Why is the forbidden fruit an apple?

An interesting aspect of the Adam and Eve story is that evolutionary science shows that there really had to be an Adam and Eve, or a common ancestor to all modern humans.
There were other types of humans existing at the same time as modern ones (neanderthals), so that fits too.
What happened in the garden...the fall...was a genetic alteration...brought about by the fruit which was eaten...and then passed on to subsequent generations as genes always are. Our flesh was manipulated, or altered...there were definite physical, mental, and emotional changes...and we all know what determines the make-up of our flesh...our genes. And this change to our flesh created a veil between us and God...caused by the sinful inclination that was instilled into us.

The reason that I think this to be true is because of this "miracle" that happened to me last year. The miracle involves a man who was deceived into taking the mark of the beast. The temptation for the mark was presented to him in a very similar way, if not the exact way, that the temptation for the fall was presented to Eve....to become more enlightened...to become like God. The mark is also presented as a "rebirth" and a means to immortality...the catch (the lie) is that it is an rebirth and immortality of and by the flesh and not of and by the spirit.

This man who took the mark, and lived with it for years, until almost a year ago, attests to this immortality of the flesh, and a corresponding spiritual death. As the fall created a veil between us and God, the mark cuts us off from Him completely...the final nail in the coffin so to speak. He says that the genetic alteration was brought about by eating something...the fruit of a carnivorous plant...carnivorous, like a venus flytrap. And what ensued sounds to me like a blood transfusion of sorts, which somehow the fruit helps to perpetuate. The mark and it's process were presented and administered to this man by demons, under the guise of "aliens of light" or "beings of light" or spiritually enlightened beings of some sort. The mark is associated with the alien abduction phenomenon, and the man did not know that this is a demonic deception.

This mark is referenced Revelation ch9...the locusts are the aliens...the scorpion sting is the mark...and the mark is the reason that in verse 6 it says "During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."


Neildo said:
Science and knowledge is the forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve were ignorant creatures before becoming enlightened.
Most things written in religious or mythical texts aren't to be taken literally. The "fruit" wasn't a real fruit like an apple or orange and the same applies to many other things and events in those texts.

D--depends what you mean by literalism. for example, the patriarchs INTERPRETATION of a much more ancinet mythology based on GODDESS not 'God' is not to be taken literally. but the associative motifs ARE, in the sense that they are poetic and associatative. for example 'Tree'...its assoicatiosn include conjoiner bwtten the cosmos, earth and underworld...also, spine/kundalini....and reference to sacred mushroom, etc etc....Then we have, for example, Serpent, associated ancinetly with Earth and cosmic energies, also a symbol for immortaliy in that serpents slough their skin off for renewed skin, and its reference for the magic mushroom....etc. So pre-patriarchal peoples would understand mythology that way. what patriarchs did is copt that and subvert it, so now Serpent is 'evil' and is 'cursed' etc. all with the intention of demonizing the peoples they invaded's earth religions.

The writers just tried to describe it all the best they could as they too were ignorant about many matters.

D--they were both ruthelessly skillful in thier demonization process, but completely ignorant of what this would do to peoples psyche overall (maybe) which still has its drastic effects on our relationship with the Feminine, and Nature, and OUR nature of course

If the exact events of any relgious text or myth were to happen today, it would be written a whole lot differently with things being much more specific and not as literal except for maybe adding an artistic twist to it.

- N

i believe that our myth is very much a linear development of that creation myth. i STILL am aware of prohibition against hallucinogens and their experience. a feear of the Feminine, and an oppressive insistence to obey authority which isn't 'God/Yahweh' now, but science
There is a theory that it was the use of shrooms that started the incredible expansion of the human brain, which made "knowledge of good and evil" possible.
spidergoat said:
There is a theory that it was the use of shrooms that started the incredible expansion of the human brain, which made "knowledge of good and evil" possible.

you mean Terrence McKenna's theory?
i don't know. some others say it was food...tool making, etc. maybe a combination. am not mad on redictionist explantions.
dolphins have a big brain, and are very intelligent yet -as far as i know--didn't eat shrooms when they were on land (though animals do do....read Animals and Psychdelics, by Giorgio Simorini)

as regarding the 'good and evil'. well i am sure animals do know good and evil. many wild anilams sure have us sussed. getting the hell out of it when they see us coming--ie., evil
yet on some places where there hasn't been that much of our species around, they are relatively friendly, or not afriad of us

What i am understanding the 'good and evil' motif to mean is that magic can be used for good or evil. as you know, hallucinogens are all a part of the magic realms aND mythology
Yes, McKenna. Although it could have just as easily been sexual selection or some other reason. One thing to point out is that absolute size isn't the best indication of intelligence, since larger animals need larger brains. Once that is accounted for, we can see that primates already have larger brains for their size than most mammals.

Maybe the forbidden fruit was agriculture, which might have been the knowledge that threw us out of the garden that was the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Or, it might have been just the retaining and transfer of knowledge made possible by language.

It's an interesting myth, I wonder if it predates the Christian era.
spidergoat said:
Yes, McKenna. Although it could have just as easily been sexual selection or some other reason. One thing to point out is that absolute size isn't the best indication of intelligence, since larger animals need larger brains. Once that is accounted for, we can see that primates already have larger brains for their size than most mammals.

Maybe the forbidden fruit was agriculture, which might have been the knowledge that threw us out of the garden that was the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Or, it might have been just the retaining and transfer of knowledge made possible by language.
It's an interesting myth, I wonder if it predates the Christian era.

I've heard of that interpretation before. Espcially considering the bit where Cain is admonished by "God" for offering non-meat sacrifice
Also women were in prominence in the agricultural phase

but there is one big problem. whee the Hebrews who wrote the myth hunter gatherers?
Were hunter gatherers anti-hallucinogens and anti Goddess?

for when one analyzes the myth those elements are very prominent
In fact its central--insidious-theme is the demonization of the Feminine!