Why is it taboo to discuss the responsibility of victims?

Please, Bells? I'm not up to this tonight...

You know exactly what I'm saying, its all been said before.

In this context, I would ask you, stop trolling!

How exactly am I trolling? For asking you to explain your comments? To elaborate on who one should be careful of?

See, this is what I do not quite understand with individuals such as yourself who hold the view that a woman, man or child can somehow do something to prevent themselves from being raped. A woman can take self defense classes, never go out at night, wear a full on Muslim garb that covers her from head to toe, never be alone in male company, and she could still be raped. Some can break into her house and rape her or her own husband, brother, father, grandfather, uncle, friend, son, etc can rape her. Yet, here we have you saying that women should just be 'careful'.

The sole onus when it comes to rape is on the rapist to not rape.

People say, don't dress in a manner that brings attention to yourself, do not wear revealing clothes, do not drink, do not go out with strangers, do not go out on dates at all, etc. There is a plethora of lists and reasons. But none of it works. Because no one can know what sets a rapist off or what will make you attractive to a rapist. Unless we become mind readers or fortune tellers, we do not know. So saying to "be careful" can only go so far, unless one wants to live in a bubble with absolutely no outside contact whatsoever. Because when even a trusted family member, parent, sibbling, friend, teacher, can rape a child or a woman or a man, saying to "be careful" is really kind of stupid. Unless of course you teach your children to live like armed hermits, just in case? Sure, I tell my children to not speak to strangers and that if someone, anyone, tries to touch them in a manner that they are not comfortable with, that they come and tell me or their father. I can tell them not to speak to strangers all I like, drill it into their brains, but that won't stop someone possibly breaking into their room at night and kidnapping them or raping them in their beds, as can and does happen.

So please, how exactly does one be careful to not be raped?

Because if you have that solution, then you would be a wealthy man.

No, but you might run into me!

That would be fun - meeting one of my Sci friends on SoHo..
No thanks. After all, one has to be careful.

Apologies up front for multiple posts...

Anyways, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes's... Geeez...

Be careful in general. I think I have earned enough "cred" here to ask/say this, no?

So you tell your sons and daughters to be careful around you?

Has your wife told your children to be careful around you and not really trust you, just in case?


Here we go.

From the start, let's define a few words...


Do you see where this is headed? This is an old, old thread...

But I will finally give up the goods - yes, there is a story here.

An "If only" story - as in, If only I had been there, If only I could have been between the assailant and the "victim", etc...

Is everybody fucking happy now? Took three years, but now you have the goods. Unless you work for "The Sun", "The Enquirer" or some other tabloid, y'all need no more - and should know less...
I am sorry, but I need to ask. Are you high or drunk at the moment?

You seem slightly off centre.

Back to your post, do you think it is reasonable to tell your daughter(s) to always be on the lookout and take precautions from you, to not always fully trust you, because as you said yourself above, one has to be "careful in general"?

wynn said:
One should always be careful.

Numerous books have been written esp. for women who are victims of crime.
The points that these books often emphasize is that one should have good personal boundaries, not let oneself get carried away by emotion, listen to one's gut feeling, have personal goals and priorities and so on.
Which can mean squat if your spouse, parent, sibbling, etc decides to pin you down and rape you.

It does not mean that a rape victim is responsible or complicit in his or her rape. And it does not mean they are responsible or complicit in their sexual assault if they feel ashamed of what happened to them, if they are angry, vengeful, feel self-hatred, feel embarrassed, etc.
I am sorry, but I need to ask. Are you high or drunk at the moment?

Thanks for noticing.

OTH, what is it with you lately? I deliberately try to be a good boy here, which really doesn't matter because 99% of my activities are "Read-Only", but you insist on trying to chase me to ground - even when I ask you politely, as in "please", or try to make light of the situation, as in "running into you in SoHo".

What do you want? To "plumb the depths" of my psyche? (Ummm... that's a joke Bells, since you seem quite deficient on picking up humor lately...)

For real - why? I highly respect you - do you truly dislike me this much? Not like I can put you on ignore, my moderat[ess?]

Any way, if you have any intentions beyond trolling, PM me and I will be happy to do the whole "dissect the post, tear it to pieces and throw it back in your friend's face thing"...


It would be fun, but I think this is something deeper, going back aways - what is it?
Wynn advised Chimpkin that she contributed and shared responsibility to her own rape when she was 4 years of age. When I took umbrage with her statements, she advised me that she would leave me to you to explain, as I linked and explained above. So please, explain to me how Chimpkin was negligent as a 4 year old and how she is legally responsible for her own rape.
Ask wynn. (Why hold me responsible for what wynn said?). I never claimed that a 4yo had any "mature adult responsibilities" (my exact words from a previous post) in her rape. Being less than 18yo, she was not an adult, had not reached the age of majority (~12yo), had not even reached the age (~7yo) to know reality from fiction, and has a profoundly incomplete perspective of life. The responsibilities of a 4yo are assumed by the child's parents etc. So for example, if the parents responded by explaining "good" and "bad" touching to the 4yo, then perhaps they were negligent in not having done so before.
I lock the front door, but I walk out it a lot without my keys...I know how easy it is to kick it in. If the 70-pound bullmastiff cross doesn't scare them off...

Victimization, on the other hand...entails a malicious person looking for an opportunity. Vast difference of intent in the party at fault.
Yes, as I said previously (verbatim), "criminal responsibility" versus "mature adult responsibility".
Do you always, always live your life watchful? Every minute?
These are claims that I never advocated. And no, I do not. No one does.
You do not think that considering others stupid, or wanting to sexually provoke them, or demean them, is hostile?
Not in any way. For example, I consider you stupid, but there is absolutely no hostility in that assessment, it's just plain deduction from observation.

Indeed, it is the very opposite of hostile. If I thought you were intelligent and held the views you do then my reaction would be extremely hostile. So, by recognising your stupidity I isolate you from any potential hostility.

Thanks for noticing.

Wasn't that hard..

OTH, what is it with you lately? I deliberately try to be a good boy here, which really doesn't matter because 99% of my activities are "Read-Only", but you insist on trying to chase me to ground - even when I ask you politely, as in "please", or try to make light of the situation, as in "running into you in SoHo".
Umm.. considering I barely ever speak to you, I honestly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I believe the last time I responded to a post you made in response to me (I think) was in the Egypt girl post, and prior to that, well I can't even remember when I last even responded to you or even noticed your posts on this forum. To claim that I "chase" you around?

What do you want? To "plumb the depths" of my psyche? (Ummm... that's a joke Bells, since you seem quite deficient on picking up humor lately...)
You will have to excuse me if I do not take a man who appears to be either drunk or high seriously and if I dare question what he posts in a thread (where you appeared to enter the thread and responded to me as if I had been chatting to you in this thread, which I had not been)..

