Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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Unified Theory of Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine

Unified Theory of Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine

Introduction: Could theoretical links exist between homeopathy and conventional medicine? In homeopathy there is the ancient concept of a self-regulating Vital Force (Vf), disturbance of which results in dis-ease as observed in multi-levelled symptom expression. Treatment attempts to aid the Vf as it attempts to restore holistic balance.

Conventional medicine (allopathy) takes a more deterministic view, considering external agents (viruses, bacteria, etc) or internal biochemical imbalances (e.g., genetic abnormalities) as causes of disease. Treatment is therefore geared towards eradicating these causative factors, sometimes at the expense of the homeostatic immune system.

Method: A previous mathematical metaphor described the Vf as a quantised gyroscopic ‘wave function’, equating strength of symptom expression to degree of Vf gyroscopic ‘precession’. Diseases and homeopathic remedies are interpreted respectively as braking and accelerating ‘torques’ on Vf ‘angular momentum’. Here, approximations applied to the Vf ‘wave function’ provide insights into why conventional medicine dismisses the action of highly potentised homeopathic remedies. In addition, a simple geometric force diagram provides another mathematical metaphor for allopathic drug action and immune system reaction.

Results: The two mathematical metaphors converge on the same result: that from a conventional medical perspective, homeopathic remedies potentised beyond Avogadro’s number should exert no clinically observable effects.

Conclusion: Following the logic of these metaphors, conventional medicine could be seen as a special case of a broader therapeutic paradigm also containing homeopathy.

Lionel R. Milgrom. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. September 2007, 13(7): 759-770. doi:10.1089/acm.2006.6369.

More details/Quoted from http://www.hpathy.com/research/milgrom-unified-theory.asp
Introduction: Could theoretical links exist between homeopathy and conventional medicine? In homeopathy there is the ancient concept of a self-regulating Vital Force (Vf)
For which there is no evidence.

Method: A previous mathematical metaphor described the Vf as a quantised gyroscopic ‘wave function’, equating strength of symptom expression to degree of Vf gyroscopic ‘precession’. Diseases and homeopathic remedies are interpreted respectively as braking and accelerating ‘torques’ on Vf ‘angular momentum’. Here, approximations applied to the Vf ‘wave function’ provide insights into why conventional medicine dismisses the action of highly potentised homeopathic remedies. In addition, a simple geometric force diagram provides another mathematical metaphor for allopathic drug action and immune system reaction.
Yup, crackpots like to use (or rather misuse) the word "quantum". It lends a specious respectability to their nonsense.

Results: The two mathematical metaphors converge on the same result: that from a conventional medical perspective, homeopathic remedies potentised beyond Avogadro’s number should exert no clinically observable effects.
And word salad/ technobabble doesn't hurt either.

Lionel R. Milgrom.
Who, strangely enough, appears to extending his quackery into other territory.
Immunology and Homeopathy:

-- Paolo Bellavite1, Riccardo Ortolani2, Francesco Pontarollo1, Giuseppina Pitari3 and Anita Conforti4

1Department of Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche, University of Verona, Piazza L. A. Scuro, 37134 Verona,
2Association for Integrative Medicine ‘Giovanni Scolaro’,
3Department of Basic and Applied Biology, University of L’Aquila and 4Department of Medicina e Sanità Pubblica, University of Verona, Italy


The foundation of homeopathic medicine is the ‘Similia Principle’, also known as the ‘Principle of Similarity’ or also as the ‘Simile’, which reflects the inversion of pharmacological effects in healthy subjects as compared with sick ones. This article describes the inversion of effects, a widespread medical phenomenon, through three possible mechanisms: non-linearity of dose–response relationship, different initial pathophysiological states of the organism, and pharmacodynamics of body response to the medicine. Based on the systemic networks which play an important role in response to stress, a unitary and general model is designed: homeopathic medicines could interact with sensitive (primed) regulation systems through complex information, which simulate the disorders of natural disease. Reorganization of regulation systems, through a coherent response to the medicine, could pave the way to the healing of the cellular, tissue and neuro-immuno-endocrine homeodynamics.

