Why is there so little intertheist discussion?

Perhaps they are finally seeing that evolution is correct and are leaving their religious states of delusion and myths to be involved with reality finally.:shrug:

I am a theist and I believe in evolution, believe in creation because evolution is programmed .

I don't agree with atheist because they think they know every think about nature , and that shoes me plain ignorance from their part.
What makes you believe God created the universe?


A theory, a feeling, a belief.

I think a lot about what was here "before" the universe was created and if there was a "before". This is the basis of my study of physics of all kinds.

The thought of Nothing or "No-thing" makes my head hurt.

Others possibly can accept a nothingness of quantum fluctuations, but to me, something is needed to first create a place for those fluctuations to occur as well as the fluctuations themselves.

This may be the seed of the universe.

Accepting a God of creation solves that problem for me. My head dosen't hurt.
Good points above. But this is a science-y forum and no one has any evidence. How then to argue one over another?

Seems like a pretty good reason why there's so little interfaith discussion here- what's there to discuss? By trying to put it into a scientific context, which is the presumed purpose of discussing things here instead of some other website, it reduces the discussion to a destructive argument over which viewpoint has the greatest lack of evidence to back it. I have to wonder how many threads are even started here with the intent of having a dialogue in the first place, as opposed to simply creating yet another bullying pulpit.
Seems like a pretty good reason why there's so little interfaith discussion here- what's there to discuss? By trying to put it into a scientific context, which is the presumed purpose of discussing things here instead of some other website, it reduces the discussion to a destructive argument over which viewpoint has the greatest lack of evidence to back it. I have to wonder how many threads are even started here with the intent of having a dialogue in the first place, as opposed to simply creating yet another bullying pulpit.

The reality is that the average religious seeker finds themselves in the crossfire between different religions, also in the crossfire between different religions and science.

There should be venues to talk about this. A forum like this is suitable.
A theory, a feeling, a belief.

I think a lot about what was here "before" the universe was created and if there was a "before". This is the basis of my study of physics of all kinds.

The thought of Nothing or "No-thing" makes my head hurt.

Others possibly can accept a nothingness of quantum fluctuations, but to me, something is needed to first create a place for those fluctuations to occur as well as the fluctuations themselves.

This may be the seed of the universe.

Accepting a God of creation solves that problem for me. My head dosen't hurt.

Have any scriptures, and/or religion played a role your decision of God?

Have any scriptures, and/or religion played a role your decision of God?


No, except the bible said that God created the heavens and the earth. I just have an opinion, as previously expressed, on how it was done.

I should note that the Hebrew Bible stated that the universe (world in their understanding) had a beginning and would someday end thousands of years before science discovered the same thing. A lucky guess?

Study of science, hopefully without preconceived notions or prejudices in my current continuing search.

I have read extensively about religion and some of my ideas may come from that phase, but they led me to study science for further clarification.

I'm still looking and would appreciate any help that comes my way.
The reality is that the average religious seeker finds themselves in the crossfire between different religions, also in the crossfire between different religions and science.

There should be venues to talk about this. A forum like this is suitable.

Yeah that sounds perfectly fine in principle, and I wasn't trying to imply that this subsection is totally useless or of no scientific merit... but this section is only useful to that extent insofar as the participants are actually interested in said crossfire. I don't get the impression that many conversations are started here with any serious interest or intent in changing or adapting one's own views, or with a genuine intention of exploring and understanding an alternative viewpoint. In a nutshell, it seems like a lot of people come here just to fight, and while they may welcome other combatants to the fight, the welcome is only extended for the sake of the fight itself and not to learn anything from it.
Does it say God created the universe ? or God created the heaven and earth

do we know what is meant by heaven ? What is firmament , is it part our atmosphere ?

The world, heaven and earth were what the people knew at that time it was written, or passed down by oral tradition.

IMHO, it meant the universe as they knew it.

No complaint here.

Kind Regards,

As a religious person who belives in evolution, I have a problem getting others to discuss it. They generally go to one "good book" or another and quote the answer. No discussion is tollerated. So I generally just don't bring it up.

I go to science which I consider God's good book.

