Why is suicide a bad thing for the "faithful"?

Well in these modern times prolonged agony is not unavoidable and can be treated with good palliative care. But in any case, if it is Gods will that one must go through pain then pain is what one must endure.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Well the law should be adapted to those who are still suffering despite 'good' palliative care. Or those unfortunate enough not to be able to get 'good' palliative care.

In fact, if you believe you should die how god planned, why should we even have hospitals in the first place?

I really can't believe the smugness and lack of sympathy exhibited by many people on this thread.

Suicide is cowardly AND selfish and a complete denial of oneself?

Lack of sympathy? There are endless accounts of when palliative care simply isn't enough and they are left to suffer for the rest of their grim few days, weeks or months. If people wish to see a natural death and can endure the suffering, then good for them. But to deny the right for someone to choose an end to the suffering if they have no hope of improvement, now that is a lack of sympathy.

Lets see if you're still so cocksure if you are unfortunate enough to be put in that situation...