Preliminary evidence is suggesting that even ultra-low doses and high-dilutions of drugs may incorporate structural or frequency information and interact with chaotic dynamics and physical-electromagnetic levels of regulation. From the clinical standpoint, the ‘simile’ can be regarded as a heuristic principle, according to which the detailed knowledge of pathogenic effects of drugs, associated with careful analysis of signs and symptoms of the ill subject, could assist in identifying homeopathic remedies with high grade of specificity for the individual case.

Keywords: action – reaction principle – biologic networks – homeopathic medicine – hormesis – inverse effects – paradoxical pharmacology – response to stress – self-organization – Similia principle – Wilder's rule

The article was initially published in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM. Please cite the original source as -
Bellavite, P., Ortolani, R., Pontarollo, F., Pitari, G., Conforti, A. (2007). Immunology and Homeopathy. 5. The Rationale of the 'Simile'. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 4: 149-163

More Details/Quoted from http://www.hpathy.com/research/Bellavite-immunology-and-homeopathy.asp
The foundation of homeopathic medicine is the ‘Similia Principle’, also known as the ‘Principle of Similarity’ or also as the ‘Simile’, which reflects the inversion of pharmacological effects in healthy subjects as compared with sick ones.
And giving it a Latin name doesn't actually make it work. Junk is still junk.

Preliminary evidence is suggesting that even ultra-low doses and high-dilutions of drugs may incorporate structural or frequency information and interact with chaotic dynamics and physical-electromagnetic levels of regulation. From the clinical standpoint, the ‘simile’ can be regarded as a heuristic principle
Technobabble remains technobabble.
quantised gyroscopic ‘wave function’
Wooo, woooo, woooo ... I'm feeling vibrations already.

may incorporate structural or frequency information and interact with chaotic dynamics and physical-electromagnetic levels of regulation.

I prefer the following quote from the movie "A Mighty Wind"
Isn't it obvious that we're all just colors on the 42 harmonic?
Conclusion: Following the logic of these metaphors, conventional medicine could be seen as a special case of a broader therapeutic paradigm also containing homeopathy.

In the set of all things purported to be medical that can be done are 2 subsets:
1. Ones that are efficacious such as conventional medicine
2. Ones that are not such as homoeopathy

Yes, I agree there is broader paradigm that includes quackery. So what?
When last we met:
1. There is no evidence for the efficacy of homoeopathic treatments.
2. There are dangers to using non-effective treatments such as homoeopathy

Now we come to more suppositions for which evidence needs to be provided:
1. The memory of water
2. Self-regulating vital force
3. Homeostatic immune system
4. Validity of mathematical metaphors
Memory of Water: Dr. Martin Chaplin

the lifetime of hydrogen bonds does not control the lifetime of clusters

the equilibrium concentration of any clusters are governed by thermodynamics not kinetics.

An extraordinary paper authored by Nobel prize-winning Luc Montagnier has shown memory effects in aqueous DNA solutions that depend on interactions with the background electromagnetic field. These effects require the prior processing and dilution of the solutions and are explained as resonance phenomena with nanostructures derived from the DNA and water

Water does store and transmit information, concerning solutes, by means of its hydrogen-bonded network

Water is not just H2O molecules. It contains a number of molecular species including ortho and para water molecules

More details/Quoted from http://www.hpathy.com/research/chaplin-memory-of-water.asp
Memory of Water: Dr. Martin Chaplin
Water does store and transmit information, concerning solutes, by means of its hydrogen-bonded network
Firstly, that while Chaplin has shown that water is interesting stuff, he hasn't shown any water memory effect that could provide a mechanism for homeopathy to work. Secondly, the best evidence shows that homeopathy doesn't work and needs no explanation.
A Geometrical Description of PPR Entanglement and the Curative Homeopathic Process: Dr. LIONEL R MILGROM

Introduction: The Memory of Water, a ‘local’ explanation of homeopathy’s efficacy, has been supplemented recently by complementary ‘non-local’ hypotheses. One of these envisages a form of quantum macro-entanglement between patient, practitioner, and remedy to form a so-called ‘PPR’ entangled state, from which the possibility of cure may manifest.

