Why so much extra stuff?


The Ethereal Paradigm
Registered Senior Member
…We live on the smallest portion (above-ground land) of a small planet, in the average-sized solar system of an average sized star that is one of hundreds of millions located in the wisps of a small arm of an average sized galaxy that exists as part of an average-sized Galaxy Group in which the galaxies are separated by megaparsecs(320 million light years roughly) of “empty” space, this galaxy Group is a small portion of an average-sized galaxy cluster, that is, yet still, only a small part of an enormous galaxy supercluster…any given supercluster contains a number of galaxies in the tens of thousands, and all the combined superclusters are merely a small portion of the universe and in fact is the smallest portion of the universe when compared to the billions of teraparsecs of “empty” space sitting between galaxies, galaxy clusters, and galaxy superclusters in the one of many possible universes that may exist separated only by time and probability themselves…

So why did "God" make so much extra space? What's the point, what is it there for? Would we be any less "awed" if there was only one galaxy? Is there any good reason why a "God" would do it, or is he so frivoulous as to do it "just because"?
Because just as the universe works in an infinitissimal ?spelling? scale, so does it work on a galactic scale. Just as you could probably see how the smallest units or particles affect all the way up to us, so does it increase. We can see how the solar system affects us, and how the galaxy affects the solar system, etc, goes that way also. Only God can see it as a whole. It is all to keep our world balanced.
The god is dead. Long live the god. Seriously god, if you are listening: bite me. I liked your post CHRISCUNNIGNHAM.
usp8riot said:
Because just as the universe works in an infinitissimal ?spelling? scale, so does it work on a galactic scale. Just as you could probably see how the smallest units or particles affect all the way up to us, so does it increase. We can see how the solar system affects us, and how the galaxy affects the solar system, etc, goes that way also. Only God can see it as a whole. It is all to keep our world balanced.
I don't see how that explains anything. Mind clarifying?

Cottontop3000 said:
The god is dead. Long live the god. Seriously god, if you are listening: bite me. I liked your post CHRISCUNNIGNHAM.
He can't be dead, or bite, if he doesn't exist in the first place. ;) But I know what you mean.
I swear, talking to atheists sometimes is like babysitting...."why?", "why this", "why that", "huh?".... So many questions, it's like they know nothing. Get out a science book if you can't see how we, then the earth, etc is affected by the moon, sun, and how they're affected by other planets, etc, yadda yadda yadda. But I understand how atheists are. I was once a diehard atheist/arsehole but haven't yet to completely leave the arsehole part behind me :D .
Yeah, you religious idiots are so good at answering the "why's," aren't you? Have you beaten all the "why's" out of your kids yet?
usp8riot said:
I swear, talking to atheists sometimes is like babysitting...."why?", "why this", "why that", "huh?".... So many questions, it's like they know nothing. Get out a science book if you can't see how we, then the earth, etc is affected by the moon, sun, and how they're affected by other planets, etc, yadda yadda yadda. But I understand how atheists are. I was once a diehard atheist/arsehole but haven't yet to completely leave the arsehole part behind me :D .
Notice how (s)he is vague and cryptic at first, and then totally avoided my simple request to clarify? Take notes, children.
It's called GRAVITY, can you say GRAVITY? Hopefully you people have had 3rd grade science already so there is no need to clarify on a lot of this.
If god wanted to make the human race he would need nothing more than our single star with our lone planet and one moon orbiting. Everything else could be gaping, endless void and it wouldn't hurt his project one bit.
Have you beaten all the "why's" out of your kids yet?

