Why is marijuana illegal in the US?

It invalidates the law one time, for one person.
It has been done, but requires a jury of one mind.
The person gets off.
ever see the movie "reefer madness" ???
that kinda started the whole damn thing.
Except that the concept for the movie existed before the movie.
The movie was a symbol of the beliefs in existence.
Now it is a symbol of the lies and propaganda.
yeah, but the movie helped spread the lies and fear of a plant that has never killed anyone from overdose.
i think its the drugs that the government advertises (viagra, prozac, sleeping pills) that are really dangerous. those have killed from overdose, but they're still on the shelf for all to use and die from.
who is the real evil here?
Stop whining and admit you just want to be a cokehead, all of you who're campaigning for :m: legalization.
Lies! I know you secretly rally under Dr Pepper. You just pretend to be coca cola heads.

I know how your little minds work! :D
If I had my way you could smoke all the pot you could buy. Anything to lower your spermcount and perform a service to mankind.
Because you can harm others when you smoke marijuana. Sure, if you want to destroy yourself, do so. But, if in the process, you can destroy others, it is going to be illegal. Such as why you are allowed to smoke(second hand isn't a significant risk, and it can be rather easily avoided). Such is why we are allowed to be drunk to a certain degree, and drunk to not quite that degree in a car. Such is why you can have the radio blast your own ears out, but can't have it so loud it will do the same to another. Need I go on?
To a degree. I'm not quite saying that. There are BAL laws(for driving anyways), and at that point, you can be dangerous to others, so you are arrested. Marijuana is about just as bad.

If I were to be extremely lenient, I would say that stoning yourself is fine, but, you can't go by what clockwood said.
Marijuana use can be destructive and therefore you can make a case for Marijuana being illegal. Marijuana use can cause car accidents. Marijuana use can enable procrastination to the point that people seriously screw up their lives. When you don't do the things you don't enjoy doing, like paying bills on time, getting to work on time, or fixing the roof on time, or noticing what is going on in your kids life on time, you can make a mess of your and others lives. People who regularly use Marijuana often would not have screwed up their lives and the lives of those who depend upon them had they not been Marijuana users.

Regular Marijuana use can also lead to premature death by chronic overindulgence in potato chips.

On the other hand, Alcohol is clearly a much much much more destructive drug than Marijuana is; So why is Alcohol legal when Marijuana is illegal?

Answering my on question: Alcohol is very popular with more people than Marijuana is. Many people don't enjoy marijuana. Most people like Alcohol. The number of people who would be absolutely determined to not live there lives without regular use of Alcohol is naturally much higher than those who feel equally strongly about Marijuana. Only the greater popularity of Alcohol and the Alcohol industry's influence keeps Alcohol legal while Marijuana is illegal.
More words of wisdom from nirakar.
I appreciate your help on the other thread. I'm still absorbing it, but it has provided many answers. I may have some questions later.
"There are BAL laws(for driving anyways), and at that point, you can be dangerous to others"

I was thinking more along the lines of domestic violence, and bar violence.
Making Marijuana illegal was also a racist issue. Only blacks smoked pot (muggles as it was known back then). Whites got their THC in elixir form and were highly surprised when it turns out that this bill to criminalize 'marijuana', a name which had previously never been uttered practically, outlawed cannabis. A wholly useful plant in so many ways. Hemp farmers were once the boon of our economy. Hemp was (still is for that matter) used in so many applications that it seemed insane to criminalize it. And yet here we are. We now import hemp from the Phillipines. Except in WWII when Japan cut off our supply of hemp and we had to introduce farmers once more to growing it. "Grow Hemp For Victory" was the name of the government propaganda film showed to select farmers chosen to save us from our own ignorant policies. And then, later, they utterly denied that such a film was ever made. Denied all the way until Jack Herer found a copy and dumped it on the Library of Congress forcing them to admit to their pro-hemp status of the past.

The history of the criminalization of cannabis is a history of the manipulation of history. Prior to 1930 whatever when it was made illegal, hemp was one of the most useful plants in the world. It was used everywhere, for everything. Immigrants would grow it in their gardens and make their underwear out of it. Contrary to popular belief, hemp can be grown so that its fibers are incredibly soft. It could be used as animal feed. It could be used as a fuel source. Used as fiber. Paper. Medicine. The uses for it were endless. And then after it was made illegal history was rewritten and the name of hemp was trampled.

Disgusting, really. Makes you sick to think how easy it is for the powers that be to alter reality for the mindless.

It's already been stated that DuPont had it's hand in the lobbying, but there were other industrial interests that wanted it out as well. Pharmaceutical companies were jealous of the medical properties which it was used for and by which it was known to many people. Drinking the juice (I forget it's main brand name, there were many) would knock you on your ass like you wouldn't believe according to all accounts. Much more potent than smoking it. Also, the paper industries didn't want hemp to compete with timber. Hemp is almost infinitely renewable. I believe that statistics are something on the lines of 1 acre of hemp produces as much paper as 10 acres of trees. And the hemp will be back in a year. This is a cheap, renewable source of fiber. And of course, to the industries that wished to profit off of a bit more difficult to obtain source of fiber (trees) this just would not do.

It's such a shame that even now, after 70 years, the lie still continues. And so many people are fed the lie and they eat it up. Hook, line, and sinker.

The evils of marijuana.



Are caffeine, alcohol, and fast foods considered detrimental to the body?

Why aren't they banned?

And cigarettes?

Why hasn't this been pointed out to the imbeciles who make law?
§outh§tar said:
Are caffeine, alcohol, and fast foods considered detrimental to the body?

Why aren't they banned?

And cigarettes?

Why hasn't this been pointed out to the imbeciles who make law?
Exactly! Ban all human behaviors!
Marijuana is a dangerous drug. It was banned for all those historical, capitalist and racist reasons cited above, of course, no doubt about it. Then here in Britain we recently liberalised the law slightly, much to the pleasure of liberal society. Then all of a sudden it turned out that use of it can lead to schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders. As a result of viewing the evidence for this (however much it only happens to a small minority of users) I switched instantly from the Pro camp to the Anti.
You are allowed caffeine, alcohol, fast foods, and cigarettes because they harm you, and only you. Alcohol, when used to the extent that you do hurt other people, will get you arrested. The case between alcohol and marijuana are similar, and I need to read into it before I can really differentiate.