Why lie?


Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
I just dont get it. You men - always lie??? Okay, I need some input here, Im going crazy just thinking on the subject.

To men:
When you meet a girl and start to get involved, and you dont think anything serious will become of your relationship - why do you make it seem like you really like the girl, like you WANT to be with her - knowing that you dont. Is it a complex? Is it insecurity, in case you cant find someone else. Im serious here, I just dont get it. I would NEVER tell someone I cared for them, if I didnt. And what the fuck is wrong with me?????? How come noone will love me???? I hate everything right now. And I will never trust another man again. :(
Exactly the same things I thought about girlds when I got dumped recently. I don't get it either. But, you're a very nice girl, and I think your ex is crazy.
They do it because they want to fuck you for a while.

Shit, you can say that again. I wouldnt be so mad if that was the case, but damn! Couldnt he have let me know that first? I would be cool with that. I dont want to be with anyone who dont want to be with me, but dont act like you like me when you dont. God, it hurts so bad!:(
Sex rocks. But I've been offered obligation-free sex here at university several times, and turned it down while I was with someone. We men are not all pigs. Just as I would think you women would not want me to assume you are all heartless demons.
To men:
When you meet a girl and start to get involved, and you dont think anything serious will become of your relationship - why do you make it seem like you really like the girl, like you WANT to be with her - knowing that you dont. Is it a complex? Is it insecurity, in case you cant find someone else. Im serious here, I just dont get it. I would NEVER tell someone I cared for them, if I didnt. And what the fuck is wrong with me?????? How come noone will love me???? I hate everything right now. And I will never trust another man again

1: Your ex is not crazy. He's an utter fucking moron with the mental capacity of a crack-addled lemur.

2: I have no fucking clue. Men are bizzare. It must be just about sex, I suppose.

3: Is nothing wrong with you. It's his fucking problem.
Im not heartless. I know Im not perfect but damn, are there any NORMAL MEN out there??!!!!??!!!? People try to tell me that Im such a strong-will, opinionated person, that some men are scared of that. But thats bullshit! I would think a men would WANT a smart strong woman. And you should see the chick that got the guy. Shes soooo not cute. And shes dumb too. Thats such a blow to my self-esteem.
ARRRRGHGGGGGHHHHH - I hate life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is nothing wrong with you. It's his fucking problem.

Ya, thats what i USED to think - about 15 men ago. I mean, there ALLL fucked up - I think thats wrong, I think it is me, it has to be. But thanks for making me feel better:)
Most men who usually do that do so to use women. Generally for something like sex or money.

I'm sorry, I don't know what I can do to help.
I don't know about other guys, but I always hated the weak stupid women on the old Hollywood movies. When there was trouble, a dinosaur was chasing them or whatever, they always fall over and twist and ankle or stand there squealing. Gets the guys in more trouble. That always annoyed me. So I've never liked weak or dumb women. An attractive woman is, to me, one who is strong physically and mentally.
"Uhhh, shoot the bastard for me"

How about I have the Great Cthulhu eat him?


"Ya, thats what i USED to think - about 15 men ago. I mean, there ALLL fucked up - I think thats wrong, I think it is me, it has to be. But thanks for making me feel better"

No. Incredible as it may sound, they're ALL fucked up.

Plus, you've had a run of bad luck. Some of us do. And some of us seem to attract the fucked-up ones.

Really. I don't know what you look like, of course, but you're cool.

I know what you are going through. I have gone through traumatic breakups myself before. The worst one cost me mediocre grades and 15 pounds of weight from not eating anything for several days. You WILL be smarter and stronger next time. Just remember you are not the only one. Most people will have to go through what you have been going through at least once in their lifes. It is part of growing pain. Yes there are normal and honest men out there. They are everywhere in fact. I wish I can introduce you to some of them here in Silicon Valley. There are a lot of engineers here desperate for dates. Don't give up. I think you are pretty. You will eventually find someone I am certain.

This is one of the reason why I tell teengers to get into the dating game as early as possible. After you have played the game you can see how stupid it really is. But you really have to go through the whole process to really convince yourself that is the case. By the time you are 25 you should be able to easily tell if a men really loves you or he is just trying play you and dump you. You can distinguish between love and infatuation. You can know what guys are thinking and even anticipate their next moves. Men are very predictable comparing to women. I have been jerked around by women a few times. I think women are very predictably unpredictable. You can predict their unpredictability from experience.
not all men are basteds

(this is hard for me to say) i guess not all chicks are either


All of us guys are not assholes, I have been with my wife for close to 10 years now and we have 4 great kids togther. What really upsets me is guys who go out and fuck their brains out and the girl will get pregnant, then the guys says "your problem not mine". I had a friend who did that to 2 different women, both had DNA tests done and both children were his, but he still refused to accept responsibility for them, so one day i kicked his ass. Have'nt talked to him since that day and I dont want to.

Sex is great but people need to be responsible. If she gets pregnant and its your child, BE A FUCKING MAN and accept your responsibilities!!!!
the girl will get pregnant, then the guys says "your problem not mine".

My daughters real father has never seen her and she is 4. Hes never asked about her or offered anything. We grew up together and were close friends (again) and we seen each other for 7 years, and I told him I was pregnant, and he never spoke to me again. :(
Okay, you're cute too. Men are simply stupid, that's all. And you seem to have run into a bunch of scumbags.

So, how about we have Cthulhu eat this last scumbag?