For real - why? I highly respect you - do you truly dislike me this much? Not like I can put you on ignore, my moderat[ess?]
What in the hell are you even talking about?

You responded to a post I made in this forum. Not the other way around. You sort of blathered on about being careful and about other things that, yes, lets just say 'other things', which prompted me to ask you if you were under the influence of alcohol or drug of some sort. I did not seek you out in this thread. It was the other way around. To now have you claim that I don't like you and to accuse me of trolling after the posts you have been making? My posts are on topic. Yours so far have not really been.

So yeah, what in the hell are you even on about?

Any way, if you have any intentions beyond trolling, PM me and I will be happy to do the whole "dissect the post, tear it to pieces and throw it back in your friend's face thing"...
No thank you. I would rather continue this conversation in public. I have found that PM'ing people who don't seem all there to be very unpleasant in the past. So I would rather err on the side of caution and keep it all public and in the open, thank you very much.

Perhaps you can explain to me how I have been trolling? Do you feel my asking you to explain your position on this issue to be trolling? You made claims about how everyone should be careful of everyone. I asked you if that meant your children should be careful of you, since you had earlier responded "yes, yes" about who women and children should be careful of, which included parents.

Randwolf, I would strongly advise you return to this thread when you are sober or less high, whichever one you are at the moment. Because at the moment, you do not seem to be making much sense. You make claims and statements and then accuse me of trolling when I query what you have typed.

It would be fun, but I think this is something deeper, going back aways - what is it?
What is deeper?

Okay, you know what? I really do think you should return to this discussion when you are in a better frame of mind.
Screw it...

How exactly am I trolling?
You are trolling by trying to elicit an emotional response from your adversary, rather than discussing the topic at hand. Textbook..

For asking you to explain your comments?
You already have the explanations Bells. You had them three years agao. I linked the thread. I also divulged personal information, which you oh so kindly elected to ignore...

To elaborate on who one should be careful of?
It's really not that difficult - everyone. Now you are able to say I am a paranoid schizophrenic and we can all go home peacefully, right?

See, this is what I do not quite understand with individuals such as yourself who hold the view that a woman, man or child can somehow do something to prevent themselves from being raped. A woman can take self defense classes, never go out at night, wear a full on Muslim garb that covers her from head to toe, never be alone in male company, and she could still be raped. Some can break into her house and rape her or her own husband, brother, father, grandfather, uncle, friend, son, etc can rape her. Yet, here we have you saying that women should just be 'careful'.
This is all so much political posturing and bullshit that it doesn't even deserve dressing - or stuffing... (Wait, I'm in the states and it's Thanksgiving...)

You know precisely, exactly, what I am saying. I can't even believe that I am typing these words again - "It is not unreasonable to personally take precautions that match your expectations of immortality and to advise others to do the same". If you want to be a journalist on the battlefield don't complain if you get shot. Get it?

I have never advocated anything beyond reasonable care. This is "Part II" of the very first thread I participated in on this site. You're aware of that. You were involved in the previous rendition. What, exactly, is your problem with my stance? Because I truly, really, honestly, absolutely (hmmm... out of synonyms, but I imagine I could come up with some more if you can't quite "get it" yet...) don't understand why you have such a problem with me on this issue. I have a quite functional family, albeit with history, yet you approach me as an adversary. Why?

Do you secretly have a crush on me? I mean, what? :rolleyes:

The sole onus when it comes to rape is on the rapist to not rape.
You are correct. And the sole onus upon the dead is not to have died - they would be fine today if they just hadn't gone and kicked off, right?

People say, don't dress in a manner that brings attention to yourself, do not wear revealing clothes, do not drink, do not go out with strangers, do not go out on dates at all, etc. There is a plethora of lists and reasons. But none of it works.
Define "works". Lessens the probability? Sure it does. Notice I'm very careful to leave out sexuality (male, female, hetero, etc...) because these are simple concepts that apply to everyone in all circumstances - to one degree or another.

Every military, police force, self defense group, et. al. promotes the idea of situational awareness. Be prepared - live to fight another day. This is the same stuff I'm saying - check your back seat before you get in your car, don't go around crack-town at night, etc. What exactly do you have a problem with here? Give me one, that's one, just one, fucking example of something specific that I advocate that you don't agree with. Just one... Can't do it, right?

Because no one can know what sets a rapist off or what will make you attractive to a rapist.
Exactly. So one must balance "freedom" against "security". The same issues that nations struggle with, and you know this. I'm not just going to let you get away with acting like a total moron here, you know...

Unless we become mind readers or fortune tellers, we do not know.
Not likely to happen anytime soon... :rolleyes:

So saying to "be careful" can only go so far, unless one wants to live in a bubble with absolutely no outside contact whatsoever.
Check this word out Bells: BALANCE. Do it slowly, one letter at a time. Now do it again. Now do it again. Is it seeping in yet?

Because when even a trusted family member, parent, sibbling, friend, teacher, can rape a child or a woman or a man, saying to "be careful" is really kind of stupid.
Really? Is it "stupid" to say "be careful" ever? Under any circumstances? Really? Stupid? For real?

See, this is where you lose it at - no where do I ever say: "Here, follow this prescription and you will never get raped, or assaulted in any way." You try, really hard, to read that in there. It doesn't work Bells. Not now. Not ever. Give it a rest. I'm not buying...

Unless of course you teach your children to live like armed hermits, just in case?
If that's what you think is proper and reasonable, sure. I don't happen to feel that way. If anything, I'm an adrenalin junkie. So is my family. I don't think you missed the skydiving, scubadiving, speed skiing, etc. etc. references over the years, did you Bells? Didn't think so. Why do try to pretend otherwise? I want you to live life to the fullest. I also want you to have a third degree black belt, or to take whatever precautions you feel are reasonable to balance the "fun" in your life with the "safety". This is bad? Why don't you come clean here, like I did? I have a personal vendetta, and admitted such. What is your agenda? Hmmmm, sweetie?

Sure, I tell my children to not speak to strangers and that if someone, anyone, tries to touch them in a manner that they are not comfortable with, that they come and tell me or their father. I can tell them not to speak to strangers all I like, drill it into their brains, but that won't stop someone possibly breaking into their room at night and kidnapping them or raping them in their beds, as can and does happen.
Oh no. Gosh. And Geewilikers. You have a certain set of precautions that you advocate? Well gee wiz cupcake, you just planted yourself squarely in my garden. That is exactly, and I mean exactly, what I advocate. Each person, family, group, nation, etc. must make a determination as to what is reasonable in terms of precautions. It's always a tradeoff - you know this - you're involved in the system for a living. I'm not telling you anything new, nor anything that you haven't heard a thousand times before. Why do you pretend not to accept this philosophy? Your own words belie you, and I don't even have any idea why you adopt this legend. It's not true - you know this. You advise your loved ones to "be careful", yet you tell me i'm being unreasonable to suggest the exact same thing. Why?

