Why the path of least resistance is not always the best

Alright, homie, climb down off the high horse. Either contribute or get lost.
This a public forum discussing philosophy and religion. You guys have stopped contributing to the topic, you're just slinging poo at each other. If my contribution is no more than to give you two some distance to stop bickering, it counts as a plus.
If you have a problem with the thread, you have two options: 1) Don't click on it, or 2) Report it.

Either one is fine by me. Otherwise, don't presume to tell me (or anyone else) how to act.
3) Remind members of the rules they agreed to when they signed up, so they can take responsibility for their own behavior.

Abide by basic standards of good manners and courtesy.
Do not insult or harass other members.
Avoid engaging with members with whom you have a personality clash.
Do not flame other members.
Do not engage in ad hominem attacks (i.e. attack the argument, not the person).
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