why should we care


The All Knowing.. I think
Registered Senior Member
why should we care about when other pepole die or get hurt that we never knew. Example 9/11 yeah ok so it was a bad thing that happened but why are we made to feel like would should care about pepole who died and the pepole who get sad over the pepole they never knew i dont get that, maybe im just missing the point.

well good day:)
actually I didn't and don't care about them.
I think I cared only then if I knew some of them dirrectly or their relatives were good friends to me
You are made to feel guilty by the media so you keep coming back for more....also caring about others and their well-being; either good or bad, gain or loss, is part of a civilized culture, which we consider ourselves.

To care about another person is to try to connect with them, it broadens your general education of life, your wisdom.

For me, I didn't spend so much time thinking about the individual losses of others. I thought about how mankind (or humankind) could be so destructive to itself...I'm young and nothing like the total loss of life had happened so close to home (even in the country....or just a state away). Terrorism happens much more often and is just as deadly in other parts of the world, but here it's non-existant.

The media was so starved for new, interesting stories....previously they were covering Gary Condit (hey what happened to him.....hmmmm). It was tragic, but (in my opinion) the media focussed on the wrong aspect of it, they wanted everyone to feel for the individuals....theythey completely missed connecting our losses with the losses of other countries and how people have already gone through this many times over, it just reinforced my opinion that American press is total garbage.

I bet forgien press didn't take the same story angle.
You should care because how they died is a symptom of the planetary society under duress. If we are to live in a just society, and if we wish our children to be able to grow up in a just society, then it is up to us to heal the society before it croaks.
John, that is what American government is doing now, they are attempting to "fix" the problem by stampeding across the globe....we shouldn't get into politics.
Changing society takes time and a huge backing (of people, or weapons).

Why is this terrorist act different from others? Why should Americans care about this attack and not ones overseas?

Terrorism is a problem, yet ignorance is a bigger one.
Rules are different for individuals, right?
"A person is smart, a crowd is stupid"

I wouldn't insult someone like that, I meant society.
why should we care about when other pepole die or get hurt that we never knew.

Im just overwhelmed with sadness when something like this happened, for I know how it feels to lose someone and when I think of all the people that lost someone that really loved... its just terrible. Think of how many children were orphaned on that day. Does this not make you feel a bit sad?

Well to each his own...
I just try to put myself in their situation.

What if I was in the World Trade Center?

What if I was trapped above where the plane hit? What would it feel like to me when the building collapsed? What would I experience before I died?

What if I felt I had no choice but to jump out of the 90th floor to my death?

So many 'what if' situations I could put myself into. Not just for that situation.

I think it's terrible what happened to them. I feel the same way when Israeli's die when a suicide bomber blows himself up on a crowded bus. I feel bad for the little Palestinian children that died when Sharon had his jets attempt an 'assassination'.

We all have to live with terrorism...even Finland as we just found out. Violence and death are everywhere. It's too bad, but that is the society we live in today.
no use of being sad about all who get into trouble

I have enough my own problems. I still think off my friend I lost, but why in the hell I should worry about some 3000 Amerians 7000 miles away died more than 390 days ago.

More people have died since that time. Haven't you thought about Afghanistan and all the children and women killed there by your people? Think of their grief if you want.
I choose to grief only to that what is important particulary to me.

And it saves valuable nerve cells

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Avatar I think your missing the point. I do grieve for the Afgan children, as well as the American children, as well as African children. As well as anyone out there that has felt pain. If I didnt I would be selfish.

Think of how the world would be if everyone had the same mentality as you.

Thankfully there are people in this world that DO care.

I choose to grief only to that what is important particulary to me.

What is important to you? Is innocent children being slaughtered not important to you? Is innocent people being killed everyday not important to you? Or is only if you know the person personally?
The American government's plan of warring on 60 country, as George Bush recently stated, is not saving the world in any way. It is simply compounding the existing problem which was started in the first place by just those kind of militaristic actions.

The only way to ensure peace in the world is to make peace, not war. The Americans, if they were truly interested in peace, and if they wished to exhibit leadership in the current crisis, would solve the problem of terrorism by declaring to the world that they would reform their imperialistic foreign policy. Arabs, or any other race of people, are no different than any other race of people when it comes to wanting to live a good life where they can bring up their families in a safe and prosperous environment. The dominant corporate/governments of the world work against that preferred scenario because they want the majority of resources and profits for themselves and they wish for certain regions of the world to remain in states of tension so that they won't get strong and eventually be able to challenge the rich corporate/governments. That is maintaining the "New World Order" that President George Bush 1 informed the world of and of whom President George Bush 11 recently referred to as the "Shadow Government".

