Why majority Jews reject Jesus as Son of God ?

Most of the bible deals with the Pharisees, not your typical Jew. Most Jews of today agree with many of Jesus' teaching such as loving others etc., but they are not going to give up their tradition.

One question for Jews but: if before Christ people had to give offerings to God, and sacrifices, to atone for their sins (transgressions of the law), then why don't they still do it today? don't you guys sin anymore or something, are you that proud that you believe God will accept you without paying the fine that you have incurred by your sin?
Yes, one thing that would puzzle me would be the end of Daniel. For Catholics this makes somewhat sense, because the mass is considered a sacrafice and Jesus is present on the altar, but for Jews I do not think this passage would make sense. Also I do being God's chosen people should have stoped them. Isaiah, Ezekiel, and a few Psalms all prophesy gathering all of the nations under the fold of God.

My question again, what do you do, that can pay the debt?
I don't think that you can do anything except accept the sacrafice. Jesus died for all of mankind.
Jesus' thinking is very radical compared to the priests. He had a new interpretation of the OT.

Anyway, from my point of view, Jesus is just a man, maybe a wiseman, and the stories of gospels can not be authentic to tell us everything about Jesus.

Just a simple logical judgement, why Jesus's life stories from age 12~30 are missing in bible, what did he do during that period? If he is God, I think, every moment of him worth writing down for us to learn something.

Jesus seminar tried to ascertain the hisoricity of Jesus, but failed because there is insufficient information about him.
Therefore, Jesus could be a MYTH, no one can rule out this possibility.

Looking at the Bloody history of christianity in Europe that costed so many innocent lives,
I really doubt the claim of christians that their God is a living God.

God must be DEAD and took no action to help human beings when they screwed up because of the religion related to the so-called God-revealed religion.

History tells us that, Christianity and Islam are the religions that

Shed the most blood.
Jesus did not die for mankind, he only died fro his believers.

Is this the so-called universal LOVE ? Fuck it!

Christianity is the most intolerant religion, its doctrine actually FORCE everone to accept it, reluctance to do so will get CURSE and Eternal Fire.

Goddam christianity!:D
Jesus died? Are you sure?

Originally posted by Saint
Jesus did not die for mankind, he only died fro his believers.


I tend to agree with you, but... the people following Jesus were Jews and maybe a few nameless Gentiles--not Xians. Xians didn't come on the scene until about 325AD, after they got all their god-rearing rules and regulations figured out. Jesus never said he was gonna die for anybody. It was Paul that perpetuated that myth. You have to give it to Paul in a way, because he was one hell of an ad man. He created the greatest story ever sold. I believe Jesus didn't die but was married with children and lived happily ever after in the South of France (See Rennes-le-Chateau.com).

Back to your point, "he only died for his believers." It is only his "believers" who thought he died!


Originally posted by strategicman
Well then, if you end up going to hell, ,that's your problem.

this exact saying is what makes so many christians so proud. now strategicman had the pride to say it.. but most christians listen to everyone's opinion then just "think it" in their minds.. sad when a religion that condemns all other beliefs becomes so proud of this fact that its followers exclaim it to the world
The problem is not in the christian doctrin which explitly says that we should not judge others. However having a true belief means that all others are false.
Originally posted by okinrus
The problem is not in the christian doctrin which explitly says that we should not judge others. However having a true belief means that all others are false.

i didn't mean false or correct religions.. i said "condemn" as in condemning members of other religions... it's very much different than simply saying or thinking that they are false
Burial box a hoax

Originally posted by river-wind
thanks for the info...drat, I was hoping it was real. :(

So was I. The RCC has suppressed so much of the truth for its own financial gain (i.e. celebacy, the genealogy of Jesus, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the death and resurrection, etc.). The list goes on and on. Just think how much revenue the RCC has gotten for the resurrection alone!

Somewhere in the Vatican, if it hasn't been destroyed, is the truth that Jesus was married to MMagdalene and they had children after the crucifixion.

In much of the Renaissance art depicting Virgin Mary with baby Jesus on her lap--is actually MMagdalene and her babies with Jesus. Sometimes there's an older man in the picture which one would normally assume to be Joseph, but its not. Anytime you see a painting with a skull someone in the picture, that's MMagdalene. Anytime there's an old man with his index finger pointing, that's John the Baptist. (See the Last Supper, for example). I doubt if a lot of those paintings are actually of the BVM and Joseph. Sometimes there's more than one baby. I highly recommend the web site Rennes-le-Chateau.com. It tells all about what the RCC has suppressed. You'd be surprised--maybe not!
Originally posted by Saint
History tells us that, Christianity and Islam are the religions that
Shed the most blood.

Please try to be more accurate, religions don't shed blood, people shed blood over greed, desire to control, and to state supriority. No religion have ever advocated such things.
Re: Burial box a hoax

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Somewhere in the Vatican, if it hasn't been destroyed, is the truth that Jesus was married to MMagdalene and they had children after the crucifixion.
Ah - yet another peurile "the 'X' are sitting on the evidence, if it hasn't been destroyed" fairy-tale, i.e., "Pope St. Clement I meets Area 52".

Ironically, the very claim is nonsensical. If there is compelling evidence available, what the Vatican did or didn't do is irrelevant, since the availability of such evidence suggests that neither the Vatican, nor anyone else, succeeded in concealing the 'truth'.

Conversely, if the evidence has, in fact, been destroyed or rendered otherwise unavailable, one is forced to wonder by what mechanism this 'truth' was revealed to Medicine*Woman. Perhaps a Spirit Guide, or maybe a fortune cookie. Since this is the same Medicine*Woman who sought to teach us about Shabbat and managed only to parade her own ignorance, my personal guess favors the fortune-cookie scenario.
Re: Re: Burial box a hoax

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Ah - yet another peurile "the 'X' are sitting on the evidence, if it hasn't been destroyed" fairy-tale, i.e., "Pope St. Clement I meets Area 52".

Ironically, the very claim is nonsensical. If there is compelling evidence available, what the Vatican did or didn't do is irrelevant, since the availability of such evidence suggests that neither the Vatican, nor anyone else, succeeded in concealing the 'truth'.

Conversely, if the evidence has, in fact, been destroyed or rendered otherwise unavailable, one is forced to wonder by what mechanism this 'truth' was revealed to Medicine*Woman. Perhaps a Spirit Guide, or maybe a fortune cookie. Since this is the same Medicine*Woman who sought to teach us about Shabbat and managed only to parade her own ignorance, my personal guess favors the fortune-cookie scenario.

Let's just say I read a lot. Again, check the web site Rennes-le-Chateau.com. The cover-up by the RCC and this missing evidence is discussed at length.
Re: Re: Re: Burial box a hoax

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Let's just say I read a lot.
And what, specifically, did you read about Judaic Shabbat observance?

The internet provides an near endless supply of Kook theories and fringe science - just do a search on alien abduction. Offer me a single piece of peer-reviewed evidence and I'll be more than happy to discuss it with you. As for the rest, I'm sorry, but you simply lack sufficient credibility to make your web site recommendations worthy of serious consideration.
This movement?

Originally posted by okinrus
Just so we are on the same page. Are you a part of this movement M*W http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=+"New+Age+Movement"

I'm an independent thinker, so I'm not a part of this 'movement,' although the web site was very interesting. Thanks for sending the link. This 'movement' is like any other 'religion.' I'm opposed to any organized religion which is man's creation, not God's. Until we see God within our own being, we've missed the whole point. You don't have to seek God somewhere 'out there.' God is in each of us--too varying degrees. This is what Jesus was trying to teach us.