Why majority Jews reject Jesus as Son of God ?

Hi Staples,

Yup you are right, this statement...

"We give credit to God for creating us, and everything we do stems from God's creation. We have nothing to take pride in for ourselves, because everything that is good, meritous and sustaining comes from God. God did not create us so we could raise ourselves up, but so that we could glorify Him! Because all glory belongs to Him in the first place."

...is totally nauseating. It carries all the hallmarks of indoctrination and control and mental enslavement. This nullifies and degrades every empathetic and compassionate act that man commits unto his fellow man. Yeah, like I want my kids to glorify me. That’s why I had kids silly!

The Jews don’t believe Jesus as the son of god or the messiah mainly because of the following:

Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:

1) Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
2) Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
3) Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
4) Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

Read further here, all will be revealed. http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/jewsandjesus.htm

johnahmed: "my God My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me">>>>>..does That Sound Like God ???
M*W: No, of course not. There's also a passage that says something like, "Greater love has no man than he who lays down his life for his friend." Obviously, this is a reference to Jesus's stand-in on the cross. Some scholars say it was Simon the Cyrene, and others believe it to be Judas Sicariote. He was given the title "Bar-Abbas," or "son of the father." Then Pilate put a sign on the cross to indicate that the man hanging on the cross was NOT Jesus but his stand-in. That's why the sign read "INRI," this is "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" to represent Jesus on the cross when he was obviously NOT there!
johnahmed said:
"my God My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me">>>>>..does That Sound Like God ???
you non-religious &/or anti-christian types amaze me with your ignorance, yet you pontificate as if you were experts; more like experts in daydreaming

the reference is from Psalms 22, by which Jesus declares this event as prophecy fulfilled, read more Bible, if you're gonna be an 'expert'
Psa 22:1[[To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar, A Psalm of David.]] My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? [why art thou so] far from helping me, [and from] the words of my roaring?
there's more, read the link
Medicine Woman said:
johnahmed: "my God My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me">>>>>..does That Sound Like God ???
M*W: No, of course not. There's also a passage that says something like, "Greater love has no man than he who lays down his life for his friend." Obviously, this is a reference to Jesus's stand-in on the cross.
obviously? to you, you mean, what with those magic rose-tinted glasses, that let you see into the 12th dimension, or is that "Lucy in the skies with diamonds" playing in your head that tells you everything?

Some scholars say it was Simon the Cyrene, and others believe it to be Judas Sicariote. He was given the title "Bar-Abbas," or "son of the father."
would those be the same scholars that helped in Dan Brown's forged history? or those gullible muslim scholars that recite the "Gospel of Barnabas" as true history?
Then Pilate put a sign on the cross to indicate that the man hanging on the cross was NOT Jesus but his stand-in. That's why the sign read "INRI," this is "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" to represent Jesus on the cross when he was obviously NOT there!
man! lady, you are so anti-christian, that you believe anything if it fits in your anti-christian worldview; no sane, logical person would believe that bogus lie, its so flimsy, weak, just like your logic, (lack therof)
Says the person who thinks he's gonna be rescued by a big invisible sky daddy as long as he behaves all because some shepherd several thousand years ago said so..

You probably also think jesus was a white man...

So much for logic.
Saint said:

The new testament tells us the Jews are stubborn, hypocrites, evil, therefore they rejected Jesus. Jesus pointed out their wrongdoings, critisized them fiercely, and this provoked them to anger till they planned to kill him.

However, is the bible true?

From other points of views, what do you think is the main reason the Jews reject Jesus till today?


It depends on who you talk to. Evangelical Christians will tell you God hardened their heart. Everyone's spiritually depraved. Jews are not unconditionally elected.
Another quick thought,

Jesus had to die, no question about it (for Christians anyway). Most people think Jewish people killed him. If you are Mel Gibson Jews killed him in a homoerotic sadistic fashion, man I love South Park.

But besides that it is also said that Jews are gods chosen people. What if they were not only god's chosen people but the people chosen by god to kill Jesus as well. That makes sense to me. So ultimately, Christian's have the Jewish people to thank, and should probably be Jewish if we follow this line of thought.

Thanks for agreeing stretched, how can a god lecture humans on arogance when he can't see through his own veil of self importance?

staples disconnected