Method: Semiotic analysis affords a geometrical description of this entangled state as a patient-centred chiral tetrahedron. Its four corners depict three different types of symptoms (of the patient, the dis-ease, and the remedial substance) and the potentised remedy.

Results: Reflecting this state in a practitioner-derived mirror-like ‘therapeutic state space’ generates two notional patient-centred chiral tetrahedra: cure may be thought to arise from their patient-driven combination ‘through the looking glass’ of the therapeutic state space, into one polyhedron called a stella octangula or stellated octahedron; in essence, a 3-D Star of David.

Conclusion: The practitioner may help in forming these notional semiotic polyhedra, but the patient is at their epi-centres, i.e., the practitioner facilitates but does not control the curative process.

Lionel R. Milgrom. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. April 2008, 14(3): 329-339. doi:10.1089/acm.2007.0674.

For more details/Quoted from: http://www.hpathy.com/research/Milgrom-PPR-Entanglement-homeopathy.asp
Yup, more specious word salad calling on quantum theory...
From the link:
In questioning a) and c) above, quantum theory transcends Local Realism10 and philosophically confounds the reductionism of biomedicine.11 Attempts at explaining homeopathy’s efficacy have made use of concepts generalised from the discourses of semiotics12, 13 and quantum theory.14-16 Thus, non-local entanglement17-19 between patient, practitioner, and remedy (PPR entanglement), could form a descriptive basis for the healing interaction.20-24 It combines from physics Greenberger- Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) three-particle entanglement,25 and an algebraic generalisation of orthodox quantum theory called Weak Quantum Theory,18, 19 with semiotics12, 13 to generate a three-way PPR entangled state. ‘Cure’ results from the ‘reflection’ and ‘twisting’ of this state in a notional two-dimensional mirror-like ‘therapeutic state space’26 (an analogue of complex Hilbert space more familiar from orthodox quantum theory),10 depicted in ‘semiotic geometry’ as a hexagonal bipyramid.11, 23, 24
Alan Sokal would have a field day with this.

This Milgrom guy calls on semiotics to make a medical/ physical proof?

Oh yes. Malik, please note that the ENTIRE article is positing nothing more than a a descriptive basis (however specious).
Not, in any way at all, showing that there is an actual basis.
He might as well say "well it's Jupiter being in the third trine, and the opposition of Leo, combined with the smell of egg and bacon from next door".
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HYDROBIOTRONICS: A therapy based on signals, being an extraordinary leap in the water's memory concept for the future of Homeopathy.

Salvatore Rainò, M.D.

A homeopathic remedy triggers in a healthy person (during a proving) and eliminates in the ill person the same symptomatology. Therefore symptoms are at the center of a possible oscillation between health and illness. The patient corresponds to the same energy frequency as the correct remedy which is capable of healing him. With my new device, it is possible to pick up a signal directly from a patient and give him back the same signal (after adequate amplification) to produce a valid homeopathic therapeutic action.

Objective:An automatic sequence of steps for preparing a homeopathic remedy, based on a new continuous dilution system, patented by the author, was realized. It permits one to automatically achieve the correct remedy and also confirms the mechanism of homeopathic remedies.

Other clinical homeopathic elements were clarified, confirming that the homeopathic theory is correct and that quantum physics is the future of Homeopathy.

Methods: A special sensor was used to gather information from different sources, including : the third eye point on the forehead, a homeopathic remedy (liquid) and a pharmacologic substance. In the first case, a signal was picked up from a subject and its frequency imprinted on a virgin sugar granule. This granule was then taken under the tongue for therapy. In the second case, the frequency of an ordinary remedy was imprinted on a virgin granule and used both to treat a sick person and induce a proving in a healthy person.

In the third case a signal was taken from a chemical substance and used to stimulate healthy subjects into producing a modulatory response.

Results:The sources used for the signal uptake allowed for different kinds of effects:

1. A rapid resolution of acute symptoms.

2. A deep therapeutic action by repeated use of the prepared granules in chronic cases, with an initial return of symptoms related to previous periods of life - typical during well managed homeopathic therapy.