So please, how exactly does one be careful to not be raped?
One does not "be careful to not be raped", one takes reasonable precautions to avoid assault of any type. Look, this subject is not new to me, go reread the thread from three years ago. What's with the grandstanding here?

Because if you have that solution, then you would be a wealthy man.
I am a wealthy man. You already know this Bells. You need to update your playbook...

No thanks. After all, one has to be careful.
Cute. This is actually the comment that got personal. I don't know if you're jousting here or playing for real. Because my statement was closer to reality then fiction...

So you tell your sons and daughters to be careful around you?
Absurd. Included only for context...

Has your wife told your children to be careful around you and not really trust you, just in case?
Well, since I would be a subset of all people, I guess so...

I am sorry
No you.re not.

I need to ask.
No you don't. You choose to ask.

Are you high or drunk at the moment?
Asked and answered.

You seem slightly off centre.
Reply censored.

Back to your post, do you think it is reasonable to tell your daughter(s) to always be on the lookout and take precautions from you, to not always fully trust you, because as you said yourself above, one has to be "careful in general"?
To a degree, in the abstract, this would be a be affirmative. What part of "balance" do you not get?

Which can mean squat if your spouse, parent, sibbling, etc decides to pin you down and rape you.
Again, where did I assert: "Here is a surefire recipe to prevent rape" at, exactly? Give it a rest...

It does not mean that a rape victim is responsible or complicit in his or her rape.
No one said it did - except you. If you feel differently, LINK PLEASE...

[Bells;2863338]And it does not mean they are responsible or complicit in their sexual assault if they feel ashamed of what happened to them, if they are angry, vengeful, feel self-hatred, feel embarrassed, etc.[/QUOTE]Repetitive and badgering....

Look forward to your incomplete and out of context attempt at a reply here.

Have a nice night Bells... :)
Last edited:
Screw it...

Yes you have.

Big time.

You are trolling by trying to elicit an emotional response from your adversary, rather than discussing the topic at hand. Textbook..
And who is my "adversary" in this discussion?

I had mostly been speaking to Wynn, who does believe that women and children are complicit and share the responsibility if they are raped. I would strongly suggest you go back to page one of this thread and read the links provided. So I was discussing her beliefs to her.

You entered the thread, demanded everyone be careful and we tell our children to be careful, take precautions, upon which I asked you whom should we be careful of? I gave a list of people one could advise one's children and you responded "yes" to all. Which yes, included the parents as well. So I asked you a question based on your answers.

So now you have gone on this drunken spiel about how you are being somewhat victimised and apparently stalked by me, when I barely ever say 'boo' to you ever and when I do discuss anything with you, you are usually able to respond in a fairly sober manner, even when we disagree on something. This is obviously not one of those moments.

You already have the explanations Bells. You had them three years agao. I linked the thread. I also divulged personal information, which you oh so kindly elected to ignore...
You linked a 30 page thread from 3 years ago and I am supposed to remember it in detail and what you apparently divulged in that thread?

As I explained to you a few times now, I rarely ever pay attention to you. Glancing through the link you provided, I didn't back then either really.

In short, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

It's really not that difficult - everyone. Now you are able to say I am a paranoid schizophrenic and we can all go home peacefully, right?
How about you go to bed and sleep off the booze?


This is all so much political posturing and bullshit that it doesn't even deserve dressing - or stuffing... (Wait, I'm in the states and it's Thanksgiving...)

You know precisely, exactly, what I am saying. I can't even believe that I am typing these words again - "It is not unreasonable to personally take precautions that match your expectations of immortality and to advise others to do the same". If you want to be a journalist on the battlefield don't complain if you get shot. Get it?

I have never advocated anything beyond reasonable care. This is "Part II" of the very first thread I participated in on this site. You're aware of that. You were involved in the previous rendition. What, exactly, is your problem with my stance? Because I truly, really, honestly, absolutely (hmmm... out of synonyms, but I imagine I could come up with some more if you can't quite "get it" yet...) don't understand why you have such a problem with me on this issue. I have a quite functional family, albeit with history, yet you approach me as an adversary. Why?

Do you secretly have a crush on me? I mean, what?
Are you mad?

No, really. Are you?

You enter this thread, claim I am "chasing" you around the forum, link a thread from 3 years ago, in which I barely participated in and where I did, I appear to be discussing with angrybellsprout more than anything, claim I ignored personal things you divulged in that thread (I actually hadn't read or paid that much attention to what you wrote), claim I have a problem with you, which is mildly amusing seeing I really don't speak to you that much at all... Now you ask me if I have a crush on you?

I was not aware this was "Part II" of the first thread you ever participated in on this site. Seeing that you are not the one who started it and I had been debating with Wynn mostly before you stuck you nose into it and claimed to be a victim of my wrong doing apparently in this thread and the other one..

If your stance is what you have managed to mumble out in the midst of the drunken rambling you have been doing in this thread, then I would imagine what my issue is with your stance is quite clear.

You are correct. And the sole onus upon the dead is not to have died - they would be fine today if they just hadn't gone and kicked off, right?
Because that is what we are discussing?

The onus is not on the woman or the child to not be raped. The onus is on the person to not rape.

Get it?

Define "works". Lessens the probability? Sure it does. Notice I'm very careful to leave out sexuality (male, female, hetero, etc...) because these are simple concepts that apply to everyone in all circumstances - to one degree or another.

Every military, police force, self defense group, et. al. promotes the idea of situational awareness. Be prepared - live to fight another day. This is the same stuff I'm saying - check your back seat before you get in your car, don't go around crack-town at night, etc. What exactly do you have a problem with here? Give me one, that's one, just one, fucking example of something specific that I advocate that you don't agree with. Just one... Can't do it, right?
I advocate that people should be free to not live in fear of being raped at all times. Everyone has a survival instinct and the greater majority do what they can to ensure their own safety. That is not up for debate here. What I am saying is that there are no true precautions one can take to prevent a rape, simply because it is not something one expects to happen and usually when it does happen, in the greater majority of cases, the rapist is someone the person knows and trusts. So unless you are advocating that no one should ever be trusted because everyone is a potential rapist, then yes, I do have an issue with that.

Exactly. So one must balance "freedom" against "security". The same issues that nations struggle with, and you know this. I'm not just going to let you get away with acting like a total moron here, you know...
Coming from you at the moment, that is a bit rich and frankly, hilarious.

