Why is the Religion forum so popular on a Science Board?

Absolutely. Go ask any of the theist members here. Since that have the 100%guaranteed answers (at least within their own versions).

Wasn't faith, by an atheist's definition, belief without any evidence? And that is what you ascribe to atheism? I can't say I disagree.
Maybe you should spend some time on the science section, considering science still cannot answer many questions about our life and universe. Surely without the answers yourselves, you cannot criticize other beliefs.
Oh come on.

Just because I can't explain why gravity pulls down instead of pushing up dosen't mean that a sky fairy with winged attendants made it that way. Sheesh!
Wasn't faith, by an atheist's definition, belief without any evidence? And that is what you ascribe to atheism? I can't say I disagree.
There's no belief - just disbelief.
No evidence to support a belief (from our point of view) so we don't give any credence to the concept.

Might have replied incorrectly - just noticed Kadark's reply was to Supes... only excuse is that I'm tired.
Mea culpa.
Maybe you should spend some time on the science section, considering science still cannot answer many questions about our life and universe. Surely without the answers yourselves, you cannot criticize other beliefs.

I do not criticize religion, I may have criticized some viewpoints because I thought they were illogical but thats all in the discussion.
I should go spend time in the science section.. ? :confused: If you are going to be like that why don't you go find some nice little religion forum where you won't be bothered by us ignorant atheists :bugeye:
You're not getting it, dude.

Internet sarcasm is difficult to recognize. Best speak seriously at all times, or enclose your text within SARCASM /SARCASM to indicate the presence of it. Otherwise, I'll likely take you to be speaking literally every time.
I do not criticize religion, I may have criticized some viewpoints because I thought they were illogical but thats all in the discussion.
I should go spend time in the science section.. ? :confused: If you are going to be like that why don't you go find some nice little religion forum where you won't be bothered by us ignorant atheists :bugeye:

If you've missed my point, I'll repeat: why spend time arguing against other beliefs if you yourself have no answers?
If you've missed my point, I'll repeat: why spend time arguing against other beliefs if you yourself have no answers?

I am not arguing against any belief. I'm arguing viewpoints while discussing belief, at least I try to.
I post in astronomy, physics, biology, world events, general philosophy, etc. I only come here to bash... I mean, discuss religion with theists.
Besides, atheism is so dull, no passion, no emotion.
Of course: there's nothing there to expend it on.
Passion and emotion is reserved other things...

If you've missed my point, I'll repeat: why spend time arguing against other beliefs if you yourself have no answers?
To see IF any of the answers are valid to us personally is one reason, to find out WHY someone believes when our reason tells us not to, to learn more about fellow human beings.
To see IF any of the answers are valid to us personally is one reason,

You've obviously denounced religion and its general explanations for our universe's creation and the origins of life. Why do you persist in posting here? Most definitely, you aren't going to change your mind and believe there is a God.

to find out WHY someone believes when our reason tells us not to,

What if someone asks you, "how did the universe (before the big bang) begin?" If there isn't an answer for that, maybe your are mismanaging your time and focus. Try to actually find an answer yourself, then tell me why I'm wrong.

to learn more about fellow human beings.

What more need you know about the theists on Sciforums?
You've obviously denounced religion and its general explanations for our universe's creation and the origins of life. Why do you persist in posting here? Most definitely, you aren't going to change your mind and believe there is a God.

What if someone asks you, "how did the universe (before the big bang) begin?" If there isn't an answer for that, maybe your are mismanaging your time and focus. Try to actually find an answer yourself, then tell me why I'm wrong.

What more need you know about the theists on Sciforums?

Let me ask you this: What are you doing on a science forum ?
Wouldn't you be better off on a religious forum ? You are obviously quite annoyed by us atheists asking questions.
Let me ask you this: What are you doing on a science forum ?
Wouldn't you be better off on a religious forum ? You are obviously quite annoyed by us atheists asking questions.

Like I have proven before, this isn't a science forum. Just look at the numers, son.
Like I have proven before, this isn't a science forum. Just look at the numers, son.

Like i said before, the numbers are influenced by theist presence. It IS a science forum, look at the name: Sciforums.
You've obviously denounced religion and its general explanations for our universe's creation and the origins of life. Why do you persist in posting here? Most definitely, you aren't going to change your mind and believe there is a God.
Definitely not going to change my mind?
Thought I was more intellectually flexible than that.
There could be an answer here - just haven't found it yet.
Don't judge so quickly.
I look for answers everywhere.