This "Shadow Government" is only interested in power and controlling society, they are not interested in bettering society. When the people attacked the U.S. on 9 11, they were not throwing their lives away in that attack because they weren't getting enough channels on cable television, as news anchor Dan Rather tearfully told the world on David Letterman. If so many of them were willing to sacrifice their lives for a cause, then there must be something that someone is doing to make them that committed. Whatever that root cause is, is what needs to be addressed in order to stop the revenge attacks.

Having a militaristic and secretive society running the corporate/government is a recipe for disaster. By their nature, the people drawn to a warrior's life are not the most scientifically minded people and therefore they are not the most intelligent people in society. The militaristic minded type of people shouldn't be running the country and making foreign policy since the managing of a just society requires the greatest minds working on social problems if the social problems are to be resolved in the manner that is beneficial to the greatest amount of people. All of the current societies on this planet are operating on an opposite philosophy wherein the less intelligent people are making and implementing policy and in all cases the results are less than satisfactory.
Oh I get it, since I live in America there is no way that I could possibly want world peace. And Arabs, even the terrorists, they want world peace.

Is that about right to you Johnny? Your last name wouldn't be Walker would it?

Why dont you keep your foreign policie remarks in the world affairs section please. Your post has nothing to do with this thread.
Is that about right to you Johnny? Your last name wouldn't be Walker would it?


I hope for world peace all the time. It would basically mean that CNN would go out of buisness unless they start to report how tall the grass has grown. Not only that it would mean a less pissed off version of me.:D
More people have died since that time. Haven't you thought about Afghanistan and all the children and women killed there by your people? Think of their grief if you want.
Sorry, I didn't want to go on and on, but I guess you think I don't feel bad for someone if I didn't list them on my previous post.

My point for posting the bit about Israelis and Palestinians was to show that regardless of where they are, I feel bad when innocent lives are lost. There is a battle going on between Israel and Palestine. Regardless of my opinion of who is right and who is wrong, I feel bad for the innocent people who are killed. Of course I think it is terrible that innocent Afghan's were killed.

If it were up to me, Osama, Saddam, Sharon, Arafat, and Bush would all solve their problems by competing in a friendly game of Battlefield 1942 or other game where no one really gets hurt. ;)
VAKEMP- It was a response to StarGirl

What is important to you? Is innocent children being slaughtered not important to you? Is innocent people being killed everyday not important to you? Or is only if you know the person personally?

They are just people I have never known or will. They have no effect on my life.
Ok- so I know there is famine in Africa. OK. Millions are dying out- yes. So what am I supposed to do exactly? Shake off a fake or real tear- what's the use of it anyway.
Send them money? I live from pocket to mouth and i-net.

So basically yes- I don't care about them. Got enough my own problems to worry about.

So yes- I can answer that it is only if I know the person personally.

There is no use of griefing, really. Just a waste of your nerve cells. Of course I can not help it if smone close to me dies, and I care about you, but just because I know your personality (a small bit at least)

I don't grief for statistical numbers

edit to fix a typo
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*stRgrL* :
Avatar I think your missing the point. I do grieve for the Afgan children, as well as the American children, as well as African children. As well as anyone out there that has felt pain. If I didnt I would be selfish.
Think of how the world would be if everyone had the same mentality as you. Thankfully there are people in this world that DO care.

Caring is too broad of a word. Are you just feeling their pain, do you imagine what it would be like to be them...is that why you feel for them?

Think about it carefully...are you just caring to not feel guilty about what you have, where you are, how your life is compared to them? Or....do you care because you believe everyone should have it as good or better than you do? Caring is too broad of a word.

It's hard to express the way we think and convey it so that others can understand it perfectly the way we want them to. The word "caring" brings to mind Mother Teressa. Sadly, that is the only person I know of that has really cared about others.

Why should we put others before ourselves? "Because we care" ? I could not put the well being of humankind before my life because there is too much pressure on myself to get an education, find a well paying job and then settle in with a family...I've been taught this for my whole life through books, movies, other media and of course my parents...who wants to have kids who throw away a perfectly set life to attempt to help others when sacrificing what the parents have worked for, been stressed out for, and have given up part of their life for?....I just noticed that this could be an explanation to why people who do amazing, extrordinary things come from a broken home, are poor, or don't have any parental influence (parents broken up...live by themselves....etc.)

Why should I care? There is no reason because the people around me expect me not to, to put myself first and live a "good" life.

If you back away from the family and look at humanity, then you can see why you should care. What people have done together is amazing and beautiful, and just that is enough to make you want to help others.

But the influence of family and the people around you is stronger than people across an ocean or two. To have equality is as far off as having world peace....equality of influence is something that is never looked at. And to throw away all of what made sense here, I'm an upper-middle class US citizen who has much much of my life ahead of me.....why should I influence you?