Sounds like someone got his ass beat too much by an xstian growing up. Whatever your problem is, get over it and stop whining all the time about what they done to you or others. Grow up. I'm not being very xstian right now, do you like it? You want me to not have rules and be a prick also? Sometimes I despise rules and wanna do what I want like an atheist and be a prick. Obviously it hurts your feelings me acting like an atheist so I'll stop. Go cry to your mommy about theists, not me. If I wanna beat the crap out of anybody, it's my business. That is of course unless I have a God to answer to so if I wasn't sure if there was a God and I'd get punished if I didn't in this world, you wouldn't be saying that for long before you'd have an M16 crammed down your throat. See what happens in a world without rules or a God?
usp8riot said:
I swear, talking to atheists sometimes is like babysitting...."why?", "why this", "why that", "huh?".... So many questions, it's like they know nothing. Get out a science book if you can't see how we, then the earth, etc is affected by the moon, sun, and how they're affected by other planets, etc, yadda yadda yadda. But I understand how atheists are. I was once a diehard atheist/arsehole but haven't yet to completely leave the arsehole part behind me :D .
there is no way you where ever an atheist, because you still would be. you may have been something on a much much lesser scale but never an atheist.
usp8riot said:
You want me to not have rules and be a prick also? Sometimes I despise rules and wanna do what I want like an atheist and be a prick.
first you say you were an atheist and then you show you have no idea, what an atheist is.
usp8riot said:
Obviously it hurts your feelings me acting like an atheist so I'll stop.
but your not, your acting like a xian.
usp8riot said:
If I wanna beat the crap out of anybody, it's my business. That is of course unless I have a God to answer to so if I wasn't sure if there was a God and I'd get punished
you see there you hit the nail on the head, you only do good because of your fear of your god, where as, an atheist only does good because he knows, it's the right thing to do.
see the difference, between theist and atheist, now.
usp8riot said:
you wouldn't be saying that for long before you'd have an M16 crammed down your throat. See what happens in a world without rules or a God?
hence why we need to irradicate the religious mind set from this planet, as you know people, have been killed because of this religion crap, for and on behalf of your imaginary god. take that stupidity away and you have sensible people.
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audible said:
] you see there you hit the nail on the head, you only do good because of your fear of your god, where as, an atheist only does good because he knows, it's the right thing to do.
see the difference, between theist and atheist, now. hence why we need to irradicate the religious mind set from this planet, as you know people, have been killed because of this religion crap, for and on behalf of your imaginary god. take that stupidity away and you have sensible people.
That isn't "sensible"-
if God forgives the sins of theists, then they have nothing to fear by committing sins. Your concept of people making their choices based on fear of God only makes sense if atheist choices are guided by the theist idea that the athiest sins won't be forgiven, which would be silly.
usp8riot said:
Sounds like someone got his ass beat too much by an xstian growing up.
That was implied. Whether it was too much or not, I can't really give you an objective opinion, zealot. I think it did do things to my psyche that I will never be able to unravel or understand, but at this point I don't really give a shit. I was spanked with belts, wet hands, wooden paddles at school, garden hoses, twitches off a weeping willow tree, large wooden spoons, shoes and probably other things that I can't remember. This is not called whining; it is called being objective and honest with one's self.

Whatever your problem is, get over it and stop whining all the time about what they done to you or others.
My problem is idiots that have never used their brain a day in their life. Idiots who have so often taken the easy way out that they are afraid to entertain a different perscpective for fear of looking like a wolf instead of a sheep. It's hard to "get over" them when there are about 240,000,000 of them walking around my country polluting my air.

I'm not being very xstian right now, do you like it?
I like seeing you try to think outside the box for once. There is a natural progression from xian, or any religious nuttery, to atheist to agnostic, and one step of that progression inevitably is anger. It's my personal belief that agnostic is the absolute best that anyone can be at this point in time.

You want me to not have rules and be a prick also?
I want you to use your brain and think critically, for yourself and for future generations.

Sometimes I despise rules and wanna do what I want like an atheist and be a prick.
I think you'll find that being a prick is not something stemming directly from religious belief or lack thereof. Belief, or lack of belief, can play a role in it, but it is not the whole enchilada.

Obviously it hurts your feelings me acting like an atheist so I'll stop.
You're not acting like an atheist. You're acting like an idiot. We'll see if you can stop. Or not.

Go cry to your mommy about theists, not me.
Mommy, there is another idiot theist in here bothering me.....

If I wanna beat the crap out of anybody, it's my business.
Damn, I wish you were here right now. You could fill my quota for the year. I'd have so much fun with you. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

That is of course unless I have a God to answer to so if I wasn't sure if there was a God and I'd get punished if I didn't in this world, you wouldn't be saying that for long before you'd have an M16 crammed down your throat.
Personally, I don't think god is standing in your way. Come to me, my little paco.

See what happens in a world without rules or a God?
Yes, people get on with sane lives and breath the fresh air, clean of religious pollution.
cole grey said:
That isn't "sensible"-
no it is'nt, theist are morally inept.
cole grey said:
if God forgives the sins of theists, then they have nothing to fear by committing sins.
then why do they, if they have no fear, then why, confess those sins, why not just say god will forgive me so fuck him, it's because they wish to appease this god, that they only do good deeds, not because it's the right thing to do.
cole grey said:
Your concept of people making their choices based on fear of God only makes sense if atheist choices are guided by the theist idea that the athiest sins won't be forgiven, which would be silly.
my concept of peoples choices, is looking at from an athiestic point of view. which is to allow an imaginary thing to have control of you, in such a way that you fear it and wish to appease it, is immoral.
thus, anybody who does good purely because it's the right thing to do, is morally superior.
…We live on the smallest portion (above-ground land) of a small planet, in the average-sized solar system of an average sized star that is one of hundreds of millions located in the wisps of a small arm of an average sized galaxy that exists as part of an average-sized Galaxy Group in which the galaxies are separated by megaparsecs(320 million light years roughly) of “empty” space, this galaxy Group is a small portion of an average-sized galaxy cluster, that is, yet still, only a small part of an enormous galaxy supercluster…any given supercluster contains a number of galaxies in the tens of thousands, and all the combined superclusters are merely a small portion of the universe and in fact is the smallest portion of the universe when compared to the billions of teraparsecs of “empty” space sitting between galaxies, galaxy clusters, and galaxy superclusters in the one of many possible universes that may exist separated only by time and probability themselves…

