Why the belief?

Fear part - agreed, but what are you implying?

My question was why humanity sticks with version of afterlife provided in Scriptures written at the time of infancy of our species and which is pretty much supernatural. No scientific research would be able to concur the statements made in these books.
And you think you can ask that question without implying that its farcical?

.... I think you have to straighten out your thinking first.
Why would it be farcical?
italics mine

My question was why humanity sticks with version of afterlife provided in Scriptures written at the time of infancy of our species and which is pretty much supernatural. No scientific research would be able to concur the statements made in these books.

I mean can you seriously read that and not think he is suggesting that the claims of the after life are false?
It seems he's a somewhat strong atheist, so he would think that claims of afterlife are false.

But is it farcical that humans use an imagined afterlife as a defense mechanism?
It seems he's a somewhat strong atheist, so he would think that claims of afterlife are false.

But is it farcical that humans use an imagined afterlife as a defense mechanism?

But is it farcical for an actual after life to establish selfhood beyond mere issues of bodily designation?
no more than an imaginative cure for cancer serves a purpose

An imagined afterlife would serve the purpose of calming the fear of death.
To me that's a very real and helpful effect. I can understand that people would sign onto this belief to make death easier to handle.

an actual after life as opposed to an imagined one

Yes but you don't know that it's actual.

In case that it IS actual it wouldn't be farcical of course. I don't think you'd find anyone here saying that a real afterlife would be farcical.
No but as conscious cosmos they should know better than to believe the untrue, having developed a perfect tool against it - science.

Oh, those nasty humanses, they keep thinking, feeling, saying and doing things that irk honorable, decent, realistic, knowledgeable, humble people such as yourself!
Yup yup, they should change! Oh yes, they should look up to you!!!
Well if he does, I would love to hear the story. I just assumed, I was talking to a living person. Silly me.
Come to the point.

And you think you can ask that question without implying that its farcical?

.... I think you have to straighten out your thinking first.

Answer the question, rather ask yourself this question, if you are capable of thinking, you'll be able to laugh yourself out and bravely admit it's unknown and can't be known.

We all need to straighten out our thinking not just me.
Oh, those nasty humanses, they keep thinking, feeling, saying and doing things that irk honorable, decent, realistic, knowledgeable, humble people such as yourself!
Yup yup, they should change! Oh yes, they should look up to you!!!

This is related to the topic how? :confused:

No seriously, when did i say anything about 'knowledgeable people'? I'm considering humanity as a whole. Everyone should be skeptical and think for themselves.
Answer the question, rather ask yourself this question, if you are capable of thinking, you'll be able to laugh yourself out and bravely admit it's unknown and can't be known.We all need to straighten out our thinking not just me.
The problem is this : You are bringing elements to your argument that effectively render discussion of the after life to farce while simultaneously advocating that you are not offering a position whether the claims are true or not.

At this point I am simply asking you to present your argument with honesty
An imagined afterlife would serve the purpose of calming the fear of death.
To me that's a very real and helpful effect. I can understand that people would sign onto this belief to make death easier to handle.
Now imagine the comparison between an imagined cure for a terminal disease and an actual one

Yes but you don't know that it's actual.
Why not?

In case that it IS actual it wouldn't be farcical of course. I don't think you'd find anyone here saying that a real afterlife would be farcical.
The problem is that we aren't finding anyone here saying that it isn't farcical
I mean can you seriously read that and not think he is suggesting that the claims of the after life are false?
He is saying that he considers those specific claims to be unsubstantiated, not necessarily that the afterlife is not an actuality. He is also suggesting that the afterlife, in his opinion, is beyond substantiation, i.e. that we should at best be agnostic on the matter.

If I claim that I know the sun is basically a large ball of hydrogen because my dog told me, does the actuality of the sun basically being a large ball of hydrogen mean that my dog spoke to me?
Because your line of argument would suggest that it does.