go back and read the comments by some of the other people in this thread, I am NOT the ones ridiculing people and ergo making this an argument by this definition of the term: "an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one." as shown here: https://www.google.com/search?q=argument&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab

Here, I am using the second definition: "a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong."

In the future, please for sake of politeness don't intentionally misappropriate my intended usage of a term with multiple definitions. If you don't know, ask, and I will do the same. It is a common courtesy (or at least it used to be) in a discussion such as these.

  • A literature discussion is not what is being requested.
The actual question is "Why was Jesus executed, it doesn't make sense?"

Without any literary writings of this event, whether it happened or not, we have no way of answering this question or even formulating such a question. It is exactly because we do have these written accounts that we can make this question in the first place. It is not a ludicrous request to treat written material as literature.

So I disagree with your conclusion.

Since the report is in a literary narrative as well as antiquated non-biblical written sources, we can treat the narrative as literature, because that is what it is!

"The gospels are very peculiar types of literature. They're not biographies." --
Paula Fredriksen: William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of the Appreciation of Scripture, Boston University (quoted from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/gospels.html)

By God you can arf waffle on.

The answer has already been said in a few words, but ignored and evolved into more pretentious waffle, I'll say it differently.

Jesus' mission was to spread His gospel, to create a new covenant between God and all of mankind, not just the Jews. Crucifixion was the price He paid to get this deed done. Every cause has an effect, a universal law even science understands, in fact everything is governed by it. He paid a heavy price and look what He got? War war war in His name, people not even believing He existed, which is understandable hence He said the people who didn't see Him yet believed are blessed.

Enjoy masturbating your brain with as much waffle as possible, it beats child porn.

To think what Jesus did for this world and seeing the results, I wonder if He still even cares, for the kids I'm certain, everyone else needs to get on their knees and pray the Lord's prayer, just as Jesus taught, or you're completely screwed, so much to gain and so little to lose.
Since the report is in a literary narrative as well as antiquated non-biblical written sources, we can treat the narrative as literature, because that is what it is!
It's a specific kind of literature, religious literature. Extra Biblical sources don't matter if it's only a book. And it's less interesting as only a book. I only debate it because people don't treat it as just a book.
To think what Jesus did for this world and seeing the results, I wonder if He still even cares, for the kids I'm certain, everyone else needs to get on their knees and pray the Lord's prayer, just as Jesus taught, or you're completely screwed, so much to gain and so little to lose.​

Not Screwed
  • davewhite04

Completely Screwed
  • cluelusshusbund

Speekin for myself... Completely Screwed is a very good life :smile:
"everyone else needs to get on their knees and pray the Lord's prayer, just as Jesus taught, or you're completely screwed, so much to gain and so little to lose."​

Ok... this video explains what you'r sayin... but im not superstitious/insane or stoopid... much less the Azz-Kissin type :tongue:
