why so much respect fr bible?

The more you tell lies about something the more those lies become the truth.

Talking about anything keeps it in the front of everyone and therefore it doesn't stop spreading. Whenever I hear a starting of something about the bible I tend to stop talking and just leave the area of conversation about the bible. I try very hard to abstain from getting involved with those who believe in religions but have succumbed to them many times. I'm finding it easier to avoid those conversations today but still do get involved just out of spite.

My motivation is to show their crap for what it is in the hope that it may prevent a few people from being taken in by such nonsense. I don't give a damn what people believe but when, because of their superstition, they would hold back progress I feel it appropriate to jump on them.

I had one character on here tell me that evolutionary theory was a "premise, still up in the air "
This could only be valid if one believes the ancient jews were indeed God's chosen ones. It's only their claim that they are..absolutely not one shred of outside corruburation exists to support this notion.( 1st and 2nd century scribblings by roman or jewish poets,scribes or priests do not count)
Even with such a belief they were..it still does not excuse the horrific immoral actions of Yahweh which are rampant throughout the OT.

Logicly...The creator of the universe would have the right to execute judgement on what he created, especially from a spirtual point of view. If you don't have a spiritual point of view you will no understand.
Logicly...The creator of the universe would have the right to execute judgement on what he created, especially from a spirtual point of view. If you don't have a spiritual point of view you will no understand.

Is that an example of religious logic. something in a category of its own ? Logically, parents have a right to do what they like with their offspring as long as they have a spititual point of view ?

I know a little boy who got bored playing with a model aeroplane he had made, so he smashed it to pieces. His mother said he was throwing a tantrum and what elese could one expect from a child who had not learned self-control. The funny thing is that she felt it inappropriate to refer to his behaviour as logical.
A very casual view of the history of the world shows the incredible impact of the Bible - meaning the message of the Bible - throughout the world.

As mentioned, the Bible was written (physically) by more than forty different people over a period of some 1500 years. From the time the earliest parts of it were written, opponents of the Bible have attempted to destroy it. Since the earliest writings of the Bible some 3,000 years have passed, more or less. Oddly, the Bible is still not only extant, but important enough for lots of people to want to discredit it.

Has anyone noticed the same attention and hatred is never mentioned regarding the teachings of Confucius? How many threads has anyone read lately championing the destruction or disregarding the holy books of Hinduism or Buddhism?

Curiously, those who seek to destroy the Bible are those who indirectly give it some of its greatest importance. If the Bible were not so important, people wouldn't be so offended by it. That simple self-evident truth evades many, many folks. Obviously some of the posters here.

The Bible has provided more people with the enlightenment of God's love than any other document, teaching, theology or ideology in human history. Biblical truth has survived – thrived – intense periods of singular persecution and ostracism. Despite the horrors invented by those who twist the meaning, ultimately the Bible's message has always uplifted and bettered the status of humankind more than any other teaching or philosophy in history.

That is why the Bible has so much respect. That is why the enemies of the Bible show it the extreme respect of recognizing it as the single most threat to their life style; and therefore want to destroy it. So far, without much effect.
Its ok to believe in God. Its ok to not believe in God. The bible influences both decisions equally.

Some questions before I go. I'd like to debate it but I have to go soon.

Is the bible logical from start to finish? Where does it fall down? Is it right to prove a biblical passage by using the very book its contained in? Is only part of it worthwhile if it suits your belief? If Satan can manipulate the minds of men(I know this is biblical in nature) then how does any bible scholar know for sure who's words he/she is actually reading? Why isn't God updating it on a regular basis?
Very articuate and I concur that the biggest threat receives the most attention. However that threat is justified if it had a balance of zero credibility the contention would not exist. This doesn't prevent perceptional views but it is true all threads on Bible contradictions were established by individual with a mere secular view of the scriptures but not the study of the purpose...of course because they beleive there is no point. It's the essential line of reasoning that prevents the consideration of all available possibilities.
IMHO the bible has to be a human construct because its the only way it makes sense. If so then it is not important what it contains. If you want to believe the bible metaphorically, verbatim or not at all then that is the conclusion you've reached but because they conflict the logical conclusion for me is that it could not be the work of a God.

I am no authority nor am I qualified to categorically state God doesn't or does exist because I simply do not know. I make this decision without the confusion of a bible and if it was up to me I would wish more people did the same. It reduces religion to its most simple form which is a Yes or a No as to belief in God. Anything else is make believe and unnecssary. There is no need to go on, no need for religion or atheism and any other ism you can think of.
Its ok to believe in God. Its ok to not believe in God. The bible influences both decisions equally.

Some questions before I go. I'd like to debate it but I have to go soon.

Is the bible logical from start to finish? Where does it fall down? Is it right to prove a biblical passage by using the very book its contained in? Is only part of it worthwhile if it suits your belief? If Satan can manipulate the minds of men(I know this is biblical in nature) then how does any bible scholar know for sure who's words he/she is actually reading? Why isn't God updating it on a regular basis?

Hmmm...I've not seen these questions before in sucession.
I shall attempt to respond.

The Bible is logical from start to finish. It follows the theme of providing a correction to the initial problem of man and answering the question which led to the problem in the first place.

The question which led to the problem was. "Does God have the right to rule." Related questions were. "Can man be loyal? and "Can God's creations rule themself?." Rebelion from God's standards were basicly caused by these questions or accusations which were primarily brought up by Satan.

The Bible does fail in one aspect.
The human aspect of the bible in relation to human behavior is faliable. We have seen that Bible individuals whether God fearing or not consistently fall short of God's requirements. There behavior however as imperfect humans should not bear any significance on God himself who inspired the scriptures to be written. They are a frank disclosure of events that occured in Israels history good and bad.

Is it right to prove a biblical passage by using the very book its contained in? Is only part of it worthwhile if it suits your belief?
Of course most often a single bible book can be used to verify the biblical position. That being said it is imperative according to the scriptures to establish and "follow the pattern of health words." 2 Tim 1:13. So the consideration of the whole is necessary to appreciate every view in the bible and thus eliminate contradiction through logical reason...The immortality of the soul, the Trinity and other false doctrines can be determined correctly by following the pattern.

If Satan can manipulate the minds of men(I know this is biblical in nature) then how does any bible scholar know for sure who's words he/she is actually reading?
It is understood that Satan does not have absolute control. The control he excercises is that which we afford him which is why the avoidance of spiritistic practices that leave us open to strong suggestion such as movies and other forms of entertainment or even palm reading, channeling, using mediums, and hypnosis. All leave the mind susceptible to control.

Secular Study of the bible will often will not reveal the patterns which are quite pervassive in almost all sixty-six canonical books. Secular studies establish historicity such as where it was written, time, author and impact on the civilization. It if far too clinical to decipher the prophecies which in the bible ALL prophecies are written in metaphorical form hence a stark familarity with Bible symbolism is required aswell as the entire view of the Bible pattern. Hense i'd venture to state that a certain spirituality is required, this does not mean faith is necessary to understand however. The bible shows that God too has excercised a certain amount of control of minds to keep his "sacred secrets" from enemies of his purpose. So obviously from a biblical view it is possible to have no faith and yet understand the bibel in it's spirtual capacity.

Essentially this means...knowing when to read for the litteral understanding and when a metaphorical perspective is needed for the Bible is not strictly Litteral or metaphorical.

Why isn't God updating it on a regular basis?
The Bible's primary purpose is prophesizing and exemplifying God's requirements. Israel was the only nation on earth under his sovereignty. Israel was to extend this knowledge to the nations however Israel had issues with obedience which takes us back to the original problem. Right to Rule.
According to the Bible God dictated a period of time call the "Gentile Times" in order for the nations to attempt to prove they could indeed rule sucessfully with out God. These are also called the "Appointed Times of the Nations." This resulted in the destruction of Israel after the failure to accept their King Jesus Christ despite all the signs pointing to his fulfilling prophecy. According to the Bible this period of time started with the last vestige of jewish leader ship and continues currently and will go on untill Armageddon, which is the fiinal judgement of God on the issue of the right to rule.
Thus this is like a temporary moratorium on executing judgement.

Enough time should have passed to determine whether humans can indeed rule themselves or do they really need God to direct their steps.
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A very casual view of the history of the world shows the incredible impact of the Bible - meaning the message of the Bible - throughout the world.

As mentioned, the Bible was written (physically) by more than forty different people over a period of some 1500 years. From the time the earliest parts of it were written, opponents of the Bible have attempted to destroy it. Since the earliest writings of the Bible some 3,000 years have passed, more or less. Oddly, the Bible is still not only extant, but important enough for lots of people to want to discredit it.

Has anyone noticed the same attention and hatred is never mentioned regarding the teachings of Confucius? How many threads has anyone read lately championing the destruction or disregarding the holy books of Hinduism or Buddhism?

Curiously, those who seek to destroy the Bible are those who indirectly give it some of its greatest importance. If the Bible were not so important, people wouldn't be so offended by it. That simple self-evident truth evades many, many folks. Obviously some of the posters here.

The Bible has provided more people with the enlightenment of God's love than any other document, teaching, theology or ideology in human history. Biblical truth has survived – thrived – intense periods of singular persecution and ostracism. Despite the horrors invented by those who twist the meaning, ultimately the Bible's message has always uplifted and bettered the status of humankind more than any other teaching or philosophy in history.

That is why the Bible has so much respect. That is why the enemies of the Bible show it the extreme respect of recognizing it as the single most threat to their life style; and therefore want to destroy it. So far, without much effect.

So, the fact that it is ancient and that many people believe it testifies to its veracity. How about Herodotus, Plato and Thucidides whose works pre-date the Bible by about 5. 000 years.

Ans don't forget the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Ghitam the Pali Canon and the Koran, all of which hjave inspired people. In what sense is the Bible more creible than these sacred texts which tell a diffrent story ?
Hmmm...I've not seen these questions before in sucession.
I shall attempt to respond.

The Bible is logical from start to finish. It follows the theme of providing a correction to the initial problem of man and answering the question which led to the problem in the first place.