So how should one secure themselves from rape from a spouse or family member or friend or partner? Never be in male company again? If a woman truly wants to be secure, that would be an option. Do you think it is a viable option? I don't.

Check this word out Bells: BALANCE. Do it slowly, one letter at a time. Now do it again. Now do it again. Is it seeping in yet?
Now tell me what balance and precautions your wife takes with the male members of the household? What precautions do you take against being raped by a family member?

Do you sleep with a baseball bat next to your bed in case your wife rapes you? Since you know, you are the one saying that we should always be careful and ensure our own security at all times, even with family members.

Really? Is it "stupid" to say "be careful" ever? Under any circumstances? Really? Stupid? For real?

See, this is where you lose it at - no where do I ever say: "Here, follow this prescription and you will never get raped, or assaulted in any way." You try, really hard, to read that in there. It doesn't work Bells. Not now. Not ever. Give it a rest. I'm not buying...
Now tell me how you are careful so that you protect yourself against being raped by a family member? What about your children? After all, you said one should be careful of everyone, including family members. And we know statistically that most people are raped or sexually abused by people they know. So how are you careful?

If that's what you think is proper and reasonable, sure. I don't happen to feel that way. If anything, I'm an adrenalin junkie. So is my family. I don't think you missed the skydiving, scubadiving, speed skiing, etc. etc. references over the years, did you Bells? Didn't think so. Why do try to pretend otherwise? I want you to live life to the fullest. I also want you to have a third degree black belt, or to take whatever precautions you feel are reasonable to balance the "fun" in your life with the "safety". This is bad? Why don't you come clean here, like I did? I have a personal vendetta, and admitted such. What is your agenda? Hmmmm, sweetie?
As I have said repeatedly now, I usually do not pay much attention to your posts unless you thrust yourself under my nose and demand attention, like you are now.

So any reference to the adrenaline junkie things you and your family are into would be lost on me since really, I really do not know you or read your posts that much.

Now, you have a personal vendetta against who? What do you mean by what is my agenda? Why do you assume I have an agenda?

Because I was discussing this issue with Wynn when you jumped into the discussion and accused me of god knows what, ranted drunkenly about god knows what?

Oh no. Gosh. And Geewilikers. You have a certain set of precautions that you advocate? Well gee wiz cupcake, you just planted yourself squarely in my garden. That is exactly, and I mean exactly, what I advocate. Each person, family, group, nation, etc. must make a determination as to what is reasonable in terms of precautions. It's always a tradeoff - you know this - you're involved in the system for a living. I'm not telling you anything new, nor anything that you haven't heard a thousand times before. Why do you pretend not to accept this philosophy? Your own words belie you, and I don't even have any idea why you adopt this legend. It's not true - you know this. You advise your loved ones to "be careful", yet you tell me i'm being unreasonable to suggest the exact same thing. Why?
Because that is not really what you have been going on about.

Could that be it?

One does not "be careful to not be raped", one takes reasonable precautions to avoid assault of any type. Look, this subject is not new to me, go reread the thread from three years ago. What's with the grandstanding here?
You want me to read 30 pages of a thread from 3 years ago to try to understand your point, if you have one?

I am a wealthy man. You already know this Bells. You need to update your playbook...
And I would know you are wealthy how exactly?

And I should care about your wealth because of what exactly?

Cute. This is actually the comment that got personal. I don't know if you're jousting here or playing for real. Because my statement was closer to reality then fiction...
Ermm you think the reality of my bumping into you on SoHo beach is closer then fiction? Or are you now referring to something else and are not noticing what my response was in regards to?

You stated that one had to be careful. I don't know you. I have never met you. I barely ever speak to you on this thread. In light of that, what do you think are the chances I would ever meet you anywhere? And as you claim, one has to be careful.:)

Absurd. Included only for context..
Why is it absurd? You are the one who claimed that you tell your children to be careful and I queried 'careful of whom?' and then listed different types of family members, including the parents, to which you replied "yes" to all. So why is it now absurd to you?

Asked and answered.
Yes, you did earlier. So why are you quoting it again and acting as if it was asked a second time?

Reply censored.
You really should come back to this when you are sober.

To a degree, in the abstract, this would be a be affirmative. What part of "balance" do you not get?
And what part of you going back and forth don't you quite grasp yet?

You claim one should be always careful, and then responded yes, when I listed many different people one would normally or usually have in one's life.

Again, where did I assert: "Here is a surefire recipe to prevent rape" at, exactly? Give it a rest...
That response was to Wynn, not to you. If you read the post clearly, you would see that I was responding to Wynn when I made that particular comment. Not you. I will give you a hint on how you can tell it was not to you. Look at the quote directly above that comment from me and see that it says "Originally Posted by wynn", which usually means that is the one I am responding to.

No one said it did - except you. If you feel differently, LINK PLEASE...
Wynn did. Go back and read the first page of this thread. Pay particular attention to post #9.

Repetitive and badgering....

Look forward to your incomplete and out of context attempt at a reply here.

Have a nice night Bells...
Right.. Because that is now what you have been doing with me?

I have a suggestion.. Go to bed. Sleep it off. Come back and discuss it when you are sober. Otherwise, get stuffed.

I think that should be clear enough.
Yes you have.

Big time.
Wow. You are totally unable to sort fact from fiction, aren't you?

And who is my "adversary" in this discussion?
You appear to being a good job of playing the part of your own adversary here.

I had mostly been speaking to Wynn, who does believe that women and children are complicit and share the responsibility if they are raped. I would strongly suggest you go back to page one of this thread and read the links provided. So I was discussing her beliefs to her.

You entered the thread, demanded everyone be careful and we tell our children to be careful, take precautions, upon which I asked you whom should we be careful of? I gave a list of people one could advise one's children and you responded "yes" to all. Which yes, included the parents as well. So I asked you a question based on your answers.
Please quote the bit where I demanded anything of anyone.

So now you have gone on this drunken spiel about how you are being somewhat victimised and apparently stalked by me, when I barely ever say 'boo' to you ever and when I do discuss anything with you, you are usually able to respond in a fairly sober manner, even when we disagree on something. This is obviously not one of those moments.
To borrow a quote from you, what the hell are you talking about? I addressed your post and provided a point by point response, leaving out not a single word of yours. (That I am aware of)

You linked a 30 page thread from 3 years ago and I am supposed to remember it in detail and what you apparently divulged in that thread?
No, I have no such unreasonable expectations. I do expect you o acknowledge sources cited, however.

As I explained to you a few times now, I rarely ever pay attention to you. Glancing through the link you provided, I didn't back then either really.
What are you trying to convey here? That you don't pay attention to your posts?

In short, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
And likewise, I have no idea what you are talking about. Befuddled comes to mind, perhaps applicable to both of us?

