Why is the forbidden fruit an apple?


Registered Member
How did it become an apple? I read the bible and it only says the Forbidden fruit. The word apple wasn't anywhere.

For all we know, it could have been a durian.


Thorny, strong smell, hard to open. If God designated a forbidden fruit it lloks more like it. If you believ intelligent design. :p
Originally posted by Drakkon
How did it become an apple? I read the bible and it only says the Forbidden fruit. The word apple wasn't anywhere.
What I've been able to learn from a session of purely tertiary research is: There's no true consensus among scholars on what species of fruit it was, BUT the only one that has anything going for it is the pomegranate. It was widely cultivated, extremely beloved, and there are apparently lots of references to it in the early commercial records and stories. Leave it to the disciples of Abraham to arrive at the cockeyed religious notion that their favorite fruit was evil!

Our word was brought over to England by the Norman French, from "pome granate" (pardon my misspelling of medieval French) which means literally "apple with really a lot of seeds." I can't find anything that takes the analysis any further. It could be that the English shortened it to pome and then translated it into apple. Or it could be that the English just did the same thing that the Israelites did and independently came up with their own cockeyed religious notion that their favorite fruit was evil: apples!
Does not legend favor the quince, a yellowish, acrid-tasting pome fruit, over the apple?

Related: Plant
shrub or small tree of the Asian genera Chaenomeles and Cydonia of the family Rosaceae ( rose family). The common quince ( Cydonia oblonga ) is a spineless tree with edible fruits cultivated from ancient times in Asia and in the Mediterranean area, where it was early naturalized. Its pome fruit is similar to that of the related apple and pear but is very astringent, and hence it is used chiefly cooked in preserves; marmalade is said to have first been made from quince.

The quince is native to the Caucasus and northern Persia, but cultivation spread to the eastern Mediterranean basin. Many suppose that the Forbidden Fruit of the Garden of Eden was a quince.

Splendidtable.org, From Soup to Nuts, Quince

To ancient Greeks the quince symbolized "temptation," perhaps being likened to the serpent's apple in Eden or to the apple of Aphrodite.
Arthur Lee Jacobson, Quince Trees

Some historians believe Eve's fruit of temptation might have been a pomegranate or possibly even a quince.

Vegparadise.com, Don't Nobody Love a Quince?


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I beleve that the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the only one of its kind,and since we cant find eden,we will never know,but also you could argue that we already have a knowledge of good and evil,so nothing happens when we eat the fruit.
It might a fig because that is the only tree mentioned in genesis. Though I really think that the fig makes more sense as the tree of life. They could cover themselves with the leaves of tree of life yet could not eat of the tree.

The tree mentioned here might give you some ideas. From the story it must have very powerful fragrance otherwise Eve could have resisted eating it. <a href="http://wesley.nnu.edu/noncanon/ot/pseudo/enoch.htm"> book of Enoch</a>.
"I and from afar off trees more numerous than I these trees and great-two trees there, very great, beautiful, and glorious, and magnificent, and the tree of knowledge, whose holy fruit they eat and know great wisdom. 4 That tree is in height like the fir, and its leaves are like (those of) the Carob tree: and its fruit 5 is like the clusters of the vine, very beautiful: and the fragrance of the tree penetrates afar. Then 6 I said: 'How beautiful is the tree, and how attractive is its look!' Then Raphael the holy angel, who was with me, answered me and said: 'This is the tree of wisdom, of which thy father old (in years) and thy aged mother, who were before thee, have eaten, and they learnt wisdom and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they were driven out of the garden.'"
It was not a fruit or any thing that growed on a tree.
IT WAS EVE HAVING SEX WITH THE SERPENT. Haven't you ever heard of a family tree. The blood comes from the male cell.And that's how she got contaminated. The Serpent walked up right like a man. After this happand he was cursed. After that God coverd Adam And Eve with skins. That's why God had to kill an animal. Because it was blood. That's why From the very begining they had to kill a lamb. It was because it had to be a blood sacrifice. That's why scientists cannot find the missing link.

You will never come to the knowlage of God until you believe His word.
There are number of problems with that. Besides the point that sex within marriage is ok, the verses before this say "Be fruitful and multiply". Would Adam have to sex with the serpent as well to eat the fruit? Usually in the sexual interpretations the serpent is depicted to be someone's body part.
Ick, I hope that is not how it is intended. I have always understood that the blood sacrifice was to be done in the similitude of the atonement. (Which is why Christians don't have blood sacrifices.) Not for that reason.

I think it is an apple because that is the most known fruit and someone had to pick some fruit in an example drawing on some stained glass window. They picked the apple and it stuck. I don't think anyone believes it is an apple. It is more of representation.
Apple vs. Pomegranate

Originally posted by Tenson Prime
I think it is an apple because that is the most known fruit and someone had to pick some fruit in an example drawing on some stained glass window. They picked the apple and it stuck. I don't think anyone believes it is an apple. It is more of representation.
Yes, the apple is the best known fruit -- in Europe and America in the 21st century. In the Mideast seven or eight thousand years ago when the ancestors of the Sumerians and Babylonians were passing down their creation myth orally, it was the pomegranate.
I figure if a supreme being had to talk to a bunch of barely-sapient monkeys hearding goats he would explain things to them in a way they could understand. He can't simply talk to a copper age man about quantum physics or anthropology or geology. He would have to use metaphors and simplifications and anthropomorphizations and the like.

An apple can stand for something else. It was something they could understand.
Whether it was an apple or a pomegranate is really irrelevant since they both stand for immortality.
Sex has great pleasure too.

Most people can it an apple or any other fruit and they don't feel
guilty over it but committing adultery they do.
banna LOL yet apples may be the most purchased fruit but they're FORBIDDEN so ha you forbidden fruit eaters are all going to hell.....good i need some company:D

Originally posted by psychomantyss
banna LOL yet apples may be the most purchased fruit but they're FORBIDDEN so ha you forbidden fruit eaters are all going to hell.....good i need some company:D

But I bet Satan and his Dominions make one Hell of an apple pie!
I guess because apples were quite diseased back then and caused high amount of illnesses. Or the interpeter or intrepeters had a hatred for apples.
The importance of fruit in general to man's evolution

This is an interesting topic because regardless of what Eve bit, our desire for fruit is arguably one of the things that defines us as human. I wrote on this at much greater length in the "what makes us human" thread, but the gist of that particular "what" is that when angiosperms (fruit-bearing trees) first appeared sixty million years ago, there were no mammals that could climb them. Only birds and insects could eat fruit while the mammals stared wistfully upward and hoped they'd drop some. (My dog is right this minute staring up at the macaw's perch.) The sloths were the first mammals who evolved the articulation and claws needed to climb a tree -- as well as the metabolism, fruit has lots of sugar but almost no protein. Primates are directly descended from sloths and we are primates. Without fruit there would be no Homo sapiens.
Says Drakkon:
How did it become an apple? I read the bible and it only says the Forbidden fruit. The word apple wasn't anywhere

Good question. Very good question. And you're right, had it been a fucking durian who in their right mind would stay in the same place as its stink even if it *was* paradise?

ahhahha- ha...........a durian. Classic.

But something tells me it was those mischief making Europeans who made it an apple. If they'd left it alone and not tried to stuff the world with its fucking Catholicism, maybe it would've been a tamarind.
I'd stab, strangle and stuff Adam myself for a tamarind. Oh yeah.

Because God only knows what Eve would have done with a banana
ha! You *thrill* me.