Why shouldn't suicidal people be allowed to commit suicide?

dont ask me mate:p
i didnt write the law:p

Im just telling you how it was clasifide. Im not so much interested in what the criminal offence was (technically you can charge a dead person) but what the statitory penelty was:p
there is actually historical precedent in charging dead people in abstentia especially in war crimes ect. It can be done. What you cant do is penilise them for it because they are dead:p

Well, then your criminal process law was shit and not in accord with human rights.
Avatar how old do you think these laws ARE???

Some of them predate federation (1901)
Well, because we, as a society, at least on the front work from the position that we value life and life is worth saving.
I can understand wanting to protect people from those that mean to do them harm and stopping someone from hurting someone ELSE.
Someone stopping me from hurting myself, however, I can't abide.
Offer help, that's fine - but do not force it upon someone who does not want it, unless that person can be a harm to others.

There is obvious cases of severely mentally retarded people - but I am taling about people who would be judged competant and sane if not for this one thing.
Wanting to cause yourself harm or kill yourself should not be something that, by itself, determines one's sanity.
If someone wants to die, let them - who does it hurt.

It all comes down to a simple matter of personal freedom and liberty, in my view.

Maybe that person really is having just some kind of a shock, but later he regrets the attempt.
And maybe he is not and will not.
The individual should make that distinction, not the government.
Wanting to cause yourself harm or kill yourself should not be something that, by itself, determines one's sanity.
Oh, I agree with that, and no-one here is deemed insane for attempted suicide!
But it doesn't warrant police officers to not intervene and stop the actual act of commiting a suicide.
If a person wants to kill itself, there are many ways to do it away from public eye.
one_raven actually those actions are illegal in most jurisitions

Suicide is not a joke, its indicative of a mental illness. Do you say "oh well" if someone is having a heart atack?
No you perform CPR.

Suicide is the way depression and depression related illness kill. It IS NOT A CHOICE, its a desprate atempt to make the pain go away and thats all.
Suicide can be for other reasons than depression.
Those can be political, religious, etc.
but are we discussing kamikazi pilots or samari worriers?
Or are we discussing suicide in the current population?

if you wish to discuss it in a historical context thats fine, there is a great social theorist called Émile Durkheim who wrote extensivly on this kind of suicide
Suicide is the way depression and depression related illness kill. It IS NOT A CHOICE, its a desprate atempt to make the pain go away and thats all.

No that's not all, that's ONE possibility.
And even if it is, why not let them end the pain if they choose?
Who are we to say if someone's pain is bearable?
As I said, offer help, but if they wish to refuse it, that should be their right.

I don't need anyone telling me how I should live my life if it harms no one but me - or how to end it.
No one has the right to take that liberty from me.
This is the same reason I strongly oppose seatbelt laws for adults.
I don't the government to tell me what's best for me and protect me from myself.
If I want to not wear a seat belt, or jump out of planes, or smoke, or smoke while jumping out of planes and burning my cornea out with the hot cigaratte that should be my right.
If I am harming no one but myself, people should ming their own damned business.
Well, jumping from a building you could kill somebody by falling onto that person. Besides it's a mess to clean it up.
Sure, but then it shouldn't be a problem to commit such suicide, because it would be away from others.
So as long as one's suicide does no harm to others, or that it does less harm than you continuing to live, it could be deemed justifiable?