Why is Holocaust denial illegal?

You want your cockroaches out in the open where you can keep track of them. You do not want them sneaking around under the linoleum.

Yeah, but as soon as law enforcement or homeland security, etc begin to "track" those cockroaches, you damned liberal doo-gooders file lawsuits so as to prevent it!!

Baron Max

Socialists ought to be killed, not silenced. ;)

That is to say, I do not weep when a socialist is shot dead. I do, however, think it is illegitimate to rob him of the right to free speech.

Opinions, therefore, that are not only erroneous - and repeatedly shown to be so - but which also give succour to those who seek to abolish all the freedoms our forefathers fought for need to be suppressed.

It sounds more than slightly paradoxical to say that, by suppressing free speech you're defending it but - in the case of Holocaust denial - that is exactly the intent and the effect. In declaring it illegal we're not only honouring the dead but reminding ourselves that free expression isn't a given - eternally and inalienably ours - but a prize to be defended from those who'd take it from us.

The entire point of free speech is to be able to be able to say ANYTHING, no matter how outrageous, to ANYONE. This was the entire point of the Enlightenment's aim for such.

If you cannot deal with this stuff on the rational level, then you do not deserve to retain those freedoms if those people take them away from you.


Hi Prince, the point that TW has made is that the harm is in the trvialization of the suffering of a people.

Hurting someone's feeligns is not the same as endangering their life or stealing from them. "Tough noogies!" to them, I say.

Heh indeed. The Europeans pride themselves in their progressiveness, but Wikipedia says: "Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European countries: Austria (article 3h Verbotsgesetz 1947), Belgium (Belgian Negationism Law), the Czech Republic..., France (Loi Gayssot), Germany..., Lithuania, The Netherlands ..., Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland... In addition, ...it is also illegal in Israel." I cannot think of any similar laws in America (except for the flag burning laws).

There are no flag burning laws in America. We've tried to get them, but been blocked.
Also, a question ought to be raised:

Cui bono?

To what end and to whose benefit do we enact these laws?

For the Jews? Certainly no European is hurt by Holocaust denial. Why are we protecting a group of people from idiotic beliefs, when we do not do so for anything else?
This thread keeps popping up. SciForums should have a mechanism for directing people to existing threads instead of having the same discussion over and over again and not even knowing it.

Sorry to be unoriginal fraggle rocker, but I am new here!

As I have said on the other threads, the big problem with outlawing beliefs or opinions is that outlawing something is not the same thing as making it cease to exist.

Thank you for repeating your argument here. I agree with this.
Hurting someone's feeligns is not the same as endangering their life or stealing from them. "Tough noogies!" to them, I say.

I think I agree with this. I am not a fan of political correctness. In this case it's just a matter of showing books filled with Jewish names marked for extermination, and the millions of missing person reports filed by Jews after the war.

There are no flag burning laws in America. We've tried to get them, but been blocked.

Ahh but you are mistaken. 47 states have laws prohibiting the defacement of state and American flags. The Supreme Court has twice stricken down ammendments to the constitution. Perhaps I should rephrase, though:

If you are agree that Holocaust denial should be illegal, what is your opinion to outlawing flag burning in America, in principle?

I think I agree with this. I am not a fan of political correctness. In this case it's just a matter of showing books filled with Jewish names marked for extermination, and the millions of missing person reports filed by Jews after the war.

Yes, it is not that hard to show where Holocaust Deniers are wrong in their claims.

Ahh but you are mistaken. 47 states have laws prohibiting the defacement of state and American flags. The Supreme Court has twice stricken down ammendments to the constitution. Perhaps I should rephrase, though:

If you are agree that Holocaust denial should be illegal, what is your opinion to outlawing flag burning in America, in principle?

Do you have any resources on this? I Have not heard of any such laws that have remained after the supreme court rulings.
For the Jews? Certainly no European is hurt by Holocaust denial. Why are we protecting a group of people from idiotic beliefs, when we do not do so for anything else?

