Why is god so hard to disbelieve?

Originally posted by VitalOne

Getting angry does nothing to anyone but yourself. Explain this, Logically, why is surviving important to everything?

Back to grammar class, buddy. Formulate some real, comprehensible English sentences.
Back to grammar class, buddy. Formulate some real, comprehensible English sentences.

Its not my fault that you can't comprehend simple sentences, perhaps you need to go back to grammar class.
... and he doesn't even realize what's wrong with the post I quoted. Good grief. I think I'll rewrite it for you; there's no fun in tormenting someone over language.


Anger achieves nothing except harm yourself. Explain logically why survival is more important than anything.

End *gong* of grammar class, mastah *gong*

*dorky bow*

Now to examine the corrected sentences (I think that's what you meant to say. It's hard to tell. Don't worry, I will provide similar assistance as needed in our future arguments).

Explain logically the importance of survival?

But survival isn't "more important" than anything, assuming you mean survival on an individual level. The most important thing is to contribute to the survival of your own species. So there is nothing to explain logically, because it's not true.

Evidence huh...

Have you ever taken a walk alone...in silence... I mean the kind of silence where you crave sound...just a little...so peaceful...just you and the elements...but no sound...kinda like being in a cave or cavern...I have...

sometimes you have to get rid of all the other distractions just to hear the silence...then you will find what you are missing....

Anger achieves nothing except harm yourself.

Hmm....I'm the one making incomprehensible sentences?

Explain logically why survival is more important than anything.

Not what I meant, at all.....

I meant

Logically, why is surviving important to everything?

Meaning, why do things try to survive.......or why is surviving important to everything (living/non-living)
I have yet to see a credible, neutral, non religious website acknowledge that it was indeed a miracle.

Do you do all your research from websites?
Originally posted by Zero
There is no evidence of even a possibility that a god/gods exist. Gods are only created from the human mind. To paraphrase Cris, they're figments of human imagination. Believing in god(s) is akin to believing that the great big hairy monstery under your bed (perhaps you made his acquaintence around the age of five?) is real.

Why believe? There is no logical reason.

Because we are afraid in this huge universe, and we need someone's hand to hold to keep from wetting our pants. We might as well feel we have a connection with the dude that made it all, because if we are in good with him, nothing can hurt us, right?
Re: Re: Why is god so hard to disbelieve?

Originally posted by Myriad360
Because we are afraid in this huge universe, and we need someone's hand to hold to keep from wetting our pants. We might as well feel we have a connection with the dude that made it all, because if we are in good with him, nothing can hurt us, right?

There we go. Someone realizes that the tendency to believe in a god comes from the same source that makes us want to suck our thumbs.
Everything is a projection of your mind. Humans always want stability, to feel protected- somewhat in control. believing in a God like the Christians do gives them exactly what they want. They feel that as long as they believe in this God and follow his rules (which are actually made up by other humans) nothing bad will happen and they will go to heaven & live happily ever after. If one were to meditate every existing doctrine will seem rather... i dunno... ridiculous. All you need is yourself and making stuff up in one's mind will not help you achive stuff.
God is hard to disbelieve, because independent thought requres that individuals rise from the quagmire of peer pressure and the politically correctness of monotheist religions.
Reason and faith

Originally posted by Miguelio
Believing, by definition, doesn't need logic.
Belief should be based, as far as possible, upon reason. Logic is a method for examining one’s reasoning. If one is to believe something based upon illogical reasoning then why insist on one particular God or religion? What makes Yahweh correct and Zeus wrong? Be careful not to apply logic in your answer.

But why are nature numbers fine-tuned for life?
They’re not. The anthropic argument is reasoned backwards. It’s like saying that the pan was fine-tuned to fit the cake.

Originally posted by fadingCaptain
Luckily things get better in college. :)

Oh, please let it be so!
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
You confuse "too hard to deal with" with "puerile and ignorant".

Since when is becoming aggressive, acerb, and derisive a sign of ignorance? "Puerile" would have sufficed.
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Originally posted by Zero
Back to grammar class, buddy. Formulate some real, comprehensible English sentences.

Zero, you truly shouldn't inveigh against others with such foolhardiness and temerity. "Back to grammar class, buddy" is not a full sentence; it's a fragment. :)

By the by, it's polite to reserve one's grammatical punctilliousness for those who insult carelessly. Vitalone was not doing so.:D

Originally posted by Zero
. . . there's no fun in tormenting someone over language.

