Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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You never had a fever or a cold as a child?
Are you sure about that?

I doubt that any of the celebrities, or their homeopathic doctors would claim that.
You are a medical marvel.

As a child i had my fair share. But after my jaundice at the age of 10, it slowed down. Then for couple of years it got lesser and lesser and then stopped till the age of 28. Never remember a day i took sick leave till i was 28.
I was similar observer. I did not take a sick day till my early 30s. But that is not evidence to support conventional medicine over other ways. Anecdotal statements such as ours do not make for evidence.
Thanks for clearing that up observer.

My experience has been the opposite.
I often got colds in my childhood and teens, but as I have got older I suffer from them rarely.
I thought that that was the normal path. Becoming increasingly immune after a variety of infections.
My feelings is that homeopathy works because when the substance is diluted there is left a gap in the "energy state" of the molecule which contains the same or similar vibrations as the illness's symptoms, and so instead of effecting the tissues etc. the vibrational state fills that gap left by the diluted remedy. That's if you jump outside the box it may explain this, although one would need to believe in spiritual planes etc.
Even though there is no scientific support for homoeopathy working, let's suppose it does.

So now you have a claim about how homoeopathy works.
Do you have any evidence for the vibrations of illness you mention?
How are you going to try to prove that is the case? What sorts of experiments would you do?
Till the age of 14, I only took homeopathic medicines bcoz my parents took me to a homeo doctor. Obviously placebo effect wont cure sickness in a 2 year old kid. I had no idea it was considered as some pseudoscience and that age it worked perfectly and maintained me healthy till the age of 28.

Research claims to have confirmed the efficacy of homeopathic medicine. Additional support comes from the fact that animals and infants also benefit form homeopathic treatment and it is unlikely that they will react psychologically to a medicine they often do not know they are being given
Infants: Homeopathic medicines and treatments are successfully used by parents for common infant ailments such as colic, teething pain and some infections.

Animals: There are many veterinarians using homeopathic medicines to treat domestic pets such as cats, dogs and birds, as well as barnyard animals like goats, horses and cows. Is it possible to have a placebo effect with animals?

The effects of homeopathic medicines have been observed repeatedly on neonates, unconscious patients.
I had no idea it was considered as some pseudoscience and that age it worked perfectly and maintained me healthy till the age of 28. I never had a fever nor cold nor any of those common diseases and I was perfectly healthy.

A typical disease starts much earlier than it is detectable. Homeopathy can treat the patient before the laboratory confirmation of disease by observing the objective and subjective symptoms of a patient.
I never had a fever nor cold nor any of those common diseases and I was perfectly healthy.

Whenever a health person gets diseased, it shows certain symptoms. Of many varied symptoms felt by a person, a fever or pain is the easiest on to detect by the person.

Conventional medicine tries to supress the fever by taking anti-pyretic medicine such as crocin, etc, or pain by taking painkiller. When fever would be gone, conventioal physician would think he has treated the disease. What he has done is simply pushed the disease deep within. After some time it may hit back, this time with much greater force.

According to Homeopathy, fever or a pain is not a disease. It is an indication by the body that something is wrong with the system (body). A fever is the body’s attempt to activate the immune system’s white blood cells and defend itself from infection? If a person is given a symptom-suppressing medication — fighting the fever — too soon, they will be less able to fight the actual infection.

Fever is the answer to the infection which has get into your body. Body raised its temperature in response to the infection so as to kill the infection. Homeopathy treats fever or pain as a symptom for an underlying disease. The homeopathic medicine will treat the underlying cause not the fever or pain. And if the cause is removed, the symptoms (fever or pain or both) will automatically be removed

P.S. In the above discussion "fever" means "low Fever (<100) lasting for not more than a day". But if it lingers for more than a day or rises, then u need to consult a physician for the same on emergency basis
Now am a regular sick person with something or the other bothering my daily life and i am dependent on tablets.

A drug-induced disease (Iatrogenic Disease) gets produced which are far more difficult to treat than natural diseases. It is scary to see the explosion in the form of epidemics of chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s dis-ease, Neuromuscular Diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Connective Tissue Diseases, Panic Attacks, Insanity, etc.
I understand that medicine is business and it controls the economy to some great extend. But then is it worth making a fool out of yourselves by convincing yourselves that homeopathy is pseudoscience????

It's all boils down to business. Have a look at the corruption by conventional pharma companies

http://ahrp.blogspot.com/2007/02/pharma-spin-and-child-suicide-rates.html //lies by pharma industry
http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ama.htm#a //corrupt practices of pharma companies
http://noedb.org/library/features/25-shocking-facts-about-the-pharmaceutical-industry //SHOCKINF FACTS ABOUT PHARMA INDUSTRY
http://avilian.co.uk/2008/08/killing-people-for-profits-and-other-drug-company-news/ //withheld the side ffects of medicine
http://homeopathyresource.wordpress...gers-they-may-be-sponsored-by-drug-companies/ anti-homeopathy paid by drug companies

http://www.naturalnews.com/008845.html //what AMA does not want people to know about it

http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/07/business/media/07DRUG.html?pagewanted=print&position= //News Anchors Paid by Drug Companies





One of the problems that has been discussed here with monotonous regularity is the need for double blinded studies.

Unblinded trial:
Patient and doctor have full knowledge of the treatment.

Single-blind trial:
Patient is not told or if told, then not clearly about the side effects of conventional medicine.

Double-blind trial:
Neither patient nor doctor knows for how long the treatment would continue (most of them over medicated over the years)

Conventional medicine does not stop at this. It just goes one step further…

Triple-blind trial:
Nobody, before or after, knows if the prescribed medicines would be available for the years/decades to come (How many conventional drugs of yesterday can be found on the chemists’ shelves today?)
So here comes Malik with yet another unsubstantiated claim:

Research claims to have confirmed the efficacy of homeopathic medicine.

