why should we care

I agree when you say the media made the incident a foot-hold for going to war. The US could've just grieved and stayed in their borders....but.......

this is not a normal occurance in the USA. The government (especially this administration) goes by every American life is precious. When we lost thousands of people at one time and under the cirumstances how they died, America couldn't handle it...put into their shoes, I doubt anyone could. The US isn't used to being attacked on their land.

I do blame the media for making it "profitable" news. I blame the government for using it as a way to beef up military spending, cover up the bad economy, and direct the people's attention and make them feel angry towards another culture rather than towards their own government.

But...then again the government gave the people what they wanted...the American people wanted to go after the people who did it. Why? Because of the media coverage.

The government happily complied, which they shouldn't have done. Would another nation have...say England have gone on a world-wide hunt for one man???? If another country had the same resources, funding, and political strength, would they have gone to war searching for one man? It's the American culture to blame...if any blame is necessary. The media and government are just parts of that culture.

This thread is turning towards politics.....
There you go stRgrL, that's the attitude.

Now just add a dash of 'Better them than I'

Take care :cool:


Oooops! Didn't realize I was 'jumping' this far:

Original post by *stRgrL*

Okay fine, fuck the world and everyone in it.

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The whole WTC non-event was born by politics and religion and that is all that made it happen,the muslims that were supposedly on the planes are turning up alive though?,yep,that is the info that I have heard,in fact one of the poor souls came back from the dead to participate,he died 2 years before it even happened,and he was supposedly on one of the planes,go figure that out.
Americans are plenty used to war on their own soil,just go to any redneck bar in the country and there are mini wars out side after bartime,no wonder the rest of the world resents us ,we act like a bunch of thugs,we go looking for one guy and kill thousands and nearly destroy a whole country and we still don't get the guy we're after,or we go to another country and pretend we are there to help them,when in reality we want to make them feel indebted to us for helping them out,and then we try to collect the debt by trying to tell them what they are supposed to do,and trading goods or something,we should just learn to mind our own business when it comes to foreign policy,we shouldn't have a foreign policy,if we were separatist like before WW1and WW2,we wouldn't be in this mess.
The US government is bullshitting us all,they go to war and they don't even have to ask the citizenry,even though we are the ones who pay for it in resources and with our lives,and did you know that the US is owned by the federeal reserve,and the fed is not a branch of the government?,and the IRS is owned by the FED,and the constitution has been suspended since 1933!!!,but you won't get the truth from the US government,they prefer to pretend everything is just fine,and our rights are still here,they haven't had to honor the rights of americans since 1933,but they know they can't let us know yet because they don't have all of our guns yet.
If you would like to know, more check out www.BBCOA.com,everything you ever wondered about is on this sight,and a lot of it will probably piss you off,so brace yourself,you won't look at anything the same way .
An Odd Detail about 9-11

The aircraft that struck the pentagon just happened to strike the ONLY portion of it that was hardened against bomb and gunfire attack,how did these terrorists know where to hit it to cause the LEAST damage?,and was it even an accident?
Thanks for the link unbalanced! I just have to get this book :D

Oh, and welcome to Sciforums! You and John McNeil will get along jusssssst fine:)
If I was an Afghani .......

If I was an afghani ,and an american plane was dropping bombs all over the place looking for a guy,one guy,because my government was harboring his terrorist training camps,(like how do we know if that's even true?),I would probably call the government behind the aircraft terrorists!!!!!!!!,and my neighbors probably would too,.
If you were an Afgani you would probably be beaten and killed if you disagreed with anything "the government" said or did, and if you were a woman, well, never mind...
yes- but can you change anything? not really- you can only disagree.
chicken also maybe disagree, before they are slaughtered
you mean?

Things are the way they are and we have absolutely no control over them?,well right now yes,we need to regain control of our government,it has become more powerful than those who created it,BECAUSE WE ARE APATHETIC AND IGNORANT!!!!.
Somewhere along the line I was taught that the govt is here for the people,and I could never understand how ,because for some reason I couldn't convince myself from what I saw around me that it was true,do you have your eyes open?.

People in this country are beaten and robbed and murdered by the government every day,the good ol'US of A hey,but the media covers that like NOT!,because people would freak,the media is owned by a very few people who have enough money and influence to manipulate what we see on our television.I grew tired of watching the same old negative SHEEIT over and over,broadcast by all the news agencies ,whenever something happened,like this sniper thing,who says them guys did it,the people in power tell the agencies what to tell us,the truth usually has little to do with the story we hear on the TV.
Gee,if someone wanted to scare more people into giving up their guns,I'll bet that sniper thing worked pretty well,remember when they said all they could quote from the snipers' note was"no child is safe anywhere at any time",remember?,why would that be the only definite thing we were told about this letter,why would they try to scare us like that?,I don't live anywhere near where this stuff happened,I was really unconcerned with the whole thing.People die in car accidents every day,they drown in their swimming pools for christs sake,doctors kill patients on the O.R. table every day,kids ride their bikes with no helmet at night without a light,NOBODY LIVES FOREVER.
Stop listening to what the boob toob has to say,none of it is the truth anyway.
It's really too bad that most people don't know that TV (more the major networks: CBS, ABC, FOX, NBC) do things just for ratings and money. Not all TV reporting is that biased though. The History Channel is very interesting, and if you realise that there will be a certain bias in all reporting, you can ditinguish the garbage from real news. I really don't want to discuss government too much but the way capitalism is set up, people are competing...when competing you try to use all the tricks in the book.

unbalanced, it's great that you realise how America works but you shouldn't take it to the extreme. The purpose of a government is to protect and bring order to a community of people. This can be accomplished in many, many ways. Influencing people's beliefs and ideas are part of it. It's easier to control people who think alike than people who have different ideas. When I say control, I mean to keep order, not to brainwash them.
I wouldn't be able to survive on my own without some sort of government keeping order.....or is that just what "they" want me to think? :bugeye:

I hope you understand that nothing that you think is truly your own. You are influenced by everything you have been around. Don't confuse this with conspiracy to control your mind....but then again is that what "they" want me to think :bugeye:

unbalanced ...

In almost seventy years on this planet, the only time I've
had complete control over myself, my life, was from the
time I left the plane until the time I decided to pull the
rip-cord and gave it a yank.

Take care :cool: