Why is the forbidden fruit an apple?

It was a quince, not an apple!

I've read research where the fruit is thought to have been a quince. Have you ever dried and smoked quince meat? Maybe that's what they meant by paradise! I have a suggestion. When we have our sciforums convention, I'll bring some dried quince, enough for everybody because it's not illegal, and you all bring the rolling papers, and we'll have one hell of a time!
Originally posted by Lucysnow
Because God only knows what Eve would have done with a banana.

OH man yeah! I was gonna say "a banana might have been a bit phalic eh?". Hehe
Because God only knows what Eve would have done with a banana.
:D lmao!

Is that true medicine woman?? I know 'lsd' (or the equivalent) forms on dried banana skins.
Fruit of the Doom

Originally posted by Sefter
:D lmao!

Is that true medicine woman?? I know 'lsd' (or the equivalent) forms on dried banana skins.

I remember growing up in the 60s with songs like "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan. Of course it was about banana skins or, more likely, those strings in bananas were dried and smoked. Man, we ate a lotta bananas in those days! My K levels are still way too high!

Some other interesting and legal practices are ingesting morning glory seeds for its hallucinatory effects. It is even used today as an anti-depressant and natural treatment for ADD/ADHD!

Saffron is another good one that has similar effects to banana peels. You can buy saffron in the grocery store. It's most common use is a flavoring for Spanish rice. It is also in the spice section.

In my parent's day, smoking cornsilk behind the barn was the rage. It needs to be dried first.

About 37% of all pharmaceuticals are derived from our food supply. Naturally, these big biocorporations create a synthesized version to sell more, of course, and they cannot market them as anything but a "dietary supplement."

The herb Damiana can be found in most health food stores. It has been sold for years as an aphrodisiac. It can be brewed into a tea or smoked. It comes dried.

Damiana is also beneficial for the female sex drive. However, I highly recommend cinnamon oil as a topical treatment to be applied locally before sexual intercourse as a stimulant.

I've never actually tried dried quince, as they are not readily available in my area, but I've heard it's a potent calmative that promotes a feeling of well-being and euphoria. Who among us doesn't need that???

And for the Xians who will condemn this post as ritually Satanic and demonic, these plants were naturally given to us for our health and the propagation of our species by our Creator.:m:
I hate to resurrect this topic, but I recently came across an interesting article that made me think of it. I have since found it on the net (The Big Apple) Since the thread is dead :p anyway, I'll post it in its entirety. It doesn't really say where to connotation between Eve and the apple came from, but it might also be an Americanism:

Why Is New York City Called "The Big Apple"?

This is by far the most frequently asked question submitted to our New York History Hotline.

In popular folklore, the name is usually traced to early jazz musicians or long-ago sports figures. Often, the explanation of the so-called "origin" of this phrase is accompanied with plausible-sounding historical or biographical details, giving it an unmistakable (but alas, totally spurious) "ring of truth."

Because this question continues to excite curiosity, and because the real facts are quite well known to serious historians, we provide the following authoritative account, based on our unique archival sources. The story may disappoint some readers -- truth, after all, is often less colorful than fiction. But facts are facts.

In the early years of the nineteenth century, refugees from war-torn Europe began arriving in New York in great numbers. Many were remnants of the crumbling French aristocracy, forced to seek refuge abroad from the dread "Monsieur Guillotine." Arriving here without funds or friends, many of these were forced to survive, as one contemporary put it, "by their wits or worse."

One of these, arriving in late 1803 or early 1804, was Mlle. Evelyn Claudine de Saint-Évremond. Daughter of a noted courtier, wit, and littérateur, and herself a favorite of Marie Antoinette, Evelyn was by all accounts remarkably attractive: beautiful, vivacious, and well-educated, and she was soon a society favorite. For reasons never disclosed, however, a planned marriage the following year to John Hamilton, son of the late Alexander Hamilton, was called off at the last minute. Soon after, with support from several highly placed admirers, she established a salon -- in fact, it appears to have been an elegantly furnished bordello -- in a substantial house that still stands at 142 Bond Street, then one of the city's most exclusive residential districts.

