Why is the Christian god not fair?


Registered Senior Member
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?
Why is it necessary to balance good and evil (the only reason for Christ)?
How is it possible to balance good and evil, when both are just relative terms (there is nothing, which is good or evil under all circumstances)?
I left the Christian religion, because nobody could give me clear answers to these questions and I tried then to develop a believable belief for just myself, which I have described at: http://www.users.bigpond.com/hermann.raith
To your first question, I would answer: http://www.geocities.com/dts_humanism/1-2.htm

To your second question, I would say that I've never heard of the reason for Christ being "balance" of good and evil. The purpose of Christ I've always heard of was to save mankind from evil, all as a part of an overall plan to eventually bring about the end of all evil.

To your third question, I would say they are not "just relative terms", as explained here: http://www.geocities.com/dts_humanism/2-5.htm
Hermann said:
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?
b/c the God pushers need to sell you salvation! ;)
Tiberius1701: To your second question, I would say that I've never heard of the reason for Christ being "balance" of good and evil. The purpose of Christ I've always heard of was to save mankind from evil, all as a part of an overall plan to eventually bring about the end of all evil.
M*W: I've just finished reading the Gospels of Mary Magdalene and Thomas. Their writings indicate that Jesus' teachings were for humans to achieve a 'balance' in that we should 'become fully human.' It was explained that in order to 'become fully human,' we must find the balance between our body-mind-spirit. This is what was meant by 'salvation,' not Jesus dying for humanity.
Hermann said:
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?

It's kuz the religion is backwards. O' course!
Hermann said:
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?

Because the believer has died to themselves and has sought help and forgiveness from the divine. The believer is like a child who has been sent to their room to reflect on something they have done wrong. That child has considered their actions and finds themselves seeking forgiveness from the one who sent them there in the first place. It is a relief for the child to find a big warm pair of arms that embrace them when they turn to the one who loves them. The believer takes his place in the body of Christ with Jesus at the head. We become a united body of believers. It is not that God is not being fair. On the contrary, he has made the way open to all through His Son Jesus. By His blood we are set free. By His wounds we are healed.


Hermann said:
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?

Because those who accept Jesus as their savor are agreeing with God that they need a savor and cannot make themselves worthy enough to have eternity with God. Its called righteousness by faith not by works.

Why is it necessary to balance good and evil (the only reason for Christ)?

This question is to vague for me sorry, could you expand on it a bit for me i would like to know what you mean when you say "balance good and evil".

How is it possible to balance good and evil, when both are just relative terms (there is nothing, which is good or evil under all circumstances)?

Both are not relative terms. There is evil and there is good. being good is being in a state of obedience to the will of God. being evil is being in rebellion against the will of God.

I left the Christian religion, because nobody could give me clear answers to these questions and I tried then to develop a believable belief for just myself, which I have described at: http://www.users.bigpond.com/hermann.raith

Yes millions of people do this. They create a god that they can agree with. What they are doing in fact is creating a god of themselves out of their own intellect.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hermann said:
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?

What exactly is not fair??

If you don't believe in Christ, then you don't want God's forgiveness anyway, and it is of no concern to you, it does not exist for you, you cannot relate to it.

I sense that what you want is salvation *on your own* terms. You want to be forgiven, but not do what it takes to be forgiven. If you wouldn't want to be forgiven, or if you simply wouldn't care about forgiveness, you wouldn't be posting here.

To me, this is a hidden agenda you have there.
I agree with RosaMagicka on this one - if you want Christ's forgiveness, isn't it logical to believe in Christ?
How could you KNOW that God isn't fair? You're assuming you have more comprehension of a given situation that god does!!! That's pretty concieted of you. God does things you don't like for the common good. Like delaying your flight to Barbados because doing so would give another man waiting in the lounge extra time to decide wether running away to Barbados with his secretary is the best thing to do, or should he just go back home to his loving wife and kids and have christmas dinner with them after all.
I thought you'd left, wow that was a long time.
did you go visit a shrink while you were away, you must admit you did need one.

hermann : stay as you are, and dont seek any answers from xians, they will only f@*# your brain up, braindead begets braindead.
pavlosmarcos said:
I thought you'd left, wow that was a long time.
did you go visit a shrink while you were away, you must admit you did need one.

hermann : stay as you are, and dont seek any answers from xians, they will only f@*# your brain up, braindead begets braindead.