I'm glad you brought up this point. I heard a quote by Ahmenidejad (I probably misspelled his name), and a point I wanted to bring out here---why is it ok to mock Muhammed in cartoons, but not ok to claim that the Holocaust didn't happen.

I think I actually agree with him on this point---the West rallied around the Danish last summer when a newspaper published some cartoons that were in poor taste, essentially mocking the holiest man in a faith observed by billions of people. "Freedom of speech", we all cried. But freedom of speech means that you have to hear opinions that you don't necessarily like---if we expect that from Muslims when it comes to cartoons and such, surely we should be able to abide by the same set of rules.
Unfortunately most people while very protective of what they perceive to be their rights do not understand that their rights are only as safe as the rights they are willing to guarantee to other people.
I'm glad you brought up this point. I heard a quote by Ahmenidejad (I probably misspelled his name), and a point I wanted to bring out here---why is it ok to mock Muhammed in cartoons, but not ok to claim that the Holocaust didn't happen.

I think I actually agree with him on this point---the West rallied around the Danish last summer when a newspaper published some cartoons that were in poor taste, essentially mocking the holiest man in a faith observed by billions of people. "Freedom of speech", we all cried. But freedom of speech means that you have to hear opinions that you don't necessarily like---if we expect that from Muslims when it comes to cartoons and such, surely we should be able to abide by the same set of rules.

And when they retaliated by drawing cartoons about the Jews, the Jews critiqued them and found some of them to be funny, if I remember correctly. What's the worst that any English speaker has done when someone made cartoons that included Jesus? We sure don't riot because of it. But this really stupid, childish behavior should be catered to? I don't think so. Jews and Christians are capable of showing much more maturity and of being much more progressive, even if they do have their limits.
Curiouser and curiouser.

Metakron: instead of making vague allusions can you please state your views on this clearly and comprehensively... or say nothing? Thanks.


My own opinion on why Holocaust denial is illegal is this: it's easy for us - the generations that have never experienced a world war - to take democracy and its associated freedoms, including freedom of expression, for granted, and to forget that people have fought and died to defend them many times over.

Opinions, therefore, that are not only erroneous - and repeatedly shown to be so - but which also give succour to those who seek to abolish all the freedoms our forefathers fought for need to be suppressed.

It sounds more than slightly paradoxical to say that, by suppressing free speech you're defending it but - in the case of Holocaust denial - that is exactly the intent and the effect. In declaring it illegal we're not only honouring the dead but reminding ourselves that free expression isn't a given - eternally and inalienably ours - but a prize to be defended from those who'd take it from us.

It sounds more than slightly paradoxical to say that, by suppressing free speech you're defending it but - in the case of Holocaust denial - that is exactly the intent and the effect. In declaring it illegal we're not only honouring the dead but reminding ourselves that free expression isn't a given - eternally and inalienably ours - but a prize to be defended from those who'd take it from us.

Twisted and totally unacceptable.
Who is truly harmed by Holocaust denial?

Nobody, directly. Nobody is ever directly harmed by speech.

The problem is that Holocaust denial is part of a package that seeks to incite hatred of Jews and other groups and to legitimise their persecution.

Hitler's regime was not solely responsible for the Holocaust any more than Saddam Hussein's regime was solely responsible for gassing the Kurds that particular time.

You just get weirder and weirder.

As I have said on the other threads, the big problem with outlawing beliefs or opinions is that outlawing something is not the same thing as making it cease to exist. If you make Holocaust denial or any of the trappings of Nazism or antisemitism illegal, all you do is make the people who hold those beliefs and opinions go into hiding. They never have a dialog with us; they just keep talking to each other. At some point the president of some backwater country like Iran will invite them all over to have a festival in a place where the rest of us don't have access, and they'll start to feel like they've got legitimacy.

You want your cockroaches out in the open where you can keep track of them. You do not want them sneaking around under the linoleum.

