Why is there so little intertheist discussion?


Valued Senior Member
Why is there so little discussion between theists of different denominations here?

We have here members of different theistic traditions: Catholics, Protestants, other Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, polytheists, and others.

Generally, there are well-known clashes between them.

And yet they barely discuss their differences here.

How come?
It is like political parties . They got plenty of scape goats ( Mainly Atheist are the enemy round heya ) You know how it is ? War makes for the strangest of bed partners
Lack of tolerance and respect of the beliefs of other abounds in this and similar forums.

It prevents any intelligent discussion.

It is not just here, but in the World in general. I have found very few believers who will enter into any discussion of comparative beliefs without taking a stance early in the discussion which stops any chance of achieving an understanding of the others opinion.

I am a believer in God and go to religious services regularly, but also attend, when invited, to services of other faiths and enjoy their worship of their Deity who I feel is just another face of mine.

I suspect that this post will attract atheist attacks, but request, without much hope, that they will instead, take this as an opportunity to express their beliefs in a professional and honest manner, so I may better understand their point of view. I would welcome their opinions, whether I disagree with them or not.

Respectfully submitted,

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Perhaps they are finally seeing that evolution is correct and are leaving their religious states of delusion and myths to be involved with reality finally.:shrug:
As a religious person who belives in evolution, I have a problem getting others to discuss it. They generally go to one "good book" or another and quote the answer. No discussion is tollerated. So I generally just don't bring it up.

I go to science which I consider God's good book.

This is part of the problem with interfaith discussions. They often get nipped in the bud.
As a religious person who belives in evolution, I have a problem getting others to discuss it. They generally go to one "good book" or another and quote the answer. No discussion is tollerated. So I generally just don't bring it up.

I go to science which I consider God's good book.

This is part of the problem with interfaith discussions. They often get nipped in the bud.

What role does God play, in your theistic outlook?


Creator of the Universe’s. (What we consider the Universe is likely only a very small part.)

Albeit in a very complex way which science trying to understand.
Why is there so little discussion between theists of different denominations here?

We have here members of different theistic traditions: Catholics, Protestants, other Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, polytheists, and others.

Generally, there are well-known clashes between them.

And yet they barely discuss their differences here.

How come?
because this isn't the forum for it - you wouldn't get two posts into it without someone quipping "But its just like the invisible pink unicorn" or "but why doesn't god cure cancer?"

there are bigger fish to fry, so to speak ....
Because defense of theism requires god to be defined in the vaguest terms possible. Jan even said she believes all religions!
But now there have been more than two posts that have commented reasonably.

Is there hope for change?

Maybe people will try. I suspect the bomb is comming, but I would enjoy being wrong.
There are of course some fundamentalist denominations of Christianity that teach that every other religion is the product of Satan's efforts to lead people away from the truth by providing approximations that appeal to a diverse range of personal motivations. To put it another way, they believe that if you're not trying to model yourself on Jesus in particular, and you're not part of a fellowship that is trying to model itself on the first century Christian church, then your soul is in mortal danger.

I guess one question that is relevant to this discussion then is "Why are they wrong?".
Good points above. But this is a science-y forum and no one has any evidence. How then to argue one over another?
because this isn't the forum for it - you wouldn't get two posts into it without someone quipping "But its just like the invisible pink unicorn" or "but why doesn't god cure cancer?"

I don't buy this "it's a science forum full of atheists."

Why not simply ignore the atheist remarks or state specifically for whom the thread is?

there are bigger fish to fry, so to speak ....

You theists are not being fair and you are not even trying to put yourself into the shoes of the average unchurched person.

The average unchurched person, when looking for the "true religion," finds themselves in the crossfire between several religions, especially theisms.

But theists tend to deny that this crossfire exists!!
There are of course some fundamentalist denominations of Christianity that teach that every other religion is the product of Satan's efforts to lead people away from the truth by providing approximations that appeal to a diverse range of personal motivations. To put it another way, they believe that if you're not trying to model yourself on Jesus in particular, and you're not part of a fellowship that is trying to model itself on the first century Christian church, then your soul is in mortal danger.

I guess one question that is relevant to this discussion then is "Why are they wrong?".

It's actually worse than that. Many Christian denominations teach that they are the only way and all others, including their fellow Christians with slightly different flavors of belief are also going to hell.

I hope they are wrong since I don't buy into a God who condemns most of humanity.

Now the pot is stirred enough to start getting some opinions.

Not sure the first century church is a correct quote. The reformation changed much of that. Christians in the first century were basically good Jews before they changed. Until Constantine, who forcefully unified the Church, many different views of Christianity thrived.
I don't buy this "it's a science forum full of atheists."

Why not simply ignore the atheist remarks or state specifically for whom the thread is?

I suggest that atheist's comments should be as welcome others in a discussion such as this.