3. A transfer of the specific action from a source remedy onto virgin granules which were then able to induce symptoms in subjects.

Functional modifications were induced from granules imprinted from a drug and from a “donor”.

There is evidence of an intelligent discretion in response to a drug beyond the specific effects of the drug, and of the ability to transfer information of all kinds.

Conclusions: It was possible to pick up a signal directly from a patient in order to give him back the same signal (after adequate amplification), providing a valid therapeutic action.25 It was possible to accomplish an automatic homeopathic diagnosis and therapy, probably based on biophotonics, according to the theories of quantum physics (as the studies of Fritz-Albert Popp and other authors seem to demonstrate.) The results allow us to understand that homeopathic principles work in a manner different from pharmacologic mechanisms.

More details/Quoted from: http://www.hpathy.com/research/raino-Hydrobiotronics.asp
Research into "How homeopathic remedies are created" by Dr. Quack (once a skeptic now pro-homeopathy, actually an American Aerospace engineer)

Real science does a few things the skeptwits do not:Tests – if the ideas are junk or not. If they cannot be tested, the theories are junk. If testable, that is valid theory and proper scientific method

There are no concrete laws in science. All is subject to change!

the Cold Fission / Cold Fusion mystery of homeopathy pertains to a deeper understanding of the nuclear sciences

the whole issue of succusion and dilution could be related to trajectory curves – the same as we do with conventional drugs and their action curves...the buildup of drug effects in the body with time, peak strength, and then wearing off.

Homeopathic principles found in basic wave mechanics apart from the issue of homeopathy at all. Waves alone are homeopathic! [Rifers also report similar observations, by the way.] The Law of Similars is found everywhere in nature because nature all around us is composed of waves and their superposition dynamics

More details/Quoted from: http://www.hpathy.com/research/quack-how-homeopathic-remedies-are-created.asp
the Cold Fission / Cold Fusion mystery of homeopathy pertains to a deeper understanding of the nuclear sciences
Actually no.

Homeopathic principles found in basic wave mechanics apart from the issue of homeopathy at all. Waves alone are homeopathic! [Rifers also report similar observations, by the way.] The Law of Similars is found everywhere in nature because nature all around us is composed of waves and their superposition dynamics
Also specious nonsense.
There is no "Law of Similars".

Dr Quack appears to be correctly self-nominated.
Research Challenges in Homeopathy: Dr. Ubiratan Adler

On the pathway towards plausible mechanisms to explain the biological effects of Homeopathy, the hypothesis of modification of the electromagnetic characteristics of the solvent has recently gained support in the findings of Nobel Prize winner Prof. Montagnier and his Colleagues. Using a device designed by Prof. Benveniste and Collaborators[2] [3] they demonstrated that bacterial DNA sequences at high aqueous dilutions can induce electromagnetic waves, if those sequences are serially diluted and strongly agitated on a Vortex apparatus[4].

Finding a general plausible explanation is different from determining the exact mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies. This knowledge however, is not essential for clinical research. For instance, after six decades of intensive research on the development of antidepressant drugs, the therapeutic action of these agents remains largely unknown[5] [6].

Should RCTs aim at measuring Ultra High Dilutions UHDs or their effects on samples of patients suffering from a specific disease? In an analogous manner, Psychotherapy cannot be readily measured either, but it has been extensively investigated by “current scientific methods”[7]. Why should it be so difficult to study homeopathy, if dynamized medicines are even easier to compare to placebo or active controls than Psychotherapy?

a study design in which the selection of a suitable, individualized homeopathic medicine occurs during the double-blind randomized phase evaluates not only the efficacy of homeopathy, but also the efficiency of the homeopath in selecting and managing that medicine[8].

More details/Quote from: http://www.hpathy.com/research/adler-research-challenges-homeopathy.asp
So far all you've done is quote and link to pro-homoeopathy that still singularly fail to present ANY evidence.
All we have from you is nonsensical calls of quantum physics and semiotics (for crying out loud!) that demonstrate nothing more than a complete failure to be scientific.
It's a tedious repetition of buzzwords and technobabble that barely make grammatical sense, let alone scientific.