This is true; some people are simply happy-go-lucky typists. Besides, there will always be someone more grammatically anal than you are. ;)
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Re: Reason and faith

Raithere said:

They’re not. The anthropic argument is reasoned backwards. It’s like saying that the pan was fine-tuned to fit the cake.

No... You made a common mistake. Science is based in rational explanations. It can not hide itself from the obvious fact that nature has a rational structure and that nature numbers are fine-tuned in such a way that if things were just a little differente the universe would not have structure. It's a fact that the universe is fine-tuned (See Paul Davies)

To avoid God, Atheists give the non scientific explanation of an infinit revolution of matter (they forget entropy)...

By the way, what would you think about someone that has won the lottary 10 consecutive times? Would you say that it was just luck? If i say that he was a cheater, would you say to me that i'm reasoning backwords?
Well, life won tha lottary more than 10 consecutive times...:cool:
Re: Re: Reason and faith

Raithere said:
To avoid God, Atheists give the non scientific explanation of an infinit revolution of matter (they forget entropy)...

Well, I do happen to think that there is a higher power. But I don't believe it is what we call "God". Every Christian seems to think that if they can prove there is a higher power, making people when the lottery (by the way, doesn't that promote Greed?), then that must mean it is "God". There is a lot of spirituality out there, so to simply prove spiritual power has almost nothing to do with your religion. I have asked on multiple forums for some information or evidence of Christianity's promenence over other religions, and I never get an answere, except maybe why in the Bible it says it is the dominant religion. I am asking again to everyone, in terms a non bias person can accept, why is your religion "the one"?

No... You made a common mistake. Science is based in rational explanations. It can not hide itself from the obvious fact that nature has a rational structure and that nature numbers are fine-tuned in such a way that if things were just a little differente the universe would not have structure. It's a fact that the universe is fine-tuned (See Paul Davies).
You are still missing the point. You still have it backwards.

To avoid God, Atheists give the non scientific explanation of an infinite revolution of matter (they forget entropy)...
Entropy applies only to a closed system. How do you propose to show that an infinite universe, i.e. something without boundaries, is a closed system?

Well, life won tha lottary more than 10 consecutive times...
You’ll need to expand on that claim a little more I think.
Re: Re: Reason and faith

Originally posted by Miguelio
No... You made a common mistake. Science is based in rational explanations. It can not hide itself from the obvious fact that nature has a rational structure and that nature numbers are fine-tuned in such a way that if things were just a little differente the universe would not have structure. It's a fact that the universe is fine-tuned (See Paul Davies)
Do you, or Paul Davies, know the parameters regarding the inception of the Universe? If so, please do tell. Otherwise the calculation is meaningless. We don’t know how many times the dice were rolled and we don’t know how many sides are on the dice.

To avoid God, Atheists give the non scientific explanation of an infinit revolution of matter (they forget entropy).
No, the entropic argument that you suggest is invalid. Energy cannot escape from a closed Universe and if the Universe collapses all the energy it ever contained will still be there. If the Universe is infinite then entropy is only a localized phenomenon. Or perhaps the Universe is occurring just this one time and will expand forever into heat death. All are valid scientific hypotheses, none of which support or refute God.

By the way, what would you think about someone that has won the lottary 10 consecutive times? Would you say that it was just luck? If i say that he was a cheater, would you say to me that i'm reasoning backwords?
I would say that it is worthy of investigation because it is unlikely that such a thing would happen. But maybe the guy just bought 12 million lottery tickets with every possible permutation. However, the point remains even in this analogy, you’re making the same error. The conclusion is taken as a given (the winning combination). One then perceives a statistical oddity in that one person won10 consecutive times.

Try this: take a deck of cards and lay them out in a row. Now you just performed a statistical impossibility according to your line of reasoning. The odds of that particular series occurring is only 1 in 52! (approximately 8.065*10^67). How did you do that?

Jung described synchronicity. I have noticed that it does happen. The argument against it, is that it is interpretation after the facts. Chance is also a powerful factor, I know that, but still, too much weird things happen for it to be coincidence.

Synchronicity is not the proof of God, but it gives the impression that there is intelligence in the universe.