What if someone asks you, "how did the universe (before the big bang) begin?" If there isn't an answer for that, maybe your are mismanaging your time and focus. Try to actually find an answer yourself, then tell me why I'm wrong.
You know there isn't an answer for that. Yet.
What you don't know is that I have worked on it.
Didn't get an answer though. I hope someone will.

What more need you know about the theists on Sciforums?
Like that huh?
We shouldn't talk to them?
Can't exchange ideas?
Can't question ideas, concepts?
Like: why are there so many views of god, how do you KNOW yours is the right one?
For your information the person I hold in highest regard on SF is a believer, and I started talking to them through "discussions" on religion (the way I remember it anyway :shrug:) - that person I would do almost anything for.
You'd deny me a friend?
Or the opportunity for more?
Like i said before, the numbers are influenced by theist presence. It IS a science forum, look at the name: Sciforums.

The theist presence? What is the ratio of theists to atheists? Probably greatly in favor of the latter. Besides, a name means nothing. Sciforums may have been intended to be predominately scientific, but somewhere along the way, religion and politics became the major issue. Besides, you can blame theists for popularizing the religious section, but that does little to answer how popular world events and politics sections are, does it?
The theist presence? What is the ratio of theists to atheists? Probably greatly in favor of the latter. Besides, a name means nothing. Sciforums may have been intended to be predominately scientific, but somewhere along the way, religion and politics became the major issue. Besides, you can blame theists for popularizing the religious section, but that does little to answer how popular world events and politics sections are, does it?

Blame ? lol
This is getting absurd, tell me do you not want me to post in the religion subforum or what ?
I don't know about world events and politics sections, I have never been there.
Definitely not going to change my mind?
Thought I was more intellectually flexible than that.
There could be an answer here - just haven't found it yet.
Don't judge so quickly.
I look for answers everywhere.

If you say that there can be a God, then you are not atheist - you are agnostic. You have been mislabeling yourself the whole time, Oli.

You know there isn't an answer for that. Yet.
What you don't know is that I have worked on it.
Didn't get an answer though. I hope someone will.

Yes, my point exactly. There is very little discussion on Sciforums amongst the scientifically inclined members to help broaden and tackle issues that science lacks in. How many atheists here try and answer science's unknown departments as opposed to those who just argue religion is ridiculous and outright wrong?

Like that huh?
We shouldn't talk to them?
Can't exchange ideas?
Can't question ideas, concepts?
Like: why are there so many views of god, how do you KNOW yours is the right one?
For your information the person I hold in highest regard on SF is a believer, and I started talking to them through "discussions" on religion (the way I remember it anyway ) - that person I would do almost anything for.
You'd deny me a friend?
Or the opportunity for more?

What? I didn't say all that, Oli.
Blame ? lol
This is getting absurd, tell me do you not want me to post in the religion subforum or what ?
I don't know about world events and politics sections, I have never been there.

Not at all. I love how atheists take an interest in religion; if they didn't, everyone here would agree, and that would be boring and accomplish or introduce nothing new. Simply, I suggest perhaps that you should better manage and balance your posts, as to which ones are in the religious section and which ones pertain to science. Does that make sense?
If you say that there can be a God, then you are not atheist - you are agnostic. You have been mislabeling yourself the whole time, Oli.
There could be anything - but the balance of probability is that there isn't: that's why I call myself atheist.

Yes, my point exactly. There is very little discussion on Sciforums amongst the scientifically inclined members to help broaden and tackle issues that science lacks in. How many atheists here try and answer science's unknown departments as opposed to those who just argue religion is ridiculous and outright wrong?
Because most of us (that joined for the science) aren't practising scientists, and it's so abstruse these days that things are unlikely to be discovered by amateurs who dabble.

What? I didn't say all that, Oli.
Okay, sorry, I just took the
What more need you know about the theists on Sciforums?
as a "stay away" rather than a genuine question.
People are people: and as such are of interest, simple as that.
Are you a person or JUST a believer?
Am I a person or JUST an atheist?
Surely we're all more rounded than that, hence the lengthy "discussions".
(For my part anyway in the majority of cases).