So why did "God" make so much extra space? What's the point, what is it there for? Would we be any less "awed" if there was only one galaxy? Is there any good reason why a "God" would do it, or is he so frivoulous as to do it "just because"?
It doesn't matter how large it is, but would it be too small it wouldn't fit with the laws that form us, and makes us exist.

You were meant to exist, there is a reason too, because of that reason, the universe looks the way it does. All individuals was a part of that reason, everything a part of that reason contributed 100% to the look of everything else. Without you, the universe wouldn't have looked the same, cause even the smallest change traces back throughout the whole universe and even the smallest change changes the universe completely since the starting conditions would have been altered and thus the whole future of the universe.

(if you need more explanation, listen to this)

If something were not to be in the future, then the starting conditions would have to be changed so to allow that blank. This would cause everything else to change, but if that is meaningless then that would be allowed.

He created everything as to allow for the existance of everything that we know of.

Also, He is the creator of the principles that governs the universe, because of those principles (that are symmetrical and beautiful) things look the way they do, and they formed us too.

He created not only the whole universe to allow for us, but ultimatly the whole universe to allow for *everything*, in other words, He created the whole universe to allow for the whole universe. Cause that is what it comes down to, and God is a perfect creator. His laws are completly logical and what else you can think of, cause what else you can think of allready is.

Things are fine, they allow for wonder, if there weren't no galaxies beyond ours then the telescopes would show nothing beyond our galaxy. How fun would that be? It would feel like living in a fantasy world.

No, God is the creator of all things, and He has ultimate wisdom which is also in ways represented in His creation. Since the created allways say something about the creator.
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Haha, what does any of this nonsense have to do with my post? It turned into a morality debate...which I do very much enjoy, but there was only one REAL reply to my post. Aw well.

Anyway, the overall complexity and enormousness of the universe seems far too intricate to make shallow being like humans who can't even realize the absurdity of the idea (truly the dogma) that an all-powerful "God" would be as "emotional" and caring as them-- these infinitely simpler beings. Infinity of all things...simple? And only simple?

And God said unto them:

I will create an antonplex [ (10^100)^100 ] of atoms, which each contain at least 3 subatomic particles, two of which are made of three quarks. This antonplex of atoms will make only a small portion of one galaxy cluster, which is only a small portion of one galaxy supercluster, which is only the smallest portion of the universe as a whole...

And with all of this superfluity of creation I only expect of you to follow me blindly, and worsphip me...I am perfect, so perfect in fact that I expect anything I create to worship me...I am perfect...yet I WANT something...implying that I am lacking something that I desire...implying that I am in fact far from perfect....if I were perfect I surely would not desire more things...nothing else could placate me.

I am perfect...I created you with free will...and yet every single decision you makes is based on predilections, experience, predictions, expectations, your brains ability to reason, etc etc etc. Every single decision you make has a large quantity of subconscious processes that suade you to the concluding decision. In fact every decision you make is 99% subconscious and 1% conscious. All of these things are beyond your direct control...because your "consciousness" is DEFINED by them, restricted by them, for without these subconscious processes your mind would not function, you would have to tell yourself every millisecond: Take a step forward, breathe in, heart beat,fingers sense this, nose sense that, eyes move left, ears hear high pitch sound, body react to stimuli, blood flow, cells reproduce, hormone levels change, bowel movements commence, etc etc etc etc etc...

...and yet you have free will...free will to make a decision based on very little substance...free will to choose which of the many religions you believe is "infallible", notwithstanding that so many of them say the same things...and merely deviate, with a propensity to represent their locality, when it comes to WHO are the chosen ones, and WHO must change their ways...

The Jews say they are the ones going to heaven....each and everyone of them know best...the Muslims say it is the Jews and the Christians that will perish and each and everyone of them knows best. The christians...they know god, I would not let a jew or a muslim in heaven...no matter how good a life they lead, no matter how much they prayed to Me, no matter how many prayers I answered for them...I could not let them into my pearly white gates, so they could then experience a "pleasant eternity"....experience eternity...something longer than time itself...and they will be "aware" that it is "happening"....with no sense of what "time" is because it has been lost in the eternal....yes absurdity is my forte...as believing it is yours...
So why did "God" make so much extra space?

For the sake of the argument we must presume that God did create universe.
Who are we, humans, to judge omnipotent entity? Or ask, or even think we could possibly understand its motives?