Why shouldn't suicidal people be allowed to commit suicide?

Because usually people aren't thinking clearly when they make that decision. If they get therapy and look back on it they realize that they were in a fucked up state of mind.
Sometimes even throgh therapy the thought never leaves. Sometimes, when one has a mental disorder, life is a chaotic jumble of nonstop hell. In such a case, isn't it a kindness to allow them to put themselves out of their misery?
suicide is really arbitrary. I agree with skaught though, you're often not thinking straight when you feel like that. it's kinda like do you think euthanasia is good? I dont know about you, but i have really conflicting thoughts about both suicide and euthanasia.
All these lives that make no sense

From a legal standpoint? I think it's rather a strange notion to prohibit suicide itself. However, there are other reasons to consider, as well.

For instance, there is the practical. And in this, any number of considerations apply. In the first place, someone has to deal with the corpse. While this problem might be solved by Futurama-style suicide booths, or any number of dystopian facilities, the notion of profiting from and promoting suicide as a private entity strikes me as repugnant. And, perhaps as gallows humor, I would point out that if the state administered some sort of suicide facility, the government would find some way to screw it up.

Here's a pretty debate that is predictable in the capitalist mode: suicide and life insurance. But what of failed suicide attempts? If you freaked out in your teens and tried to slice your wrists, should you be prohibited life insurance when you're forty and are looking to take care of your spouse and children?

Should failed suicides even be allowed to have children?

Oh, here's one: Imagine your best friend is preparing to take the trip. You know this, so you plead against suicide. When the moment comes, do you physically restrain him from cutting? Do you slash at the rope and try to breathe life back into him? Do you induce vomiting to force him to vomit whatever is left of the pills?

And then, having saved his life, do you face criminal charges or a civil complaint for a civil rights violation?

And then, of course, there is the human aspect. Let me count the ways ... on second thought, I think I'll skip it. Suffice to say that, while the question of family is often at the root of suicidal tendencies, I have seen the effect of a parent's suicide on a child. It's not good, and it's certainly not fair. And, if you've ever heard someone say, "Hurry up and jump already! You're holding up traffic and I'm late for work!" well, I would hate to think of these people as virtuous. After all, they may hate their job ninety-nine days out of a hundred, but if they get to see some sorry son of a bitch jump from a bridge, suddenly they love their job and want to get there on time, so just freakin' jump, already!

I don't object to physician-assisted suicide, and would even go so far as to endorse the general concept of euthanasia. But emotional suicides are a trickier question. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those who wrestle with the question of their own life and death, and wish fervently that society would treat suicide with greater consideration and dignity, but even I would intervene on behalf of the living experience. This is a bit doctrinal, I think: surrender to the absurd seems a poor choice. But it's also instinctive: despite having considered suicide myself, I find years later that any number of fairly small things—kind drugs, a good lay, a certain day in the park with a friend—are enough to justify the fact that I continue to live. And, of course, there are larger things, such as my daughter, that state the case unequivocally. Perhaps I am one of the lucky ones. Or maybe enjoying warm sunshine on my skin is a sign of weakness. But as far as I can tell, every day brings something that, if I stop to think about it, would make me glad I stuck around. Even if it's just a creative wanking fantasy.

Certainly, one might show me a suicidal who would truly be better off dead, but as one who opposes the slaughter of murderers and rapists, it seems a difficult proposition that I should look upon one whose only "crime" is eternal sadness and say, "Fine, you have nothing left to offer anyone. Go ahead, go away."

Floater, "Possum's Funeral/Endless Ii"

Goodbye friend.
The world no longer needs you.
You were so kind to lead the life you left behind.

And thanks again,
From all of us who had to feed you.
With this burden off our backs
We'll be sublime.

And from the world, you corrupted,
And almost forced to change—now that your through,
We can bury you.

And we'll be fine ....

.... The heat has a taste.
It tastes like a flame.
You drink up the flame and it burns your flesh away.

And in the city of clouds,
You're just a face in the crowd.
But you take up your place,
And you throw yourself away,
Everyday of your life.

Well, take a breath, and take a seat, and take your medicine.

