Why was Jesus executed? It doesn't make sense !

Ted Grant II

Registered Senior Member
Imagine that you are a Roman local official, in charge of an area, supported by some soldiers.
Imagine you hear of a man who can heal the sick and even raise people from the dead.

Now, suppose ask your team to investigate.
They come back and report that thousands of people have been fed, a storm has been subdued and some people who were dead or sick or blind are now OK. They also tell you they have arrested the guy responsible.

You obviously want to see him, because you've got a bad foot and your favorite aunt has just died.
You ask him to fix these problems and before you can bat an eyelid, abracadabra and all jobs done.
You ask him if he could bring peace to your area and he does it in a flash.

Then a couple of Jewish leaders ask you to execute him !
Well, what do you do ?

Suppose there are "good" reasons for accepting their request.
Would you obey?

I know what I would do.
I would tell the Jewish leaders that I have an alternative plan.
I'd invite the miracle worker into my home and keep him under house arrest if necessary.
He would have a nice room with servants to tend to his every needs.
Then I would have to means to live for ever and never get ill or be unhappy.
Imagine that you are a Roman local official, in charge of an area, supported by some soldiers.
Imagine you hear of a man who can heal the sick and even raise people from the dead.

Now, suppose ask your team to investigate.
They come back and report that thousands of people have been fed, a storm has been subdued and some people who were dead or sick or blind are now OK. They also tell you they have arrested the guy responsible.

You obviously want to see him, because you've got a bad foot and your favorite aunt has just died.
You ask him to fix these problems and before you can bat an eyelid, abracadabra and all jobs done.
You ask him if he could bring peace to your area and he does it in a flash.

Then a couple of Jewish leaders ask you to execute him !
Well, what do you do ?

Suppose there are "good" reasons for accepting their request.
Would you obey?

I know what I would do.
I would tell the Jewish leaders that I have an alternative plan.
I'd invite the miracle worker into my home and keep him under house arrest if necessary.
He would have a nice room with servants to tend to his every needs.
Then I would have to means to live for ever and never get ill or be unhappy.

You are born to late . I think you should start your own religion the right one . Than move yourself to Guayana and create a paradise for you and your flock
Imagine that you are a Roman local official, in charge of an area, supported by some soldiers.
Imagine you hear of a man who can heal the sick and even raise people from the dead.

Now, suppose ask your team to investigate.
They come back and report that thousands of people have been fed, a storm has been subdued and some people who were dead or sick or blind are now OK. They also tell you they have arrested the guy responsible.

You obviously want to see him, because you've got a bad foot and your favorite aunt has just died.
You ask him to fix these problems and before you can bat an eyelid, abracadabra and all jobs done.
You ask him if he could bring peace to your area and he does it in a flash.

Then a couple of Jewish leaders ask you to execute him !
Well, what do you do ?
Execute him, because he is a threat to your government.
A flying saucer lands on the White House lawn. The aliens promise good health and happiness for all time. Homeland Security nukes them back to the Stone Age.

That's how we do things here.
It's entirely possible that Jesus wasn't known for healing people in his lifetime. Anyone who spoke openly against the Roman occupation was killed as a matter of course. It was hard to maintain a huge empire at the time without such brutality.
He was killed because he failed to produce miracles on command. They were very intolerant of charlatans in those days.
1)he was killed because he was not as evil as most people and more evolved- jealousy
2) he told them to stop doing bad things or do good things, stop hurting eachother etc which they didn't want to do-hate
3) speaking out against government, top officials, the 'system' etc in those days was dangerous-rocking the boat
4) he was ahead of his time (democratic, ethical) and fighting for the underdog, disenfranchised, oppressed, enslaved etc- heresy and treason

5) biggest bombshell: father in heaven/big almighty kahuna is NOT his father. this is why he had him crucified/killed. universal god is evil at root and jesus was the polar opposite-came from someplace else/someplace better/ letting people know there is someplace better than THIS universe. god and his minions jealous and angry for usurping his system of top-down evil. scapegoat.
just like anything that ends up in here, it gets appropriated in unholy union, so the bible was written to fuse them together as if they were one on the same page. evil always appropriates good as if it came from them and takes claim to it-parasitic on jesus (his light/good).

metaphors: these themes play out in varying forms- innocence exploited.
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It's entirely possible that Jesus wasn't known for healing people in his lifetime. Anyone who spoke openly against the Roman occupation was killed as a matter of course. It was hard to maintain a huge empire at the time without such brutality.

Correction friend Pilatus did not find guilty of any subversion . It was the Sanhedrin ( the religious court )
Thy accused Him for blasphemy,
Correction friend Pilatus did not find guilty of any subversion . It was the Sanhedrin ( the religious court )
Thy accused Him for blasphemy,
So what? There is no functional difference, since the Jewish religious establishment after Roman occupation were all paid Roman sycophants.
Execute him, because he is a threat to your government

I don't recall Jesus ever threatening the government.
He advised people to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and told slaves to obey their masters.

In any case, he was the Creator of the Universe (no small feat), so he could easily fix any problems the government had.
I bet the President of the USA would love to have Jesus on his team.
He could easily make America great again.
I don't recall Jesus ever threatening the government.
A charismatic religious leader who proclaimed a different religion in a place where the state and religion were the same thing? Heck, people are killed every day here by governments for being the wrong religion - and back then people were far less reluctant to kill.
In any case, he was the Creator of the Universe (no small feat), so he could easily fix any problems the government had.
Well, given that he couldn't stop a guy with a hammer and some spikes, it's doubtful he could "fix the government."
I bet the President of the USA would love to have Jesus on his team.
He could easily make America great again.
Are you kidding?

"Love thy neighbor, even if it's Mexico" ?
"Do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn them the other cheek. And if they attack the US, let them leave in peace" ?
"If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. Do not fight them" ?
"Blessed are the peacemakers" ?
"Blessed are the humble" ?

I don't think Trump would have Jesus executed, but he would certainly:

-ignore him if he didn't have a following
-attack him in tweets if he had a small following
-jail him as a terrorist enabler if he had a big following
I know what I would do.

Well, right, but you hate God and work to foil His Plan.

No, really, check this out: Why was Jesus executed? Because God willed that it should be so.

This isn't hard; your questions arise only because you so thoroughly reject God's authority.

Sometimes I meet a person who claims to want to understand God. Sometimes I meet a person who wants to prove that God doesn't exist. What they have in common is that they both want to be God.
Well, right, but you hate God and work to foil His Plan.

No, really, check this out: Why was Jesus executed? Because God willed that it should be so.

This isn't hard; your questions arise only because you so thoroughly reject God's authority.

Sometimes I meet a person who claims to want to understand God. Sometimes I meet a person who wants to prove that God doesn't exist. What they have in common is that they both want to be God.

The only reason I would want to be god would be to turn everybody alive now and into the future Atheists including myself as I expelled all my god powers

At last, somebody on the right track.

right because it makes sense just because a liar wrote their illogical fantasy down. even the idea of an entity and it's son colluding to off themself to save humans is ridiculous. it's self-serving human propaganda and that whole jesus scapegoat for sins. first part, unlikely but second part, yeah because that is what some people do if they can.
Well, right, but you hate God and work to foil His Plan.

No, really, check this out: Why was Jesus executed? Because God willed that it should be so.

This isn't hard; your questions arise only because you so thoroughly reject God's authority.

Sometimes I meet a person who claims to want to understand God. Sometimes I meet a person who wants to prove that God doesn't exist. What they have in common is that they both want to be God.

I certainly would not mind being a god if it would mean I could help people & make life much better for them. Unlike most gods I've heard of.