How about you go to bed and sleep off the booze?
Please Bells. For real? Can you truly not discern an attempt to be jovial from a serious response? I would think that would be a hindrance to your career.


Actually, since you seem to be a little slow today, I will translate - I'm to lazy too scroll down and see what this one word reply references...

Are you mad?
No. Are you?

No, really. Are you?
Ermmm, no. Really. I'm not.

You enter this thread, claim I am "chasing" you around the forum
I made no such claim. Which post, please?

link a thread from 3 years ago
I wasn't aware of any time limit. My apologies.

in which I barely participated in and where I did, I appear to be discussing with angrybellsprout more than anything, claim I ignored personal things you divulged in that thread
Absolutely misinterpreted. Obvious. I claim you ignored personal information divulged in this thread, like a post or two before your initial rant. Care to check? Perhaps you are the one that imbibed excessively?

(I actually hadn't read or paid that much attention to what you wrote), claim I have a problem with you, which is mildly amusing seeing I really don't speak to you that much at all... Now you ask me if I have a crush on you?
See above references to levity and the distinction thereof. Won't make that mistake again. All business with you, no sidebars, no "off the record" comments in your threads. Got it. You would have thought the emoticon might have helped here, but apparently not.

I was not aware this was "Part II" of the first thread you ever participated in on this site.
That's why I mentioned it. So that you would, like, be aware of it...

Seeing that you are not the one who started it and I had been debating with Wynn mostly before you stuck you nose into it and claimed to be a victim of my wrong doing apparently in this thread and the other one..
I would love to see any substantiation of these allegations. "Stuck you[r] nose into it"? Since when are threads private?

If your stance is what you have managed to mumble out in the midst of the drunken rambling you have been doing in this thread, then I would imagine what my issue is with your stance is quite clear.
Bundle of joy, aren't you?

Because that is what we are discussing?
Let's stay on track then. You seem to be mostly concerned with the following reply, made in jest to you: "Yes, thank you for noticing".

The onus is not on the woman or the child to not be raped. The onus is on the person to not rape.
What a surprise. We agree.

You offer nothing to "get".

I advocate that people should be free to not live in fear of being raped at all times.
As do I.

Everyone has a survival instinct and the greater majority do what they can to ensure their own safety. That is not up for debate here.
Sure it is. That is my point. Apperantly, if one is to mention "precautions" in this context, one can expect a flurry of debate. At least from you...

What I am saying is that there are no true precautions one can take to prevent a rape, simply because it is not something one expects to happen and usually when it does happen, in the greater majority of cases, the rapist is someone the person knows and trusts.
I am aware of the statistics and agree with you on rapists generally being known by the victim. Please cite your source as to why "there are no true precautions one can take to prevent a rape".

So unless you are advocating that no one should ever be trusted because everyone is a potential rapist, then yes, I do have an issue with that.
I'm sorry. I admit to a bit of confusion here. You have an issue with not trusting anyone or with trusting some people? Look at the wording of your reply here - please clarify.

Coming from you at the moment, that is a bit rich and frankly, hilarious.
Thank you.

So how should one secure themselves from rape from a spouse or family member or friend or partner?
No. I never made any attempt to even allude to a "guarantee" not to be assaulted. I alluded to changing the odds. The core of my first (and only topical) post:
Randwolf said:
This does not mean that the mysoginist, schizophrenic, psychopathic rapist dogs from hell are not 100% culpable for their behavior, but let's get real. Don't walk down SoHo beach nude at night, don't peruse the opium dens wearing only your underwear, etc.

This, hopefully, will reduce your chances of being raped - male, female, hetero, bi, homo, inter, or any other sexual.

Don't flash you're Rolex while walking in the city. No this doesn't insinuate that women are akin to rolex's. Nonetheless, I will still admonish my daughter for pushing the issue, just as I would admonish my ex's sons for similar behavior. Just don't do it!

If you fuck up, you're increasing your chances of being fucked up.

Does this make it right? No.

Does this excuse or even mitigate the rapist responsibility? Fuck no.

Does any of this mean that you should provoke the assholes out there? No.

No. No. No.

Every woman I've ever been intimate with has a "rape story". Was it her fault? No.

I've killed in combat and been near mortally wounded. I've been here half a century. I have a friend who has "died" clinically - twice. Many of my friends are no longer waking the planet. I've jumped from perfectly good planes and been "inserted" via fast boats - "Duck if the bullets are flying".

Is that bad advice?
Please answer the question - "Is that bad advice?"

Never be in male company again? If a woman truly wants to be secure, that would be an option. Do you think it is a viable option? I don't.
It certainly doesn't elicit impressions of a good time had by one and all, no. Your logic is sound though, I just would not want to live my life that way.

Wait, on the other hand, although rare, I have heard of sexual assaults against females promulgated by other females, so... Nope - you're just plain wrong.

Now tell me what balance and precautions your wife takes with the male members of the household?

What precautions do you take against being raped by a family member?
If this is a sincere request I will find you some web sites hosted by law enforcement agencies as to suggested precautions. Let me know. Although I suspect disingenuity here...

Do you sleep with a baseball bat next to your bed in case your wife rapes you?
Wow. Yes, I do just happen to have a nice old wooden bat beside my bed, but it just sort of ended up in that corner. I suppose it might come in handy if my wife tries to rape me though - good idea, Bells. Thanks.

Since you know, you are the one saying that we should always be careful and ensure our own security at all times, even with family members.

Now tell me how you are careful so that you protect yourself against being raped by a family member?

What about your children?
What about them?

After all, you said one should be careful of everyone, including family members.
After all, you're right again.

And we know statistically that most people are raped or sexually abused by people they know.
Yes we do. This would also be, IMHO, the hardest type of assault to combat or prepare for - doesn't mean we can't try though, right?[/quote]

So how are you careful?
See above...

As I have said repeatedly now, I usually do not pay much attention to your posts unless you thrust yourself under my nose and demand attention, like you are now.
Ummm, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding there Bells. I actually thought you might be capable of holding a rational discussion, but that doesn't seem to be the case today. I no longer "demand" your attention - please feel free to leave at anytime...

So any reference to the adrenaline junkie things you and your family are into would be lost on me since really, I really do not know you or read your posts that much.
Yes. I think you have established your position on this issue pretty well, Bells. Please do feel free to continue your current behavior patterns.

Are you really that dumb? Or incapable of comprehending nuances? A family member was assaulted... I'm not at liberty to go into detail.

What do you mean by what is my agenda?
Which word didn't you understand?

Why do you assume I have an agenda?
Most people do, in my experience...

Because I was discussing this issue with Wynn when you jumped into the discussion and accused me of god knows what, ranted drunkenly about god knows what?
What? Support that contention, please. I was not aware that this was you personal thread with Signal...