Close your eyes, and cauterize the wound you're opening.

Well, all these lives, that make no sense:
All along we cry in our defense.
And all of us go down slow,
And then we rise again.
And just like a tide on the sea,
We lower and rise again.

Well, and the days go by and the nights all feel the same.
And the beast in your eyes slowly becomes tame.
Someday you will change.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!
This world has gone and drug us along,
And nothing's the same, and it will never be again;
It's never gonna be the same.

And all these lives that make no sense:
All along we cry in our defense.
All of us go down slow,
Then we rise again.
But just like the tide on the sea,
We lower and rise again, and again.

I said,
The days go by and the nights all feel the same.
And the beast in your eyes slowly becomes tame and dim.
Someday never comes.

The snake strikes
To give

(The sutra is clarified, the Serpent it strikes.
The tail is its target in the circle it bites.)
What about Dr. Death, though? Shouldn't we be allowed to choose how we die, as opposed to being told by doctors (who stand to make buckets on keeping us alive, drugged, in misery for a year or two) and the moralist establishment?
As far as being legally punished then yes I do think you should be allowed to commit suicide and shouldn't have to face any repercussions if you don't succeed. However I don't think its right to stand idly by and let someone kill themselves either. Euthanasia however I strongly support if it is the wishes of the patient.
I don't think that in any country in Europe there is a criminal persecution for attempted suicide.
Keeping up appearances, perhaps?
I can't think of any good reason.

Why must one who decides to end his/her life must necessarily be insane?
Is it impossible to come the the decision to end your life with sound reasoning?
I certainly don't think so.
Well, there can be various reasons.
One - well, you are not thinking clearly at the moment.
Two - suicide to escape from greater pain, like torture.
Three - death for an idea or state, like a spy committing suicide in order not to be tortured and disclose state secrets, or suicide as a sign of protest, like the buddhist monk in 1970s.
Four - you are thinking clearly, but the alternative of life is too much for you to bear psychologically. In that case - well, sucks to be you.
I meant I can't think of any good reason for it to be illegal.
I thought the rest of my post made that clear.

You could only come up with four reasons to do it?
Well, I'm not suicidal, so I haven't really explored it. :)

By the way, is it illegal in your country?
Yes it is illegal in the US - I have no idea why.
I can only assume it is because the government thinks it knows what is best for you, so thinks it should protect you from yourself plus any kind of deviation from status quo is seen as a dysfunction.
the reason suicide is illegal is two fold.

the first is the historical reasons, as our laws come out of a religious back ground its a sin and so it became criminal

The main reason it remains criminal is by it being illegal this gives the police the power to intervine. If its a legal activity in places like the US the police cant stop you doing it because this is classed as police harrasment.

In australia this issue isnt so much of an issue. The mental health act gives the police and health services the powers they need like the power to involentarly comit someone to treatment. This is why the criminal offence has become redundent and been removed from the crimes acts but even before that atempted suicide wasnt procuted.

The change in law however ment that a new offence was needed of assisting in a suicide. This is because adiding and abeting wasnt able to be used any more.

As far as doctor assisted suicides this remains an issue of political debate. However mental health related ones are more clear cut.
Suicide can not be illegal, only attempted suicide.
Police can have authority to stop suicide attempts over here too, but the person, who attempts it, is not prosecuted. He can have some state sponsored psychological help after that, I think.
Poeple can be involuntarily committed in the US as well - and not just for attempted suicide.

Anyway, that still begs the same questions - regardless of the legal hoops involved.
Why should the state be required to intervene in such things?
Why is it automatically assumed that someone must be insane and should be committed for attempting suicide?
actually orgionally commiting suicide was a fellony, while atempted suicide was a summery offence.
actually orgionally commiting suicide was a fellony
Asguard, how can you prosecute a dead man? :bugeye:
It's legally impossible.
Why is it automatically assumed that someone must be insane and should be committed for attempting suicide?
Well, because we, as a society, at least on the front work from the position that we value life and life is worth saving.
Maybe that person really is having just some kind of a shock, but later he regrets the attempt.