why should we care

why so extreme?

no- I just think that if you can do nothing about it there is no need you worry. It is about peoples problems. We may die out- so what? Life will continue on.
What we should worry about is not to turn this planet into wasteland, because then we would not ruin our lives, but also the lives of all the other living organisms.
These are global problems, important problems.
Some thousands or millions of people dying out are not.
We have overpopulation here anyway.

They are just people I have never known or will. They have no effect on my life.
Ok- so I know there is famine in Africa. OK. Millions are dying out- yes. So what am I supposed to do exactly? Shake off a fake or real tear- what's the use of it anyway.
Send them money? I live from pocket to mouth and i-net.

So basically yes- I don't care about them. Got enough my own problems to worry about.

So yes- I can answer that it is only if I know the person personally.

There is no use of griefing, really. Just a waste of your nerve cells. Of course I can not help it if smone close to me dies, and I care about you, but just because I know your personality (a small bit at least)

I don't grief for statistical numbers


well said


for I know how it feels to lose someone


ok well so do I. yeah I cared then but these are pepole I dont know so I dont care.
ok well so do I. yeah I cared then but these are pepole I dont know so I dont care

Well I think thats a great philosopy yumyum. If you dont care, then more power to ya! But one day your life may be saved from someone that DID care.
Yeah Avatar, okay. What about ordinary people who go out of their way to save lives or help other people? They dont get paid, they just care about other lives.

If you dont care then dont, but I think deepdown you and yumyum are very unhappy in your lives.

And Im not talking about grieving and mourning for days on end about people I dont know. Im talking about the plainest form of caring:

care \ker\ n.
1. to feel anxiety
2. to feel interest
3. to be concerned about

Are you guys cyborgs or something?
And I must add this - I doubt either of you have suffered severe anguish or grief. You both are also very young. When you do suffer severe grief AND grow up, I think you'll feel alot different, because I never gave a shit about noone or nothing even though Ive gone through much torment, yet I am older now and wiser and I feel sorry for people like you guys who just "dont care"
If I saw someone stuck in a swamp or smthing like that - of course I would help him, because it is in my reach of help. But I don't worry about him. Just save . It's a logical thing to do. Everyone would.
but it is different than grieving for some people already dead I don't know or people going to be dead I will never know or meet.

As I said- no use of grieving over statistical numbers

Are you guys cyborgs or something?
10 4
I doubt either of you have suffered severe anguish or grief.
I have, but I get over it quickly
life goes on, you just have to cope with it

and btw- I've never known someone getting out of life alive
As I said- no use of grieving over statistical numbers

Okay, Ill give that to ya, but let me give you an example. There was a little girl my daughters age that was kidnapped, raped, beat and strangled to death. When I saw the news I broke down and cried. I didnt know her, I never met her, but I cared and I cried because it was a horrible situation. On 9/11 I was watching TV all day crying. I didnt know these people, never met them - but it was fucked up that so many people perished, so many people jumped to their deaths and so many people were left orphaned. Im not walking around losing sleep over it, I just feel empathy with these people and I care about others.

And what does BTW mean?

Okay, Ill give that to ya, but let me give you an example. There was a little girl my daughters age that was kidnapped, raped, beat and strangled to death. When I saw the news I broke down and cried. I didnt know her, I never met her, but I cared and I cried because it was a horrible situation. On 9/11 I was watching TV all day crying. I didnt know these people, never met them - but it was fucked up that so many people perished, so many people jumped to their deaths and so many people were left orphaned. Im not walking around losing sleep over it, I just feel empathy with these people and I care about others.

I've never been the emotional type anyway.
If frankly, then I'm quite cold

don't understand you
What I was getting at on my last post was not to say be cold hearted...I think grieving and caring/feeling are different things. Grieving is part of you while caring is extended to others, emotionally, physically (saving someone). Also remember...."if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, did it happen?" so if you don't show that you feel for someone/people they will never know, and that can influence them to be cold-hearted, or not to care about others....same goes for expressing that you care about them, it's contagious...if you smile at someone (in a happy, clean, non-perverted/evil way) I bet they will feel better and that'll lead to them helping or expressing caring for someone else...and it goes on

BTW means By the way....
*stRgrL* :
There was a little girl my daughters age that was kidnapped, raped, beat and strangled to death. When I saw the news I broke down and cried. I didnt know her, I never met her, but I cared and I cried because it was a horrible situation. On 9/11 I was watching TV all day crying. I didnt know these people, never met them - but it was fucked up that so many people perished, so many people jumped to their deaths and so many people were left orphaned. Im not walking around losing sleep over it, I just feel empathy with these people and I care about others.

The difference of getting emotionally attached, between most males and most females, is quite different as everyone will find out sooner or later.

But your example is a great one...children represent purity, innocence, not evil...and when such tragic things happen to them it is sad, terrible. Just hearing your story makes me think that the child has missed out on so much, that she didn't deserve to be put through pain, and what the fuck is wrong with the person who did that to her....I make an emotional connection of the child, innocence, and how sickly people can be...and that all comes back to me . I would be grieving for her but since the emotional connections I made were just made up in my mind...some rational thoughts would bring me back to reality. And I would still be here, the people who I really do have a connection with are still here....and then I would go back to my life...as sad as the story is.
beautiful?....we'll maybe :rolleyes:

cyborg?...not in my lifetime :(

:bugeye: CHICK?!?!? :eek: ......................no comment
About death

The so called "disaster",at the WTC was really a non-event as far as caring about the people who were involved,(victims),because nothing happened to them that was not going to happen eventually anyway,everyone has to die sometime,and they could have just as well died in a car accident or drowned in their own swimming pool.
The media turned it into something other than a normal event,it was used to motivate a nation into a war footing,and the repercussions of this act are still being fought over to this day,by politicians trying to make a name for themselves,the event is being USED to further the careers of those who probably had more to do with the whole event than most would want to realize.
War is a hate crime,and if the NON-EVENT of the WTC is used to start a war ,it is a much worse situation than 9-11-01,the political machine in the US has known about the whole thing since before it happened and now they are playing dumb and pointing fingers to avert attention from their true agenda.
As far as morality goes,capital punishment is a much greater crime than the WTC non-event,there is absolutely no way that a person will escape punishment for their crimes on some level,from spending their remaining life in prison,to feeling guilty about what they have done until they die,and then answering to god after they die,NOBODY should be forced to answer to a government or society with their life,life is not a governments to take,once again,they are using life to intimidate and terrorize for the sake of fulfilling their agenda.
Re: About death

Originally posted by unbalanced
The so called "disaster",at the WTC was really a non-event as far as caring about the people who were involved,(victims),because nothing happened to them that was not going to happen eventually anyway,everyone has to die sometime,and they could have just as well died in a car accident or drowned in their own swimming pool.
The media turned it into something other than a normal event,it was used to motivate a nation into a war footing,and the repercussions of this act are still being fought over to this day,by politicians trying to make a name for themselves,the event is being USED to further the careers of those who probably had more to do with the whole event than most would want to realize.
War is a hate crime,and if the NON-EVENT of the WTC is used to start a war ,it is a much worse situation than 9-11-01,the political machine in the US has known about the whole thing since before it happened and now they are playing dumb and pointing fingers to avert attention from their true agenda.
As far as morality goes,capital punishment is a much greater crime than the WTC non-event,there is absolutely no way that a person will escape punishment for their crimes on some level,from spending their remaining life in prison,to feeling guilty about what they have done until they die,and then answering to god after they die,NOBODY should be forced to answer to a government or society with their life,life is not a governments to take,once again,they are using life to intimidate and terrorize for the sake of fulfilling their agenda.