Because that is not really what you have been going on about.

Could that be it?
Included for the record only - again, I just don't feel like extending the effort necessary to scroll down and see what this references.

You want me to read 30 pages of a thread from 3 years ago to try to understand your point, if you have one?
No, quite frankly, at this point, I hope never to speak with you again. From past experience though, I know that will probably change. Has nothing to do with you, I just know myself and I'm quick to forget differences...

And I would know you are wealthy how exactly?

And I should care about your wealth because of what exactly?
You shouldn't care. But you brought the subject up...

Ermm you think the reality of my bumping into you on SoHo beach is closer then fiction?
No, I think the reality of meeting anyone I have met through Sci would be cool. I'm rethinking that position though, let me get back to you on that.

Or are you now referring to something else and are not noticing what my response was in regards to?
No, you got it right...

You stated that one had to be careful.
True. But you don't need to be careful Bells.

I don't know you. I have never met you. I barely ever speak to you on this thread. In light of that, what do you think are the chances I would ever meet you anywhere?
The chances are pretty slim I would imagine, but you never know. Five degrees of seperation and all...

And as you claim, one has to be careful.:)
You know Bells, I think you're probably quite capable of taking care of yourself and fear very little. Just a guess.

Why is it absurd? You are the one who claimed that you tell your children to be careful and I queried 'careful of whom?' and then listed different types of family members, including the parents, to which you replied "yes" to all. So why is it now absurd to you?
The only reply I have to this is --- BALANCE. You seem to keep missing that word - it is in your vocabulary, right?

Yes, you did earlier. So why are you quoting it again and acting as if it was asked a second time?
OK, you got me to scroll down for this one because I had absolutely no idea what you were referencing. I should have saved my energy. Bells, I simply made a truthful statement - look at the post order. (Yeah, I know - you don't care if I choose to scroll down or not, yada yada...)

You really should come back to this when you are sober.
This is really borderline hysterical. Throw you one little chip and watch you run with it... Quite entertaining!

That response was to Wynn, not to you. If you read the post clearly, you would see that I was responding to Wynn when I made that particular comment. Not you. I will give you a hint on how you can tell it was not to you. Look at the quote directly above that comment from me and see that it says "Originally Posted by wynn", which usually means that is the one I am responding to.

Wynn did. Go back and read the first page of this thread. Pay particular attention to post #9.
That one took a little while to unravel.:)

I'm going to try to put this succinctly: I never thought differently.

My responses to you were based entirely on your explicit words or the meaning I read into the context. Admittedly, and obviously, the second part of that process is a kind of prone to error. Not saying that the the first part is necessarily error free...

Right.. Because that is now what you have been doing with me?

I have a suggestion.. Go to bed. Sleep it off. Come back and discuss it when you are sober. Otherwise, get stuffed.
Thanks. I will take this under advisement.

I think that should be clear enough.
Thank you for being civil - again, have a good day...
Negligence is a civil action. Rape is a criminal offence.
I thought I made that clear when I pointed out that contributory negligence would not affect the outcome of a trial. Nonetheless, most of us take precautions to reduce our probability of becoming crime victims, such as locking our doors and not wearing flashy jewelry on dark streets with little traffic. Or in the case of my wife, not carrying a purse so she appears less attractive to a mugger and more able to defend herself with both hands against an assailant.
To take an analogy, suppose that for whatever reason you decide to leave your car unlocked while it is parked in a "bad" area. Suppose it is stolen. The perpetrator is caught and arrested and put on trial. Do you think it would be reasonable for the thief to get a reduced sentence, say, because you left your car unlocked?
No, and I believe I made my opinion on the matter clear already.
i.e. your "contributory negligence" somehow caused the theft?
Just ask your insurance company. They will raise your rates (or perhaps even cancel your policy) if you do something that lame. They might forgive you the first time, but not the second.

Again, this does not exonerate the person who steals your car. It just makes the point that we all have a responsibility to reduce crime, and it doesn't stop at petitioning our government to execute everybody who steals a jar of peanut butter to feed their children.
Some kind of evidence or citation of the source of this bizarre claim would be good. Otherwise, it looks a lot like racism.
That was my point. Why then do the leaders of those countries treat their own women as though they're expected to assume that the men in their society are utterly incapable of controlling themselves, and in many cases letting the men go unpunished, when we don't treat our women or our men that way?
I would feel guilty in the first case, and have.
Dogs have tremendous empathic powers, for example interpreting pheromones that we don't even smell, and (for the short-muzzled breeds with photoreceptors concentrated in a small area of their eyes) reading human facial expressions perhaps more accurately than we do. Depending on the individual dog he'd be significantly less likely to attack a human who regards him with collegiality than one who regards him with hostility. Even more important would be the way you regard his human!
Self-loathing and the Mitigator

Wynn said:

Why is it taboo to discuss the responsibility of victims?

I disagree in the context of the thread inquiry. It is not taboo to discuss the victims' role in crimes.

The thread, however, seems to have grown around a central theme of the question, and I think in that context the answer is demonstrable.

For those who need it more clearly explained, I recall once upon a time, basketball star Gary Payton decided to go back to the old neighborhood and, as you might imagine, ended up being robbed. And, yes, people chuckled at the time about the question of why one would go wandering through a rough 'hood wearing that much bling.

But it would never come about that a robber would be acquitted on those grounds. The dialogue Chimpkin quoted reminds how ridiculous a proposition that is.

Yet accused rapists have been acquitted because a woman was wearing something sexy; indeed there was a case in Wisconsin, I believe, during the eighties in which a child molester was acquitted because his three year-old victim behaved promiscuously—we might as well make a thesis on Ferenczi an admissions standard for kindergarten.

One part of this whole discussion does strike me as hilarious, though. So let's imagine for a moment ....

Okay, so the women in my neighborhood decide to take the advice of the crowd that tells them how to not make themselves targets for rapists.

I go down to my neighborhood pub. One of the regular bands no longer plays, since it would be unsafe for Kris to come down and play bass; we wouldn't want her to tempt someone who has a thing for rocker girls. And the lovely young lady I call "Rosie" for her Halloween costume (the riveter, not the talk show host) would not be there, and that's probably a good thing. After all, while she is part of the family that owns the pub, she is also what cheap writing might describe as "innocent", "fresh-scrubbed", or "the girl next door", and, hell, that's a really popular look among perverts. And the two or three female friends I've seen in her company would not be there either, including the one with the really appreciable rack that wears conservative clothing which, for its part, fails to utterly hide what really are good curves. In fact, there would be no women there at all. Not that my neighborhood pub is a dangerous place, but, you know, it's up to women to keep themselves safe.

And maybe as I leave, a couple of guys having a smoke outside The Jet are grumbling about the lack of action.