The question which led to the problem was. "Does God have the right to rule." Related questions were. "Can man be loyal? and "Can God's creations rule themself?." Rebelion from God's standards were basicly caused by these questions or accusations which were primarily brought up by Satan.

The Bible does fail in one aspect.
The human aspect of the bible in relation to human behavior is faliable. We have seen that Bible individuals whether God fearing or not consistently fall short of God's requirements. There behavior however as imperfect humans should not bear any significance on God himself who inspired the scriptures to be written. They are a frank disclosure of events that occured in Israels history good and bad.

Is it right to prove a biblical passage by using the very book its contained in? Is only part of it worthwhile if it suits your belief?
Of course most often a single bible book can be used to verify the biblical position. That being said it is imperative according to the scriptures to establish and "follow the pattern of health words." 2 Tim 1:13. So the consideration of the whole is necessary to appreciate every view in the bible and thus eliminate contradiction through logical reason...The immortality of the soul, the Trinity and other false doctrines can be determined correctly by following the pattern.

If Satan can manipulate the minds of men(I know this is biblical in nature) then how does any bible scholar know for sure who's words he/she is actually reading?
It is understood that Satan does not have absolute control. The control he excercises is that which we afford him which is why the avoidance of spiritistic practices that leave us open to strong suggestion such as movies and other forms of entertainment or even palm reading, channeling, using mediums, and hypnosis. All leave the mind susceptible to control.

Secular Study of the bible will often will not reveal the patterns which are quite pervassive in almost all sixty-six canonical books. Secular studies establish historicity such as where it was written, time, author and impact on the civilization. It if far too clinical to decipher the prophecies which in the bible ALL prophecies are written in metaphorical form hence a stark familarity with Bible symbolism is required aswell as the entire view of the Bible pattern. Hense i'd venture to state that a certain spirituality is required, this does not mean faith is necessary to understand however. The bible shows that God too has excercised a certain amount of control of minds to keep his "sacred secrets" from enemies of his purpose. So obviously from a biblical view it is possible to have no faith and yet understand the bibel in it's spirtual capacity.

Essentially this means...knowing when to read for the litteral understanding and when a metaphorical perspective is needed for the Bible is not strictly Litteral or metaphorical.

Why isn't God updating it on a regular basis?
The Bible's primary purpose is prophesizing and exemplifying God's requirements. Israel was the only nation on earth under his sovereignty. Israel was to extend this knowledge to the nations however Israel had issues with obedience which takes us back to the original problem. Right to Rule.
According to the Bible God dictated a period of time call the "Gentile Times" in order for the nations to attempt to prove they could indeed rule sucessfully with out God. These are also called the "Appointed Times of the Nations." This resulted in the destruction of Israel after the failure to accept their King Jesus Christ despite all the signs pointing to his fulfilling prophecy. According to the Bible this period of time started with the last vestige of jewish leader ship and continues currently and will go on untill Armageddon, which is the fiinal judgement of God on the issue of the right to rule.
Thus this is like a temporary moratorium on executing judgement.

Enough time should have passed to determine whether humans can indeed rule themselves or do they really need God to direct their steps.

In my estimation , what you write is pure nonsense. Before being so certain what god wants. don't you feel an obligation to provide evidence of his existence ? Start at the beginning. Blessed are the blinkered
Has anyone noticed the same attention and hatred is never mentioned regarding the teachings of Confucius? How many threads has anyone read lately championing the destruction or disregarding the holy books of Hinduism or Buddhism?


That could be because:

A) More than any other religous document the bible constantly attempts to demonize other belief systems.

B) people just don't agree with its idealogy, or take it literally (myself included..although I agree with much content from the NT..but not on a literal level)

C) Righteousness is stressed throughout the bible but the God of the bible especially the OT demonstrates little of what we today consider morally appropriate. Righteousness seems to be more equated with unquestioning obedience to Yahweh.
Unquestioning? That's the only inaccurate word in your statement.
Mosess questioned Yahweh, Job questioned Yahweh or (Jehovah,)
There was punishment for questioning God only for rebelling against God. No commandant required unquestioning devotion. In fact one scripture if I recall says to test these things

The differences betwen the Hebew and Greek are only a matter of language and of course the arrival of the promised seed which was rejected by the Jewish leader yet embraced by the people due to their circumstance of Roman occupation.
arsalan said:
Respect for the Bible because it is sacred to billions of people around teh world. You owe it to them to respect what they hold sacred.
If anything, they owe me: for inflicting that book on the people, landscape, and beings I care for; for submitting all human inspiration, decency, knowledge, and virtue to the Procrustean bed of their Bible-derived theocratic edicts; for exalting sincerity of superstition and psychological kinks above kindness and reason in their imposition of Biblical authority and Biblical justification.

Of course I owe courtesy and dignity respect for the beliefs of the people among whom I live. I respect their sacred objects - Bibles, amulets, drawn patterns, figurines, whatever - and rituals btw, not because billions of others share their beliefs but because they have them. Among five or five billion, reverence is to be honored.

But respect for the Bible in abstract, not the one on my neighbor's nightstand? No more than any other book.