Why is marijuana illegal in the US?

One Opinion:
Drug use or alcohol abuse also doesn't cause schizophrenia. People with the disease frequently abuse drugs or alcohol, but their use of these substances didn't cause the disease. In fact, some doctors think that the same changes in the brain that cause schizophrenia also make those who suffer from this disorder more likely to abuse drugs (including nicotine) than other people. Drug or alcohol abuse can make the symptoms of the disease worse, though, and it can make coping with the illness harder. For these reasons, doctors recommend that people with schizophrenia limit the amounts of alcohol that they drink, and avoid using illegal drugs altogether.

There have been many theories suggested and investigated as to why correlation may exist in the absence of causation. These include suggestions that people already suffering from psychoses may be more likely to try cannabis - a reversal of the causation theory. People already suffering from such disorders, diagnosed or not, may actually use cannabis as a medication to ward off the unpleasant effects of the illness. People already diagnosed as having psychiatric problems may find cannabis helpful in dealing with the side effects of the medication that is given to them. Another theory is that there is some other factor(s) that makes both schizophrenic disorders and cannabis usage more likely to occur. This may be down to demographics, environment, personality types or some completely unrelated factor. Several studies have found that cannabis use follows the onset of mental disorder symptoms, which adds to the refutation of cannabis causing such disorders.
It should be banned for the sake of reason. I realize this contradicts what I have been saying, but I will say it anyways-Drugs are escapism. To get high is to escape the responsibility of making rational choices, to think, to act. The same can be done by beer, but it is harder to do. Also, alcohol doesn't primarily make you high(drunk). Once you are addicted to alcohol, you only need some to calm back down, and getting high is not a necessity(to some people, however, it is). Same goes with cigarettes, which can't make you high. You are merely addicted, you just want some, not to escape, but to satisfy cravings. The underlying theme I am trying to say is-escapism is wrong, and therefore, so is marijuana and other such drugs.

I could allow it as a perscription, as it does cure some ailments, as alcohol does.
Point taken. However, amusement parks don't release you from reality. There are still choices, there is still reason, and you are still in "cognition". Drugs, such as marijuana, however, stop these processes. It makes you oblivious-not only to the trouble of reality, but reality itself. It is an extreme form of escapism, not like laziness or theme parks.
Silas said:
Marijuana is a dangerous drug. It was banned for all those historical, capitalist and racist reasons cited above, of course, no doubt about it. Then here in Britain we recently liberalised the law slightly, much to the pleasure of liberal society. Then all of a sudden it turned out that use of it can lead to schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders. As a result of viewing the evidence for this (however much it only happens to a small minority of users) I switched instantly from the Pro camp to the Anti.

That's just ignorant.
You do realize that results are often fabricated to engender the furthering of the lie?
For instance, Nixon, in his day, put together a group to study the effects of marijuana and to make a recommendation on what should be done about it. It's called the Shafer Report. They gave an honest report based on all the evidence that marijuana should be decriminalized. Nixon threw the report away and got together another commission full of cronies to give another report. This time he made sure the report said what he wanted it to say.

John Galt.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You know what else I say constitutes as 'escapism'? Talking out your ass. You have no idea what the effects of these various drugs are and yet you're giving the manufactured lie as if it were true.

What the hell do you mean by: "To get high is to escape the responsibility of making rational choices, to think, to act. The same can be done by beer, but it is harder to do."
I have the feeling you're talking about that commercial where they show the pregnant girl and talk about how marijuana leads to poor decision making. What a fucking joke.
You're saying that alcohol's main purpose isn't to get you drunk? Really? What? Ha!

How many people get drunk and get obnoxious and get into mindless bar-fights? How many people get high and do the same?

Getting high surely does affect your decision making processes to some extent. That's the nature of intoxicants. But alcohol is far worse. And the long term effects are also far worse.

So. You're against escapism then? Better stop reading books to escape the real world then. Better stop going online to find stimulating conversation (i.e. escaping the lame conversation of the real world.) What isn't escapism to some degree or another?

The fact is that marijuana is illegal for spurious reasons. The war on drugs is a very successful war. It is a precursor to the war on terror and will probably be going on long after the war on terror has become a memory. It's a war and it allows people to go to extreme measures to win the war. It is escapism. From the morality of the war on drug policies.


You're a funny guy.

Drugs, such as marijuana, however, stop these processes. It makes you oblivious-not only to the trouble of reality, but reality itself

You take a hit of weed and suddenly you're in some wonderful fairy land of escapist candy cane smiles and marmelaide dreams?
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Of course I don’t mean just amusement parks, but all types of escapism.
Marathon running.
Religious retreats.
I do have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm being an idiot-seeing something that just seems wrong to me, and fighting it to all ends. If I were to look, I probably could find reasons against it, that would support me, but I'm not up to it.

I'll leave you guys to argue this out on your own.
John Galt,

I'm being an idiot-seeing something that just seems wrong to me, and fighting it to all ends.

And you call yourself an objectivist?
At least you are quick to admit it, maybe someday you'll actually meet yourself.

If I were to look, I probably could find reasons against it, that would support me, but I'm not up to it.

I'm sure you could. As I've said, there's lots of propaganda out there. On both sides. But there is only way to find out for sure. To be objective about it. And that is to find out for yourself. Allowing other people to instill their value judgements within you is a recipe to being a sheep.
Of course, there's a risk involved. Isn't there? For instance. Heroin. It's physically addicting. But you'll never be able to really talk about heroin unless you've done it yourself. Or done lots of experiments firsthand. Or studied lots of peer-reviewed scientific literature.

