Why isn't faith embarrasing?

Hearing that kind of gets me annoyed. Most Muslims don't believe in evolution, yet we are followers of Harun Yahya (a brilliant man whose name most of us don't even know, let alone pronounce)? How many of his books have you ever read? How many have you countered with your own? It's easy to degrade a book by calling it names, but what's important is how you evaluate its content.

I don't need to believe in evolution to recognize that we (and the rest of the universe) weren't constructed in six days. I know more than you ever will about the universe and all the theories as to how we're here today for you to call my beliefs a load of shit.

DO NOT tell me you swallow his stuff. :bawl:

Let me introduce you to a fun guy


Of course, but it all starts at the top, right? Most Middle Eastern countries either have incompetent, corrupt rulers, or puppets of Western forces. It's hard to make change when those with all the power like things the way they are.

Most? I would say all are puppets of the west. Even Ahmadinejad has shown some little Masonic signs. More controlled opposition. I think it's sad the West refuses to leave the Muslim nations to their own devices. I think we all might be pleasantly surprised if they did.
SAM said:
The only creationists in Islam (with any audience) are the Harun Yahya Show (I dismiss the idoits with no education).
The people with no education are the ones you want to get some, eh?

They won't appreciate being called idiots.

In Rochester, Minnesota, the local immigrant Muslims have chosen representatives to sit down with resident civic leaders and try to head off problems. One of the problems is the teaching of un-Islamic falsehoods and moral degradations in the schools, and in particular Darwinian evolution - the leaders of the Islamic community are trying to work out a compromise involving schools set aside for Muslim children where such beliefs are not forced upon them.

And so it goes.
The people with no education are the ones you want to get some, eh?

They won't appreciate being called idiots.

In Rochester, Minnesota, the local immigrant Muslims have chosen representatives to sit down with resident civic leaders and try to head off problems. One of the problems is the teaching of un-Islamic falsehoods and moral degradations in the schools, and in particular Darwinian evolution - the leaders of the Islamic community are trying to work out a compromise involving schools set aside for Muslim children where such beliefs are not forced upon them.

And so it goes.

There are a LOT of idoits with no education (or precious little of it) in the Muslim world. Fortunately there are also many like Razib and Eteraz.

Here's hoping for more Razibs and less Yahyas. :yay:
I've been down this route a year ago when I embarassed myself on this forum. :D

You're a fast reader. "Embarassed" yourself? If you need help with the math, just ask someone who knows, and has an education on the topic (like, uh, me).
The people with no education are the ones you want to get some, eh?

They won't appreciate being called idiots.

In Rochester, Minnesota, the local immigrant Muslims have chosen representatives to sit down with resident civic leaders and try to head off problems. One of the problems is the teaching of un-Islamic falsehoods and moral degradations in the schools, and in particular Darwinian evolution - the leaders of the Islamic community are trying to work out a compromise involving schools set aside for Muslim children where such beliefs are not forced upon them.

And so it goes.
All they have to do is homeschool. Done. Problem solved.
There seems to be some confusion about evolution, which is a process and a fact, and abiogenesis - which obviously also occurred (we are here) but is separate from evolution.
There seems to be some confusion about evolution, which is a process and a fact, and abiogenesis.

Read my links. There are millions like it.

So-called "educated Muslims" (not pointing any fingers) claim deniers of evolution feed off creation science by a select few authors, yet fail to recognize they do the exact same thing for pro-evolutionists. The hypocrisy is almost amusing. They say I don't bother to hear the evolutionary side of view, which is absurd - what do you think they've been feeding me since junior high?
It's fine you don't believe in evolution Kadark - but that the process occurs is a fact. There may be various theories on exactly how the finer details of the process work, but no one is arguing that the process doesn't occur.
"...but no one is arguing that the process doesn't occur."

I'm not so sure of that. Isn't arguing that the whole point?
No, people are mainly trying to figure out the finer details of how the process occurs. I think what you are really skeptic about is abiogenesis, that is, the origin of life itself. Evolution is what's going on with life that's already here. You know, like breading for a certain type of trait in a dog. Even experiments using fruit fies are shedding light on speciation.

So really, I think, what you are more concerned about is how life started.
Yeah, I was mainly concerned with how it started (both life and universe). Little annoying hearing people say what I think is a "load of shit", even though I'm more more educated and knowledgeable on the matter than they could ever hope to be. Of course, when I ask for specifics, they deny. What else is new?

Don't mind me, Michael. It's been a really rough day.
You gotta know first what you are talking about. If you say evolution but mean abiogenesis, its bound to create misunderstandings.
I don't mind discussing either, although the bigger picture was the origins. You failed to deliver anything of substance for either, I'm afraid.
I don't mind discussing either, although the bigger picture was the origins. You failed to deliver anything of substance for either, I'm afraid.

Thats ok. I have a friend who is an evolutionary biologist and a brother who is a geneticist. Frankly, I'm tired (and argued out) on the subject. Maybe later, if I am in the mood.

I will advise you to stick to getting science from scientists not evangelicals (even if they are popular or home grown).
Thats ok. I have a friend who is an evolutionary biologist and a brother who is a geneticist. Frankly, I'm tired (and argued out) on the subject. Maybe later, if I am in the mood.

I will advise you to stick to getting science from scientists not evangelicals (even if they are popular or home grown).


Me learning from your mistakes is the only way you can teach me. Everything that's above you is beneath me.