Evelyn's establishment quickly won, and for several decades maintained, a formidable reputation as the most entertaining and discreet of the city's many "temples of love," a place not only for lovemaking, but also for elegant dinners, high-stakes gambling, and witty conversation. The girls, many of them fresh arrivals from Paris or London, were noted for their beauty and bearing. More than a few of them, apparently, were actually able to secure wealthy husbands from among the establishment's clientele.

When New Yorkers insisted on anglicizing her name to "Eve," Evelyn apparently found the biblical reference highly amusing, and for her part would refer to the temptresses in her employ as "my irresistable apples." The young men-about-town soon got into the habit of referring to their amorous adventures as "having a taste of Eve's Apples." This knowing phrase established the speaker as one of the "in" crowd, and at the same time made it clear he had no need to visit one of the coarser establishments that crowded nearby Mercer Street, for instance. The enigmatic reference in Philip Hone's famous diary to "Ida, sweet as apple cider" (October 4, 1838) has been described as an oblique reference to a visit to what had by then become a notorious but cherished civic institution.

The rest, as they say, is etymological history.

The sexual connotation of the word "apple" was well known in New York and throughout the country until around World War I. The Gentleman's Directory of New York City, a privately published (1870) guide to the town's "houses of assignation," confidently asserted that "in freshness, sweetness, beauty, and firmness to the touch, New York's apples are superior to any in the New World or indeed the Old." Meanwhile, various "apple" catch-phrases -- "the Apple Tree," "the Real Apple," etc. -- were used as synonyms for New York City itself, which boasted (if that is the term) more houses of ill repute per capita than any other major U.S. municipality.

William Jennings Bryan, though hardly the first to denounce New York as a sink of iniquity, appears to have been the first to use the "apple" epithet in public discourse, branding the city, in a widely reprinted 1892 campaign speech, as "the foulest Rotten Apple on the Tree of decadent Federalism." The double-entendre -- i.e., as a reference to both political and sexual corruption -- would have been well understood by voters of the time.

The term "Big Apple" or "The Apple" had already passed into general use as a sobriquet for New York City by 1907, when one guidebook included the comment, "Some may think the Apple is losing some of its sap." Interestingly, the phrase had also become pretty well "sanitized" in the process, thanks to a vigorous campaign mounted just after the turn of the century by the Apple Marketing Board, a trade group based in upstate Cortland, New York. Alarmed by sharply declining sales, the Association launched what some believe to be the earliest example of what would now be called a "product positioning campaign."

By devising and energetically promoting such slogans as "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away" and "as American as apple pie!" the A.M.B. was able to successfully "rehabilitate" the apple as a popular comestible, free of unsavory associations. It is believed that the group also distributed apples to the poor for sale on the city's streets during the Great Depression (1930-38). No convincing documentary evidence has been produced to support this, however.

-- Society for New York City History,
Education Committee
Copyright © 1995 The Society for New York City History
All rights reserved.
It's not an apple, or a quince or any other fruit that anyone has ever heard of.
It is obviously not supposed to be taken literally, but if you DO insist on taking it literally, it is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
If you take the story literally, there was a tree that was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was only in the Garden of Eden.
Not an apple tree or any other type of tree that has ever been known to exist outside the Garden of Eden.
Why take part of the story literally, and assume they actuallt ATE A FRUIT, but not take the rest literally and decide to pick some other fruit they must have eaten?
That doesn't make sense to me.

bdmart said:
It was not a fruit or any thing that growed on a tree.
IT WAS EVE HAVING SEX WITH THE SERPENT. Haven't you ever heard of a family tree. The blood comes from the male cell.And that's how she got contaminated. The Serpent walked up right like a man. After this happand he was cursed. After that God coverd Adam And Eve with skins. That's why God had to kill an animal. Because it was blood. That's why From the very begining they had to kill a lamb. It was because it had to be a blood sacrifice. That's why scientists cannot find the missing link.

You will never come to the knowlage of God until you believe His word.

That's impressive.
Never heard that one before!

Eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is quite obviously a reference to Adam and Eve losing their innocence in one way or another.
I have heard it refers to sex before (as in them having sex with each other i.e. the coming of age and them reaching puberty and being able to reproduce etc..).
But your assesment...
That's a new one to me.
Do a search for hallucinagenic salvia. Its quite potent and its still leagal in the US. Not horribly brain damagine, either.
one_raven said:
It's not an apple, or a quince or any other fruit that anyone has ever heard of.
It is obviously not supposed to be taken literally, but if you DO insist on taking it literally, it is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
If you take the story literally, there was a tree that was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was only in the Garden of Eden.
Not an apple tree or any other type of tree that has ever been known to exist outside the Garden of Eden.
Why take part of the story literally, and assume they actuallt ATE A FRUIT, but not take the rest literally and decide to pick some other fruit they must have eaten?
That doesn't make sense to me.


That's impressive.
Never heard that one before!

Eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is quite obviously a reference to Adam and Eve losing their innocence in one way or another.
I have heard it refers to sex before (as in them having sex with each other i.e. the coming of age and them reaching puberty and being able to reproduce etc..).
But your assesment...
That's a new one to me.

well, it may impress you one_raven, but not me. it is a truly utterly ridiculous interpretation.
Actually, the Serpent has been anciently depcted as a woman--Goddess Lilith. I.e., the serpented described andillustrated with a womans head and arms

To understand the story of the Tree in the Garden and the Serpent and the Fruit and the god/Adam you have to look deeper, from where the Hebrews appropiated the story from, which was from Goddess mythology.
In the latter, there is no warning not to eat the Fruit, for it is freely given by Goddess and her son/lover to any one, male or female who wishes to partake in the mysteries of life and death

The Fruit is an hallucinogenic sacramant, and introduces the partakers of it into ECSTASY
Misreable old Yahweh wanted to stop this, so he warns against going there, and even places two of his 'bouncers'....angels with flaming swords at the Tree of Life sos they cant get to the Fruit of Inspiration. think of it of one of the first drug busts

we are STILL there. If for example you are caught with halluinogenic shrooms on yo0ur person. you are liable to be charged with an offense against the 'Law'
duendy said:
shit! hate missin that.....hmmm, well TRY and communicate it better next time!....
I thought it was obvious.
Next time I will try to remember to ;) or something. :D
one_raven said:
I thought it was obvious.
Next time I will try to remember to ;) or something. :D

well, people round here abouts can believe the darrrrnedest things...as we know

nudge nudge, wink wink.......
It was probably a mushroom, like Duendy said. It's the only fruit that also provides knowledge.
spidergoat said:
It was probably a mushroom, like Duendy said. It's the only fruit that also provides knowledge.

Yes a VERy deep organic knowledge rather than a mechanical knowledge
you can for example know a lot from books about water, that it is H20, that it's this that it's that, but actually directly EXPERIENING W A T E R is another matter entirely.
i am not putting down the former knowledge, but everying has its season......
Neildo said:
The forbidden fruit is knowledge/science.

- N

hmmm, well i spose adefiniton is needed of what you mean by "knowledge/sceience"---can you elaborate?
the fruit might of been an aple, but eating it; made Adam aware of Eve's cherry!. ;)

Godless said:
the fruit might of been an aple, but eating it; made Adam aware of Eve's cherry!. ;)


yeah...hehe. Ecstatic esxuality is really important in this tale. next time you feel
aroused, checkout your dick. have a good like as it rises from your pubes. does it look like something beginning with a T....?.....!
excuse me if you are shaved...or female haha
Duendy! lighten up.

First of all it's about inocense, before they ate the apple they were not aware of their nakedness supposedly, so even though jokenly the statement is correct in contaxt to been aware of their nakedness. Thus If I had been "female" I might of pointed out after eating the apple Eve noticed Adam's banana!!. LOL... Its just as simple as that conatation made earlier about why the fruit was not a banana!. SO!! Lighten up!!.

hmmm, well i spose adefiniton is needed of what you mean by "knowledge/sceience"---can you elaborate?

Science and knowledge is the forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve were ignorant creatures before becoming enlightened. Most things written in religious or mythical texts aren't to be taken literally. The "fruit" wasn't a real fruit like an apple or orange and the same applies to many other things and events in those texts. The writers just tried to describe it all the best they could as they too were ignorant about many matters. If the exact events of any relgious text or myth were to happen today, it would be written a whole lot differently with things being much more specific and not as literal except for maybe adding an artistic twist to it.

- N