Or, to quote Louis Brandeis again: "The best disinfectant is sunshine."

What do you think of laws against radical Muslims inciting suicide bombings?

Where do you draw the line on freedom of speech, personally? Or should every kind of speech be tolerated?

Yeah, but as soon as law enforcement or homeland security, etc begin to "track" those cockroaches, you damned liberal doo-gooders file lawsuits so as to prevent it!!

There is danger in giving the government or law enforcement agencies too much power. That's how police states are born. Politicians and police are far from incorruptible. You naivete is touching, though.
Do you have any resources on this? I Have not heard of any such laws that have remained after the supreme court rulings.

James: Yes the Supreme Court has overruled federal laws, but there are still state laws regarding this:


And when they retaliated by drawing cartoons about the Jews, the Jews critiqued them and found some of them to be funny, if I remember correctly. What's the worst that any English speaker has done when someone made cartoons that included Jesus? We sure don't riot because of it. But this really stupid, childish behavior should be catered to? I don't think so. Jews and Christians are capable of showing much more maturity and of being much more progressive, even if they do have their limits.

Hi MetaKron---the point was that Ahmenidejad what making was that the Jews seem to be guranteed certain protections by the west that are not universal.

What do you think of laws against radical Muslims inciting suicide bombings?

This is a very good point---if a radical Muslim cleric in England, or America, say, preaches jihad against the west, is he culpable for the deaths caused by suicide bombers?
Nobody, directly. Nobody is ever directly harmed by speech.

The problem is that Holocaust denial is part of a package that seeks to incite hatred of Jews and other groups and to legitimise their persecution.

You just get weirder and weirder.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that Donald Rumsfeld didn't ask Saddam to do that gassing, and that various European governments haven't been doing it since around 1913.

Do you wear an aluminium foil hat to stop the aliens stealing your thought waves, too?
It looks to me like in your case an aluminum foil hat would be too little and too late.

Let's put it this way, James. As long as you dismiss all information that you don't want to believe as coming from "conspiracy" sights, you are either dishonest, willfully blind, stupid, malicious, or some combination of those negative traits, so I don't take you seriously at all.
James R.:

The problem is that Holocaust denial is part of a package that seeks to incite hatred of Jews and other groups and to legitimise their persecution.

Holocaust denial is usually part of such, but it needn't be necessarily. That is to say, denial of the Holocaust, in whole or in part, does not entail that one must then hate the Jews.

Nor is Holocaust denial a call to persecute the Jews.

Accordingly, I don't think any case can be made that it is essentially setting the Jews up to be targetted. Moreover, even if it was, unless there is an actual incitement to acts of violence, and not simply ill-will, then there is no law being broken that warrants any abridgement of freedom of speech.
redarmy... I am curious---what do you feel about the flag burning laws?

English, Scottish and Welsh law does not have any concept of "flag desecration"
Indifference, perhaps due to a lack of familiarity. Can you explain to me what the fuss is all about?
I fail to see how allowing Holocaust Deniers to propogate fallacies aides those who seek to abolish our freedoms. Specifically, what freedoms were gained by the Jewish suffering during the Holocaust? Can you explain this a bit more?
As James R has said, holocaust denial is part of a package. It's advocates aren't interested in truth or open debate but in minimising Nazi atrocities using lies, misrepresentation of history and any other tool at their disposal in order to gain legitimacy and popular support for their anti-democratic agenda. They want to use democratic processes in order to usurp them, exactly as they've done before. So the burning question is: should we allow them to do that once more?
You want your cockroaches out in the open where you can keep track of them. You do not want them sneaking around under the linoleum.
They're not cockroaches. They're wolves. Your door is always open?
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Holocaust denial is usually part of such, but it needn't be necessarily. That is to say, denial of the Holocaust, in whole or in part, does not entail that one must then hate the Jews.
Jew-haters love misguided academics who lend them incidental support. They crave that kind of legitmisation.