Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

Greatest I am

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Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

I think that Adam, not being deceived, was more culpable than Eve.

Why then did God favor the guiltiest, Adam, with, --- he shall rule over you?

Men rule over women? Why when men were not deceived but disobeyed?

What was the transgression, --- if not a wise decision to choose knowledge and wisdom and shun immortality of the flesh, --- even if that were possible, --- and why was Adan not punished as hard as Eve when he was clearly more guilty?

In some tellings of the story of the Garden of Eden, Eve did not tell Adam that the fruit was from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - it was not until Adam ate the fruit that he knew where it came from.

I... don't really agree with that, in large part because God pretty much took both of them, pointed at the tree and its fruit, and said "you can eat everything else in the garden EXCEPT THIS"... so for Adam to NOT know what it looked like is pretty... well, silly to be honest.

There is the idea that Eve may have cut it or skinned it or otherwise "prepared" it... but that would make her deception even greater.

I dunno... I blame such passages more on the fact that the bible and its translations were controlled for so long by the church and the only people able to read/write at the time, which, in general, were men... so of course they wished to consolidate their power even further.
What exactly did mankind do. Did we know too much or not enough? What is this evil knowledge?
I dunno... I blame such passages more on the fact that the bible and its translations were controlled for so long by the church and the only people able to read/write at the time, which, in general, were men... so of course they wished to consolidate their power even further.

On top of that the bible verse in question is actually an instruction written by Paul, not even pretence it's a holy decree or something.
Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

I think that Adam, not being deceived, was more culpable than Eve.

Why then did God favor the guiltiest, Adam, with, --- he shall rule over you?

Men rule over women? Why when men were not deceived but disobeyed?

What was the transgression, --- if not a wise decision to choose knowledge and wisdom and shun immortality of the flesh, --- even if that were possible, --- and why was Adan not punished as hard as Eve when he was clearly more guilty?

Adam never existed,it's all Mythology!!
Youre welcome
Adam never existed,it's all Mythology!!
Youre welcome

Right. Adam is the archetype. The transliteration from Hebrew is bogus. The numbskull translators should have written "Clay". It's a import for sure. In the Gilgamesh epic, which predates Hebrew history, Enkidu is the one created out of clay.

In Hebrew, the thing made of clay is called a Golem. My opinion is that this is why they refrained from using clay tablets, that clay was reserved for fashioning idols or fetishes, such as the thousands of Asherah figurines recently found in excavated homes of ancient Israel.


“You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the Lord your God that you shall make.” Deuteronomy 16:21.​

I will propose that the cult that wanted to end goddess worship (cult of Yahweh) crafted the misogyny of the Bible. No proof, just conjecture.

While we're at it, consider the nonsense in Genesis about the lamb lying down with the lion. Straight from older Mesopotamian lore:

In Dilmun the raven uttered no cries,
The kite uttered not the cry of the kite,
The lion killed not,
The wolf snatched not the lamb,
Unknown was the kid-killing dog

. . . (Kramer, Sumerian Mythology 55)
Originally Posted by river View Post

who is this Enkidu ?

Oh yeah...
This from the guy who persists in telling me I ought to go read Sumerian mythology. :rolleyes:

in nothing that I have read , has Enki been referred to , Enkidu

to you dywyddr

the question that I have asked because I have read about Sumerian tablets , the history of Sumerians , which you have not , it shows
in nothing that I have read , has Enki been referred to , Enkidu
So you haven't even come across the Epic of Gilgamesh.

the question that I have asked because I have read about Sumerian tablets
Yeah, you've read about selected PARTS (that were, not incidentally, "translated" by a fraud who didn't translate them correctly).

the history of Sumerians , which you have not , it shows
And you're back to making stuff up. Again.
You don't even know who Enkidu was, which shows that whatever you've read has been limited.
So you haven't even come across the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Yeah, you've read about selected PARTS (that were, not incidentally, "translated" by a fraud who didn't translate them correctly).

And you're back to making stuff up. Again.
You don't even know who Enkidu was, which shows that whatever you've read has been limited.

you have no idea

read Sitchen for your self , regardless of what anyone says , think for yourself

otherwise your a lamb who shepherded by others
you have no idea

read Sitchen for your self , regardless of what anyone says , think for yourself
Take another tablet: I have already told you AT LEAST TWICE, that I have read Sitchin.

otherwise your a lamb who shepherded by others
This from the gullible sheep that takes the word of a fraud and hasn't bothered to check anything outside of the fraud's books for himself.
you are a fraud dywyddr
you have no idea about anything discussed on this thread
And now you're having to resort to personal attacks because you've been shown - again - to be wrong.
I see you lack integrity as well as intelligence.
What exactly did mankind do. Did we know too much or not enough? What is this evil knowledge?

That God is not required as man can, as God said, become as Gods in the knowing of good and evil.

Freedom to think for yourself is not something the church was fond of. Gnostic Christianity may have been the leaders in wishing to not read literally in the days they were decimated by Constantine's Christians.

Adam was male. Done.

Rather cavalier with a myth that has been used forever to bludgeon women into second class citizens by denying them equality. He shall rule over you.

Would you be so cavalier if that passage had said --- she shall rule over you?

I doubt it so try thinking from the victims POV.
