Why is suicide a bad thing for the "faithful"?

Suicide is bad for everyone--faithful and non. It's the coward's way out of life's problems. It's the coward's way out of illness. It's not the answer--for anyone.
Suicide is bad for everyone--faithful and non. It's the coward's way out of life's problems. It's the coward's way out of illness. It's not the answer--for anyone.

I agree, but people who are actually thinking of committing suicide don't see that.
Its weird because I think more people are afraid to kill themselves. My dad couldn't do it. Bedridden, unable to walk, wearing a diaper, having a stranger bathe him...still couldn't do it.
That kind of suicide is different than someone who is sad.
Suicide is bad for everyone--faithful and non. It's the coward's way out of life's problems. It's the coward's way out of illness. It's not the answer--for anyone.
Hmmm... so it's cowardice.

I think that's a poor choice of words. Well, maybe not for you, the pious elite.

Do you ever take aspirin for a headache? Put ice on a sprained ankle? Does this make you a coward?

When the pain is so terrible and the end is inevtable, what's "cowardly" about speeding along the end we all face?

When the elderly person has lost all control of bodily functions and every last shred of dignity, and requests a quiet passing in the night, what's more noble - granting this dignified rquest or clinging to some ritualistic prohibition based on idiotic superstition?
Because its murder. The person committing suicide isn't only killing himself, he's killing a family. Its selfish. I understand the mental pain the person may be in, but what about the pain he puts his family through with his self murder?
M*W: If there are mental/emotional problems, the family should intervene. Sadly, that doesn't always remedy the situation. Of course it hurts the family. That's a pain that will never go away. It is selfish. In the case of assisted suicide (hospice care), it's a family decision. If you have a loved one and their physician recommends hospice care--be sure to know that their death will be assisted medically (with a killer dose of morphine, for example). "Hospice care" is just another more socially accepted word for "assisted suicide." Hospice care doesn't provide a facility for long-term care.
I know there is a huge difference between mental illness and someone dying. My friends brother killed himself when his girlfriend caught him cheating, my college roommate's brother shot himself when he caught his wife cheating and my ex husband tried when I divorced him. In all three cases it was emotional blackmail.
My father thought of it and planned for it when he was dying. It was totally different.
I know there is a huge difference between mental illness and someone dying. My friends brother killed himself when his girlfriend caught him cheating, my college roommate's brother shot himself when he caught his wife cheating and my ex husband tried when I divorced him. In all three cases it was emotional blackmail.
My father thought of it and planned for it when he was dying. It was totally different.
M*W: Suicide is the total denial of oneself. It is never right. It's the cowardly thing to do. Life, itself, is the most important thing... not the people you meet along the way, although they are important in your emotional growth (or should be). However, talk of suicide should be taken seriously. Most people who talk about it are crying for help. A person who is bound and determined to take their own life will usually say nothing. It's important to know what is going on with your family members and close friends. That's not being nosy or meddling. It could save the life of someone who has lost the will to live.
M*W: Suicide is the total denial of oneself. It is never right. It's the cowardly thing to do. Life, itself, is the most important thing...

I think this is too far reaching. I agree that in an otherwise healthy human being, depression and mental illness must be treated. But does quality of existence mean nothing? Your stance sounds almost religious.

In a terminal situation or one in which the person is so compromised that they choose to not continue with what the rest of us blithly call "life" why is it not a clear personal choice for the person to make?

I think the cowards here are the ones who will be left behind and can't stand facing their own grief and loss, even if it means making their "loved one" suffer.


Do you even know what the Bible is? The Catholic church had selectively chosen Gospels and canonical scriptures and compiled it into the Bible. I didn't get it from the Bible, but the actual Gospel (which the Catholic church chose to be in the Bible)

No one's saying to be cold and callus, I'm just saying that someone who's filled with sorrow shouldn't commit suicide

Sorrow and grief doesn't solve any problem, nor does suppressing sorrow and grief, thats my position

I highly doubt that but I can't check if you are truthful of course.
Anyhow, the exact same thing is in the bible. That gospel is in the bible.
So what, do you handpick the gospels you believe in and discard the ones you don't like ?
Yes we are certain that death is just a transition but there is no fear, I am against suicide not because of fear of death but because i believe God should be in control of death.

What if gods method in killing you off is months of prolonged agony which your sane mind and healthy body can not imagine?

Either way, if you die naturally or do yourself in, you are just going to turn into fertilizer. Since there is no evidence of god, heaven or hell... or even the faintest reason to believe that suicide gets you into hell, in moments of extreme pain, rational people aren't going to entertain these fables.
Suicide is bad for everyone--faithful and non. It's the coward's way out of life's problems. It's the coward's way out of illness. It's not the answer--for anyone.

The arrogance of someone with a sane mind and healthy body...:rolleyes:
What if gods method in killing you off is months of prolonged agony which your sane mind and healthy body can not imagine?

Well in these modern times prolonged agony is not unavoidable and can be treated with good palliative care. But in any case, if it is Gods will that one must go through pain then pain is what one must endure.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But does quality of existence mean nothing?


For example, if I ever get rabies or a resistant strain of TB or some other fatal contagious disease, I hope I will have the presence of mind to end my life.
People with such diseases are ticking time bombs, a severe threat to others. Everyone is better off if they don't live anymore.
I really can't believe the smugness and lack of sympathy exhibited by many people on this thread.

Suicide is cowardly AND selfish and a complete denial of oneself?
There's a problem with this.
The problem with suicide in religion is that heaven is supposed to be this great place where there are no troubles and all your needs are fulfilled. The only answer the early church could come up with to the question; "If it's such a great place, why don't you kill yourself now instead of waiting?" was; "It's a sin to kill yourself."
The problem with suicide in religion is that heaven is supposed to be this great place where there are no troubles and all your needs are fulfilled. The only answer the early church could come up with to the question; "If it's such a great place, why don't you kill yourself now instead of waiting?" was; "It's a sin to kill yourself."

That might be some people's motivation, but many religions view life as part of an evolutionary process, not in the Darwinian sense, but in that the person has to grow and change psychologically and spiritually. Christian theology since it has had periods where logic and proofs have played a major role - albeit based on axioms that many disagree with - ends up getting questions like the one you suggest above because all the rules and 'logic' make it seem more like a hockey match. It is not really bad to foul someone, but you have to weigh the consequences of time in the box.

To kill yourself does not really remove you from the predicament. If you come from a religion with reincarnation you are expected to come back to a similar juncture and find a better solution. Not because suicide is wrong or bad or selfish but because you really need to learn to not be in that emotional/thought predicament. You do not somehow fit in in heaven, nirvana, bliss etc. You simply aren't there. It would spit you out and you would reject it.