Perhaps about then it strikes me that things really are kind of strange. When I went to the gym, there were no women working out there. And when I drove home from the gym, I guess I did notice that the oft-raucous bar at Boston's was crowded, though now that I think of it, I didn't see any women there. Not even serving, since all the women in the area decided to take the mitigators' advice. To the one, it is common practice to put an attractive woman behind the bar. To the other, that might tell a man she wants him to have sex with her regardless of what she actually says. So ... yeah. Gotta be safe.

Of course, I'm a bit sore from the gym, so it occurs to me that I might be able to use one of the massage certificates my daughter gave me for Father's Day. Of course, there are no women in evidence, since it might send the wrong signals to have their hands on my body while I'm pretty much undressed. Of course, what about the big black guy who played college football? What if he's gay? Does that mean he's going to rape me? Would that be my fault? All I wanted was a massage!

So think about it. As long as the self-protection agenda is without any reasonable boundaries, this is what you're asking for. And if you're lucky, the women won't wise up to the real problem and simply declare a Lysistrata Revolution.

And, frankly, I am sick of the misogynistic effort to remove women from the spheres of my life. It starts to make me wonder if maybe, just maybe, the resulting "sausage fest" isn't actually what the mitigators are hoping for.

So they need to stop loathing themselves. Come out of the closet, guys. Deal with yourselves instead of telling women why your own misery is their fault.
Dogs have tremendous empathic powers, for example interpreting pheromones that we don't even smell, and (for the short-muzzled breeds with photoreceptors concentrated in a small area of their eyes) reading human facial expressions perhaps more accurately than we do. Depending on the individual dog he'd be significantly less likely to attack a human who regards him with collegiality than one who regards him with hostility. Even more important would be the way you regard his human!


There are many dogs in my neighborhood. Mostly untrained, both spoiled and neglected. Many are quick to bark and charge after people.

Once I was walking home and as I was passing by a house with one such nasty dog, I noticed something peculiar:
The owner went to pick up the mail and was returning to the house, the dog accompanying him. As the dog saw me, I saw that he first looked up to his owner, and then didn't make a sound or seemed to care. It seemed like he looked up to his owner for instruction or assurance, and as the owner seemed to have communicated in some subtle way that I was not a threat, the dog didn't bother about me.
But when this same dog was with the owner's wife, he was downright crazy. He has chased and bitten several people.

So I figured let's try this logic in real cases:
At another house, they have a dog that goes berzerk when anyone passes the house (the house is close to the public road, no fence). So one day the dog went crazy as usual, but I called his owner to come to me on the road and to chit chat with me. It took me some persuasion while he was trying to calm the dog down, but the owner came. Within not much more than 15 seconds, the dog went from crazy to snuggling up to my leg and wanting to be petted and allowing to be petted. It was fascinating to watch.

I tried this with the other crazy dog and chit chatted with his lady. He didn't calm down so quickly, and I didn't pet him, but he did calm down.
In fact, over the months, he has become rather tolerable, barely ever barks when he sees me.
I never claimed that a 4yo had any "mature adult responsibilities" (my exact words from a previous post) in her rape. Being less than 18yo, she was not an adult, had not reached the age of majority (~12yo), had not even reached the age (~7yo) to know reality from fiction, and has a profoundly incomplete perspective of life. The responsibilities of a 4yo are assumed by the child's parents etc. So for example, if the parents responded by explaining "good" and "bad" touching to the 4yo, then perhaps they were negligent in not having done so before.
Yes, as I said previously (verbatim), "criminal responsibility" versus "mature adult responsibility".These are claims that I never advocated. And no, I do not. No one does.

People make mistakes. The younger and the less experienced they are, the more likely they are to make mistakes, be negligent.
Children are bound to make many mistakes, to be negligent.

Sometimes, making a mistake can have horrible consequences.
I go down to my neighborhood pub. One of the regular bands no longer plays, since it would be unsafe for Kris to come down and play bass; we wouldn't want her to tempt someone who has a thing for rocker girls.

People can feel provoked by anything. Often, we cannot do much about that.

The issue is whether a person's intention was to provoke. It is from this that feelings of guilt arise later on.

Not that my neighborhood pub is a dangerous place, but, you know, it's up to women to keep themselves safe.

I would think the best way to keep oneself safe is to think and act as harmless as possible.

This doesn't automatically mean locking oneself in the house and never going out.
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Back to your post, do you think it is reasonable to tell your daughter(s) to always be on the lookout and take precautions from you, to not always fully trust you, because as you said yourself above, one has to be "careful in general"?

Which can mean squat if your spouse, parent, sibbling, etc decides to pin you down and rape you.

Domestic violence tends to have a history; it is generally not like everything would be fine for decades, and then suddenly a family member would explode and begin abusing other family members.
Physical violence is generally preceded by a history of verbal and emotional violence.

The problem is that people often let the verbal and emotional violence pass, which tends to exacerbate the situation.
Not in any way. For example, I consider you stupid, but there is absolutely no hostility in that assessment, it's just plain deduction from observation.

Indeed, it is the very opposite of hostile. If I thought you were intelligent and held the views you do then my reaction would be extremely hostile. So, by recognising your stupidity I isolate you from any potential hostility.

With an attitude like that, heaven help you around dogs, thugs and psychopaths ...
I had mostly been speaking to Wynn, who does believe that women and children are complicit and share the responsibility if they are raped.

Not all cases of rape are the same.

There is a difference between the rape of a person who was kidnapped in the middle of the day off a busy street and taken to a secluded location, and the rape that occurs when two people have known eachother for a long time, have been drinking buddies, fooled around, and then one day, things went too far.

Then there are all the other different circumstances in which rape occurs. We would need to analyze each case per se.

If a child freely steps into a stranger's car, and is then abused, the child does carry the responsibility for stepping into a stranger's car.
The child doesn't carry responsibility for the abuse per se, but does carry the responsibility for committing an action (ie. stepping into a stranger's car) that can reasonably be considered as leading to the abuse, given the circumstances.

The onus is not on the woman or the child to not be raped. The onus is on the person to not rape.

Sure. Nobody claimed otherwise.

What seems to be causing confusion here is the difference between
the responsibility to prevent the crime
the responsibility for the crime.

These are two different things.

We are not at fault if we are not able to prevent a crime.
But we are at fault if we have done something that lead to the crime.

I advocate that people should be free to not live in fear of being raped at all times.

This is like saying "We should be free not to live in fear of an asteroid hitting planet Earth" or "We should be free not to live in fear of aging, illness and death."

I imagine the only way to transcend that fear is to find a refuge in something that is not subject to aging, illness and death, something that doesn't deteriorate, something that cannot be destroyed.
@ Rand...
No, I'm not happy.
I'm saddened.
For you, for whoever it was in your life that got hurt.