Yes pavlosmarcos. You are the most clever. Happy now? :D
Tiberius1701, I read your articles, but unfortunately I was unable to find clear answers there.
What happens according to the Christian belief with people, who regret their “sins”, but don’t belief in Christ - will god forgive them, yes or no?
If Jesus had to suffer pain in order to take over our sins – this means balancing as also Medicine Woman pointed out. But if sins need no compensation (balancing), there would be no need for salvation and there would not have been a need for Christ.
Q25 is right, to say that salvation is also a good selling point, which certainly contributed a lot to the wide spread of Christianity.
Many people want to make believe, that ethic values are absolute. But this is simply not true – even the cannibals did not wrong by following their belief. Therefore my third question, how balancing of good and evil is possible at all, still remains.
All people who are not strict materialists (atheists) do care for their individual future after death. Therefore it is important to know, whether there are such things like “sins”, which have to be forgiven or whether we are on our free way of individual development without getting ruled or punished by god.
Im not as advanced as you guys on this subject but i look at it this way: If you live your life according to the word, what does it hurt and who does it hurt? If i die and if there turns out theres no god or after life. oh well, I lived my life right. I can sy this for a fact, If I lived by the word totally, i wouldn't have half the problems i have now.
i hope this fits into this.
Hermann said:
What happens according to the Christian belief with people, who regret their “sins”, but don’t belief in Christ - will god forgive them, yes or no?

Upon hearing the Good news about Jesus those who regret their sins will embrace and accept Jesus as Messiah. For those who never come to the knowledge of Jesus i trust in Gods wisdom on their eternal destination.

If Jesus had to suffer pain in order to take over our sins – this means balancing as also Medicine Woman pointed out. But if sins need no compensation (balancing), there would be no need for salvation and there would not have been a need for Christ.

Ok thanks for that expansion. I believe that Jesus washes away all sins from those that believe in Him so that they will be deemed to be righteous and therefore acceptable to God in eternity. So to me Jesus does not balance sin His sacrifice eliminates the sin within us totally.

Many people want to make believe, that ethic values are absolute. But this is simply not true – even the cannibals did not wrong by following their belief.

Hear is the crunch if one does not admit within themselves that they have sined and use their intellect to decieve themselves into believing there is no such thing as sin then they will never feel the need to be forgiven and therefore the Gospel of Jesus will be foolishness to them.

All people who are not strict materialists (atheists) do care for their individual future after death. Therefore it is important to know, whether there are such things like “sins”, which have to be forgiven or whether we are on our free way of individual development without getting ruled or punished by god.

i’m not sure what you mean by the term "strict materialists" ? but i will agree that if one does believe that existence in eternity is possible and that God determines ones eternal destination. Then yes, one must seek to know if they are right with God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
so are you sinless adstar.

adstar said:
Upon hearing the Good news about Jesus those who regret their sins will embrace and accept Jesus as Messiah.

I believe that Jesus washes away all sins from those that believe in Him so that they will be deemed to be righteous and therefore acceptable to God in eternity. So to me Jesus does not balance sin His sacrifice eliminates the sin within us totally.

if one does not admit within themselves that they have sinned and use their intellect to decieve themselves into believing there is no such thing as sin then they will never feel the need to be forgiven and therefore the Gospel of Jesus will be foolishness to them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

no wonder xians, can go round preaching hate, against other creeds and religions, and kill for there god, they cant sin.
that explains it.
there's no other god , but the one and only true god, what is name.
fahrenheit 451 said:
no wonder xians, can go round preaching hate, against other creeds and religions, and kill for there god, they cant sin.
that explains it.
there's no other god , but the one and only true god, what is name.