This is part of the problem with interfaith discussions. They often get nipped in the bud.

no I am with you on that . Evolution is real . Yet there is something about it . They say natural selection , but there is something mighty strange about selections . It ties in to this Idea that free will is an illusion and controls on time give us a perspective that we have free will but in reality we are controlled by the force of time . That force of time being god like by the way it is dictated in the individuals life . I think there is a language based in symbolic motion that dictates outcome . Something dragged from the past .

I don't know that is out there . It could be me delusion , but the voices you all use speak to Me in parallel motion . It is the strangest of things . Possessed is all I can say . Your all possessed by the spirit or something. You can believe what you all say . I try to tell you. I don't know if it comes out right or not . I imagine I sound like the average crank . I am O.K. with that . I try Me best . Let there be Cranks

Lets take the Flathead Monster for example . Superstitious animal that lives at the bottom of a lake. Now that sounds like a leviathan story to Me . Even a Poseidon frog story comes to mind . Yet : Yet : you investigate the Flat head Peoples and analysis a atrocities perpetrated on the tribe of peoples and you got wonder if there is something to a Flathead Monster . The beast with in so to speak . What do we call it " Human Expansionism . It is one big Ideology the world follows . I think it is the remnant of human migration . People we migrated already . We cover the earth !!. Fuck anyway . How can I put this . We have reached or destination !! The business plan is complete. God is it just Me . Fuck anyway
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You asked for discussion among us believers , here I attempted to open a discussion, but you are complaining .

You ! Are you the Slav Guy . Is that a language group ? My Step mother was Ukrainian. She Died the week before thanksgiving (my favorite celebration in America) We are still suffering from this . Are you Ukrainian?

I want to hear what you have to say . Gypsies seem to be slav from what I gather . There is a mystery about a violin . Do you know any thing about that . A Violin with a blemish, but the blemish turns out to be the very thing that gave the violin its sound . What do you know about this ? Anything at all . Tell Me if you do . It is of much importance to me
Does it say God created the universe ? or God created the heaven and earth

do we know what is meant by heaven ? What is firmament , is it part our atmosphere ?

Heaven is the future of humanity . A better life . To command your environment. To rule the earth . Firmament is those beliefs held sacred. Try rooting them out of someone and tell me if they are not firmly rooted . Head worms would be one way a member of this forum I respect would say . Worms in a wooden head . Wormwood Like a Pinocchio story of the wood boy wanting to become a real boy some day . Like the wooden Indian at the Gift shop . Like the God Wooden in Norse mythology . Like burning wood around the camp fire cooking your meat . Very ancient in origin . Frag can give us an estimate on how far it goes back .
I am a theist and I believe in evolution, believe in creation because evolution is programmed .

I don't agree with atheist because they think they know every think about nature , and that shoes me plain ignorance from their part.

Very interesting . I am getting the feeling we are on the same page here . Programed ? That my friend is very interesting thing to say .

The Violin ? You know anything about an old family called Fidler ?
Why is there so little discussion between theists of different denominations here?

We have here members of different theistic traditions: Catholics, Protestants, other Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, polytheists, and others.

Generally, there are well-known clashes between them.

And yet they barely discuss their differences here.

How come?

I suspect the reason is to avoid the situation where different religions ultimately turn to analyze each other's lists of objective claims. Then they may use existing scientific knowledge to eliminate each others claims; thus, demonstrating that none of them are correct. I suspect that the only way to prevent this outcome is just to not discuss things at all.
You ! Are you the Slav Guy . Is that a language group ? My Step mother was Ukrainian. She Died the week before thanksgiving (my favorite celebration in America) We are still suffering from this . Are you Ukrainian?

Yes I am a UKI

Before the name of Slave merged their Greek and Latin Name was SKLAV.
There were some nomads group called Sklaws which were controlled by Scythian and Sarmatean .
You asked for discussion among us believers , here I attempted to open a discussion, but you are complaining .

The topic of this thread is centred on the question Why is there so little intertheist discussion?

This thread in particular is not meant to explore how particular religions differ on particular issues.
You are welcome to start such threads.