We all do the best we can to keep the people we love safe.
Not always enough.
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You are trolling by trying to elicit an emotional response from your adversary, rather than discussing the topic at hand.

It is a difficult topic that touches on one's basic beliefs about humanity and how the Universe works.

If one's basic beliefs about humanity and how the Universe works are vague, or are not realistic, one is likely going to be very upset in situations where those beliefs are challenged or proven wrong.
Okay, so the women in my neighborhood decide to take the advice of the crowd that tells them how to not make themselves targets for rapists. I go down to my neighborhood pub. One of the regular bands no longer plays, since it would be unsafe for Kris to come down and play bass; we wouldn't want her to tempt someone who has a thing for rocker girls. And the lovely young lady I call "Rosie" for her Halloween costume (the riveter, not the talk show host) would not be there, and that's probably a good thing. After all, while she is part of the family that owns the pub, she is also what cheap writing might describe as "innocent", "fresh-scrubbed", or "the girl next door", and, hell, that's a really popular look among perverts. And the two or three female friends I've seen in her company would not be there either, including the one with the really appreciable rack that wears conservative clothing which, for its part, fails to utterly hide what really are good curves. In fact, there would be no women there at all. Not that my neighborhood pub is a dangerous place, but, you know, it's up to women to keep themselves safe. And maybe as I leave, a couple of guys having a smoke outside The Jet are grumbling about the lack of action. Perhaps about then it strikes me that things really are kind of strange. When I went to the gym, there were no women working out there. And when I drove home from the gym, I guess I did notice that the oft-raucous bar at Boston's was crowded, though now that I think of it, I didn't see any women there. Not even serving, since all the women in the area decided to take the mitigators' advice. To the one, it is common practice to put an attractive woman behind the bar. To the other, that might tell a man she wants him to have sex with her regardless of what she actually says. So ... yeah. Gotta be safe. Of course, I'm a bit sore from the gym, so it occurs to me that I might be able to use one of the massage certificates my daughter gave me for Father's Day. Of course, there are no women in evidence, since it might send the wrong signals to have their hands on my body while I'm pretty much undressed.
Welcome to Saudi Arabia.
Of course, what about the big black guy who played college football? What if he's gay? Does that mean he's going to rape me? Would that be my fault? All I wanted was a massage!
You would both be executed for homosexual activities. I'm not quite sure if this would happen in Saudi Arabia but it is routine in other Islamic paradises such as Indonesia.
So think about it. As long as the self-protection agenda is without any reasonable boundaries, this is what you're asking for. And if you're lucky, the women won't wise up to the real problem and simply declare a Lysistrata Revolution.
In the aforementioned Islamic paradises they're more concerned with their inability to work for a living or even drive cars.
And, frankly, I am sick of the misogynistic effort to remove women from the spheres of my life. It starts to make me wonder if maybe, just maybe, the resulting "sausage fest" isn't actually what the mitigators are hoping for.
The leaders of those Islamic paradises insist that the men in their country are so obsessed with sex that if a woman walks by without being hidden by a full-body stocking AND escorted by her husband, brother or father, the men will simply grab her and rape her because they can't control themselves. Since this rarely happens in America (as noted, most rapes are not committed by random strangers), we are faced with a choice of two conclusions:
  • 1. Muslim men are uncivilized and really can't be trusted around women. This is unlikely because Muslim men in normal countries don't behave that way.
  • 2. The premise is bogus. There's some other reason the leaders of the Islamic paradises don't want their women to be free. This is much more believable because even in our countries men in power deprived women of basic rights such as voting and even now hold them back.
So they need to stop loathing themselves. Come out of the closet, guys. Deal with yourselves instead of telling women why your own misery is their fault.
Yeah, where do you think you are anyway, Saudi Arabia?
Wow. You are totally unable to sort fact from fiction, aren't you?

Randwolf, I am going to say this again. I do not have any idea what your issue is with me. I barely ever speak to you on this forum. I barely said boo to you in the thread you linked and accused me of apparently not remembering or ignoring what you personally divulged from 3 years ago. I barely read your posts because, well, I find you a tad strange. It is now becoming very obvious to me why I should not read your posts, because you are irrational, over-emotional, abusive, angry.

Reading your posts at the moment reminds me of the Simpson episode where Homer and family relive the Shining. Because right now, your posts are akin to Homer's 'No TV and no beer make Homer something something'..

So I am going to play nice. Not because I like you, but because it is not nice to fight with someone about 'something something' (ie I have no idea what your issue is, nor do I want to know what your issue is) when they appear to either be off their nut or somewhat mentally unstable and in a bad place at the moment. Plus you also seem to have this need to fight with me about 'something something', which frankly, I do not think I should enable. You seem to be very confused. You seem to take offense to something I was discussing with Wynn and entered this thread ranting (yes, ranting) about 'something something', you also seem to believe that this thread is a continuation of the thread from 3 years ago. Unless you and Wynn got together and decided to continue that thread from 3 years ago, no one but yourself seems to believe this is so. The reason being is that we cannot read your mind.

Now, your accusation that I ignored something personal about yourself in this thread... So I went back again and read through what you had written. I figured you calling Signal a "moron" was not it, so I then went to the second time you entered the thread, where you went apeshit at me for my discussion with Signal, which you seemed to act as if I was discussing it with you. That post contained information about how you killed in combat and how a friend of yours clincally died twice and how some of your friends are deceased. My sympathies. I tend to not usually comment on such things because yes, they are personal and frankly, were not a part of this discussion in that it would have been off-topic for me to comment on it about you and it had nothing to do with what we were discussing. Everyone has their horror stories Randwolf. Being insulted that I did not comment on yours is your problem, not mine. I am sorry for whatever suffering you have had in your life.

Suffice to say, you admitted to being drunk or something in this thread, you have been personal and frankly quite abusive and over-bearing. You have also attempted to joke while angry, which will never come off as sounding 'quite right'.

There is something you need to understand before I sign off on this post to you. This thread and my posts to Wynn and Cifo had nothing to do with you. It was not about you or what you posted 3 years ago. You entered this thread and seemed to take personal umbrage with what I was discussing with Wynn and yes, you ranted and went off your rocker. When I tried to confirm what you were on about, you became even more emotional and abusive.

I asked my colleagues if there is something I have missed and so far, the answer is, well.. no one can really tell. Because there seems to be something very personal with you that others participating in this thread do not really know about. At one point I even wondered if you had a sock participating in this thread and had confused which account you had signed in with.

So in light of what appears to be something going on with you, I doubt I will be responding to you any further, unless it is to seek clarification for 'something something'. Whatever issue you have with me is your own Randwolf. I am not a mind reader.