Maybe homoeopathy is the Star Trek of medicine.
An Investigation into Whole Systems Research (WSR) as an Appropriate Methodology for the Advancement in Understanding of Homeopathy as a Complex Therapeutic Intervention: Ilana Dannheisser

The study by Thompson and Weiss (2006) exemplifies WSR in action.

The history of research in homeopathy demonstrates the difficulty in proving its effectiveness, though homeopathy continues to be an attractive therapeutic intervention1

In a paper published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), Mason (2002) called for CAM to be evaluated rigorously, but pointed out that reductionist research methods such as randomised controlled trials (RCTs) fail to take into account the holistic nature of CAM. Evidence of effectiveness could be provided if: 1) well designed RCTs do not misrepresent CAM’s holistic essence, 2) practitioners are recognised as a component and 3) both specific and non-specific outcome measures with long follow up are included7.

“Placebo-controlled RCTs are precise instruments designed to dissect a single hypothesis of pharmacological specificity. In CAM interventions the hypothesis is much more diverse.” : Jonas, Lewith, Walach (2002:33)

“Those who still believe in the superiority of homeopathy over placebo in clinical trials should try to replicate one of the promising positive results reported above and book a good therapist for the time after the trial.”: Walach and Jonas (2002:240)

More details/Quoted from: http://www.hpathy.com/research/Dannheisser-complex-therapeutic-process.asp
Homeopathy for Drug and alcohol abuse: Dr. Manish Bhatia

1990: The govt. of India conducted a double-blind study on 60 heroin addicts, of whom 30 were given individualized homeopathic medicines and 30 were given placebo. The number and intensity of the symptoms during withdrawal were significantly less in patients given an individualized homeopathic medicine than those given a placebo. The number of days for the resolution of complaints was also less in the homeopathically treated group. There was a difference in the adherence too - 35% of patients on the placebo left the study prior to its completion due to lack of therapeutic benefit, while only 5% of those taking the homeopathic medicine left the study.[3]

1993: A double blind, placebo-controlled trial [4] applying homeopathy to chemical dependency was done by the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy, Albany, California. The results showed decreased relapse rate of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts undergoing homeopathic treatment.

1994: A study was carried out by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) at its Clinical Research Unit, Varanasi, India [5]. Out of 261 drug dependent patients referred from a Drug De-addiction centre at Varanasi, 20 cases dropped out whereas 241 were followed up from September 1988 to March 1994. All the cases were in the age group of 12-52 years and all, except one, were male. The medicines were administered usually 8-12 hours after abstinence of drug substance abuse, where withdrawal symptoms became obvious. Prescription was made on the basis of totality of symptoms of the individual case.

Out of 241 cases followed up regularly, 209 cases showed improvement in withdrawal symptoms whereas 32 cases did not improve. Rhus toxicodendron (n=85) was found to be the most effective medicine. Other medicines found effective were Avena sativa (n=43), Nux vomica (n=34), Arsenicum album (n=26), Bryonia alba (n=8) and Chamomilla (n=7).

The outcome of the study shows that homeopathic medicines are efficacious in the management of withdrawal symptoms of drug dependents and can check the menace of the chemical dependency. The results have prompted CCRH to take up this study in collaboration with the Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses (SPYM) from April 2008.

For more details/Quoted from: http://www.hpathy.com/research/bhatia-homeopathy-substance-abuse.asp
More meaningless drivel.

In a paper published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), Mason (2002) called for CAM to be evaluated rigorously, but pointed out that reductionist research methods such as randomised controlled trials (RCTs) fail to take into account the holistic nature of CAM.

This is an idiotic claim that can be easily handled. It is the same as psi claimers and their sheep-goat claim. Their claims fail and so they seek out some asinine claim to fall back on as to why their claims are bunk. The holistic nonsense is the same. That can be covered easily in testing and has been. And when it has been used guess what - homoeopathy fails to be efficacious. Imagine that!

By the way Malik I'll check out the references in post 419. Maybe if things work out for you I can finally have the count exceed 1.
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