[SARCASM]I often go around killing in the name of my God. It is good fun. I walk up to muslims and mormons and elephant worshippers and shoot them with my special lazer gun that God taught me to make to wipe those dirty varmits out. I spit at all other religions whenever I hear them mentioned and as for other creeds, I spit on them too. I do this all because Jesus gave His life for me to show me the way.[/SARCASM]

Come on lets have a bit of reality. The Christian humbly accepts God's grace, the image of a crucified Jesus burning quiet brightly in the mind of that believer. Even though we are sinners, God calls us 'Not guilty'. Jesus' blood sees to that, just so it's true. This is grace. The real meaning of grace. It is a free gift.


c20 said:
I often go around killing in the name of my God. It is good fun. I walk up to muslims and mormons and elephant worshippers and shoot them with my special lazer gun that God taught me to make to wipe those dirty varmits out. I spit at all other religions whenever I hear them mentioned and as for other creeds, I spit on them too. I do this all because Jesus gave His life for me to show me the way.

I already new that about you, especially after this
c20 said:
Excuse me while I rearrange a couple of things here ...

Self-confident/ Well Adjusted/ Creative
Language can be used without effort by them to confuse and convince their audience. Captivating storytellers that exude self-confidence, they can spin a web that intrigues others. Since they are persuasive, they have the capacity to destroy their critics verbally or emotionally.

Manipulative and Cunning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They dominate and humiliate their victims.

^^ Given that I often recognise the rights of others it does not seem fitting to change this title.

Sense of Who I Am
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." Craves adulation and attendance ( like a new born baby ). Must be the center of attention with their own fantasies as the "spokesman for God," "enlightened," "leader of humankind," etc. Creates an us-versus-them mentality

Jesus said "I did not come to bring peace but a sword of division."
Sorry you find yourselves on the wrong side of the fence but there is of course hope for you

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and able to pass lie detector tests.

Please find me in a lie if you can.

this is a excerpt, you are displaying some traits.

Hypocrite! Oh 'wise one' who knows better than me


Very nice.

and this
c20 said:
God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine. You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.


it was adstar I was wondering about.
Hermann said:
The Christian god is not fair, because he forgives only people who believe in Christ - why?
Why is it necessary to balance good and evil (the only reason for Christ)?
How is it possible to balance good and evil, when both are just relative terms (there is nothing, which is good or evil under all circumstances)?
I left the Christian religion, because nobody could give me clear answers to these questions and I tried then to develop a believable belief for just myself, which I have described at: http://www.users.bigpond.com/hermann.raith
The Christian God isn't fair, but not for the reasons you describe, he isn't fair because he doesn't judge until we are dead, and by that time, it's irrelevant to the rest of us. He isn't fair because he's indifferent. He doesn't balance good and evil on this earth, he lets the rain fall on the wicked and the good...
fahrenheit 451 said:
so are you sinless adstar.
Originally Posted by adstar

Upon hearing the Good news about Jesus those who regret their sins will embrace and accept Jesus as Messiah.

I believe that Jesus washes away all sins from those that believe in Him so that they will be deemed to be righteous and therefore acceptable to God in eternity. So to me Jesus does not balance sin His sacrifice eliminates the sin within us totally.

if one does not admit within themselves that they have sinned and use their intellect to deceive themselves into believing there is no such thing as sin then they will never feel the need to be forgiven and therefore the Gospel of Jesus will be foolishness to them.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

no wonder xians, can go round preaching hate, against other creeds and religions, and kill for there god, they cant sin.
that explains it.
there's no other god , but the one and only true god, what is name.

No i am not sinless fahrenheit 451

Through my faith in Jesus i have my former sins covered, removed, washed away whatever you prefer to call it and as long as i continue to believe in Jesus i will have all my future sins covered, removed, washed away so that when i face God i will be perfect in His eyes by the blood of Jesus. My faith in Jesus will make me perfect.

No i do not kill for my God

I think i have made it clear my thoughts on war and killing i believe in non-resistance.

Yes i do preach against false faiths because i believe that there is only one path to salvation. That being The Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days