Based upon my studies of the subject, I can say that the 'truth' lies closer to the side of marijuana being harmless and helpful than to the demon-weed side of the argument.

I'll leave you guys to argue this out on your own.


Me: Beherenow, you're so full of shit. Pot should be lega.

Beherenow: No, Invert, you slimy sack of pig shit. Marijuana should be decriminalized.

Me: Suck it, Here boy. Hemp is an important plant which has been taken advantage of by greedy powermongers.

Beherenow: Fuck you, cocksucker. Cannabis is an ancient plant with a long tradition of use. It was one of the earliest plants ever to be cultivated by man and has spread with man to every corner of the earth. It's a blatant outrage the treatment that it has recievied in the past century by a bunch of bigoted racist totalitarian scumbags.

Me: I disagree.

Beherenow: Me too.
Marijuana caffeine cocaine methamphetamines alcohol ecstasy heroin nicotine,

How do these drugs rank in terms of which is most likely to least likely to get somebody into a fight with a stranger at a social situation (like a bar) when they are have the drug in their blood stream. Same question but when they are jonesing for the drug.

Which would make somebody beat their wife while under the effects? Same question when Jonesing?

Which would make you drive poorly and cause a car accident?

If somebody is a frequent user which would make them fail to fix their leaking roof (not because of lack of money)?

Which would get somebody pregnant by a ugly stupid guy that they don't even like when their not intoxicated?

How do they rank in terms of addictiveness and difficulty withdrawing?

How do they rank in their likeliness to cause their users to die younger?

The marijuana and heroin users are less likely to be involved with violence while intoxicated than they are when unintoxicated. Perhaps Alcohol may be a more distructive drug than heroin is.

Methamphetamines users cause fights but in the right doses it apparently can treat A.D.D. .

Are any of the drugs as bad as Alcohol for driving skills when used as commonly used. Marijuana definitely should not be used when driving but it definitely is not as bad as alcohol is for driving.
Source: SeattlePI.com
Link: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=WA Pot Crop&dpfrom=th
Title: "Pot becoming cash crop in north central Washington"
Date: April 18, 2005

North central Washington has long been famous for its apple and cherry trees. Now the region is starting to become known for another cash crop: marijuana.

Last summer and fall, five large marijuana plots were found, four in Chelan County and one in Douglas County. The estimated street value: $25.6 million.

One of the finds, near Lily Lake south of Wenatchee, was worth $7 million, a record for Chelan County.

Investigators believe the fields were part of an extensive pot-growing operation across the West that relies on migrant farmworkers who water and guard the plants.

Authorities believe the operation is based in California and has been drawn to north central Washington in part because of its expansive forest cover.


Chelan County Sheriff Mike Harum called the operation "a pretty substantial organized crime ring", while Douglas County Sheriff Dan LaRoche also points to increased border security in the wake of the infamous 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Officials believe the state's harvest is up, but that's based on numbers taken from busted crops. The largest domestic seizure in state history came last year when the DEA raided three fields on the Yakima Indian Reservation, netting nearly 61,000 plants. Most of this year's nearly 26,000 plants seized in north central Washington came from five large busts in Chelan and Douglas counties, but no arrests have been made in any of those cases.

The Chelan County Sheriff's Office has increased its marijuana eradication budget over tenfold, to $25,000 this year, although that may not help. Four of the five large busts were discovered by hikers or hunters.

• • •​

That's so much dope ... and obviously just the tip of the giant smoldering bud.

One state out of fifty, and we still import a lot of dope in Washington.

Just ... just imagine the tax stamp revenues.

Legalize, mon.

• • •​

In other news, a 46 year-old Essex man was injured while driving home from work when a frozen sausage smashed through his windshield and struck him in the face.

An anonymous spokesman for the Essex Ambulance Service made the obvious point: "It must have been an incredibly lucky, or unlucky, shot to get the sausage through a moving car window."



Associated Press. "Pot becoming a cash crop in north central Washington". SeattlePI.com. April 18, 2005. See http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=WA Pot Crop&dpfrom=th

Associated Press. "Motorist injured by flying frozen sausage". SeattlePI.com. April 18, 2005. See http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/natio...ry=1120&slug=Britain Frozen Sausage&dpfrom=th
nirakar said:
How do these drugs rank in terms of which is most likely to least likely to get somebody into a fight with a stranger at a social situation (like a bar) when they are have the drug in their blood stream. Same question but when they are jonesing for the drug..
I smoke Marijuana and when i dont have any for a couple of days i get pretty violent.
I have come back to this thread, and I have changed my mind. It is really much less of a threat than it is made out to be. Sure, it is bad(by my standards), and the more "assured" of yourself you are, the less likely you are to do it(so it seems, I have not looked into it). But, it should be legalized. Or, at least, you should not be thrown in jail for it. I don't want my tax money rehabilitating you or paying for your prison stay.

Ohh, this is something interesting I found. Terrorist countries(Afghanistan, Iran, etc.) farm lots of marijuana/other illegal drugs. Since it is illegal, it is expensive in the United States, making it more profitable for the farmers in the terrorist countries. Thus-our laws against marijuana use are funding terrorism. I found this incredibly interesting, and to add to how I closed last paragraph, I don't want my tax money to end up paying for the terrorism I am also paying to fight.
Out House said:
I smoke Marijuana and when i dont have any for a couple of days i get pretty violent.

Yes, but its your emotional issues that are making you violent. You're worse without the marijuana.