Why so much extra stuff?

superluminal said:
You read an awfully lot into a simple statement. As an atheist, I posit no theories regarding the "creation" of the universe without at least some solid evidence for it. "god" is completely worthless as a theory or even a shot at "trying for something". All we know is that at some point the universe was in a dense hot state and the metric for space "expanded". Maybe it has eternally done this, cycling between expansion and collapse. Maybe the universe is one of a sequence of universes in a larger "metaverse". Either of these theories is infinitely better than the god theory because they at least make some attempt as a physical explanation.
But saying that God made that happen is simply an idea of why plus the description, the description itself has no "why". You may say the description is the only valid part, but you cannot say it has any "why" attached to it. At least the God idea is a try even if you don't believe it.
I don't see your answer visitor. What is god?

Now before you claim that "he" a human metaphor, to humanise the entity to the male gender no less, I think the word is anthropormorphism, is the creator of all that exist, but yet you claim it's simple to explain existence, when in ages no one has, unless they create this other unfathamable existence in a "supernatural realm" of which you can't begin to explain what the hell it is, nor if it exists, and within the supernatural realm the "supernatural entity" no less :rolleyes: who created the universe and all existence out of what? Thin air, and "he" to created it'self out of thin air? with omnipotent power no less, and all the bs, multiomnieverything ascribed to this fantasy you buy all this bull shit, cause your so gullible. You gave up the search for answers, and invented an easy way out my friend. "Godidit" that's you answer to every freaking damed thing that you can't explain now is it? Your wife fucked your best friend? Well god did it? LOL

Perhaps the simplest answer is the best. There is no God.

There you go Michael, Why create another unexplainable entity, and then go further and claim that this unexplainable entity created it all?

God is one.

Now you belittle that which you hold so much value too.

It's funny to see all these theist explain there god, and yet none can come to a coherent, consise, idealogy to whom this freaking character is.

God is love
God is one
God is war
God is peace
God is in you
God is in all of us
God is? No one can answer, that question, cause god is a subjective idea which changes from person to person, religion to religion, nation to nation. God is NONEXISTENT That's the atheist defenition! :p

audible said:
no it is'nt, theist are morally inept.

i am a theist....so you are saying (despite your absolute lack of grammar or spelling) that i am morally inept? how can you make a lump judgement like that?
what makes you so superior to anyone else?
firstly what has grammar to do with morals, do you believe there is an all power being, that guides your life?. that you have to bow to and appease?. do you follow this creature regardless of it moral fibre?.