Where are the studies?

The count stands at 1
With continued monotonous regularity Malik posted a number of unsubstantiated claims.

Where is the evidence?
Research claims to have confirmed the efficacy of homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy for treating jaundice

Homeopathy can treat the patient before the laboratory confirmation of disease by observing the objective and subjective symptoms of a patient.

A drug-induced disease (Iatrogenic Disease) gets produced which are far more difficult to treat than natural diseases. It is scary to see the explosion in the form of epidemics of chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s dis-ease, Neuromuscular Diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Connective Tissue Diseases, Panic Attacks, Insanity, etc.

The evidence count stands at 1. Observer, Malik continues to claim it is easy to find evidence for the efficacy of homoeopathy. That turns out to be false. Where are the hundreds of papers showing homoeopathy works? So far only 1 paper has been posted that hints at homoeopathy working.
It's all boils down to business. Have a look at the corruption by conventional pharma companies

Now that Malik's efforts at showing homoeopathy works has been a massive failure, she lashes out again by posting links to articles already shown to be lies. Wow. Good work Malik.

Let's get back to your claim of homoeopathy never hurt anyone. A while back I posted about leprosy and how leprosy is a disease that has gone from around 50 cases per 10000 people to less than 1 case per 10000 due to conventional medicine. This is in Malik's home country of India.

It seems that one of the reasons leprosy has been difficult to contain in India is the use of homeopathic medicine in India.

Challenge to Malik. Got any homeopathic cures for leprosy?
For those new to this thread my count is the number of articles Malik has provided that support her claims of homoeopathy.

It is true that Malik posted more articles but, I don't think Malik read the articles because they did NOT support Malik's position.
Whenever a health person gets diseased, it shows certain symptoms. Of many varied symptoms felt by a person, a fever or pain is the easiest on to detect by the person.

Conventional medicine tries to supress the fever by taking anti-pyretic medicine such as crocin, etc, or pain by taking painkiller. When fever would be gone, conventioal physician would think he has treated the disease. What he has done is simply pushed the disease deep within. After some time it may hit back, this time with much greater force.

According to Homeopathy, fever or a pain is not a disease. It is an indication by the body that something is wrong with the system (body). A fever is the body’s attempt to activate the immune system’s white blood cells and defend itself from infection? If a person is given a symptom-suppressing medication — fighting the fever — too soon, they will be less able to fight the actual infection.

Fever is the answer to the infection which has get into your body. Body raised its temperature in response to the infection so as to kill the infection. Homeopathy treats fever or pain as a symptom for an underlying disease. The homeopathic medicine will treat the underlying cause not the fever or pain. And if the cause is removed, the symptoms (fever or pain or both) will automatically be removed

P.S. In the above discussion "fever" means "low Fever (<100) lasting for not more than a day". But if it lingers for more than a day or rises, then u need to consult a physician for the same on emergency basis

I agree with most of what you are saying here, apart from the belief in Homeopathy . I'm not opposed to such beliefs, but they are belief and not science. I do have other non scientific beliefs, but not this one. Perhaps I should try it.

Many diseases are caused by bad diet, lack of exercise, exposure to pollution, continual stress, etcetera, and our medicine tends to treat the effects rather than prevent the disease occurring in the first place.
That is changing a little, but there is a lot of cash gained by having people running like mice in a wheel.

Maybe a growing interest in Homeopathy signals a change in attitude, rather than having a scientific basis.

Science does require a double blind experiment to exclude introduced bias.

If the effect is not scientific, but the result of a relationship between the healer and the healed, then the double blind is of no use at all.
The practise may have real life benefits, but scientific analysis may be impossible.
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I agree Captain with most of what you said.

If the effect is not scientific, but the result of a relationship between the healer and the healed, then the double blind is of no use at all.

There are variations that can be tested. For example, in some tests subjects sat down with people and were told one of two things and given a 'drug'. Some people were told that the drug, which was water, was safe with no side effects. Others were told that the drug was safe, but caused headaches in some patients. Guess which group reported headaches as a side effect of drinking water? This is an example of a negative placebo effect.

In the tests Malik has sometimes posted the tests were double-blind. The patients and the people interacting with the patients were unaware of what was being administered. Those tests ended up being not statistically significant.

As Malik points out the homoeopathy treatment involves a lot of interaction between the patient and person delivering the treatment. It is this interaction, which is often missing in conventional medicine.

The claims by many of the woo community, and alternative medicines, and other groups that it is not possible to do a scientific test is often due to people not wanting their ideas to be tested. An example is the belief in astrology in which a failed test is dismissed as, the experiment did not use real astrology. It might also be the case that people do not think about the experimental process and are not used to the idea that some pretty smart people out there have been able to test some interesting things.
Anything favoured by Jerry Hall, Vidal Sassoon and Katherine Zeta Jones is to be treated with suspicion.

“From Entertainment Weekly (21 February, 2003) Say hello to Arnica, Catherine Zeta-Jones’ best friend from the set of musical Chicago. The pal isn’t a she. It’s a homeopathic herbal remedy, and the two got to know each other intimately during the hamstring-hampering shoot. ‘The pain wasn’t there when I was doing it (applying Arnica). I had that sticky stuff glued to me for months. Brings out the bruising, darling.”: Catherine Zeta-Jones
Dr. Nancy, you have been providing us tons of website which promote homeopathy.

Even modern medicine accepts its limits and problems.

You also haven't come up with anything positive about modern medicine, of which many people all around the world have been benefitted many times, or they know a thing or two about its positive aspects.

When you approach people like you do, showing only one side of both things (homeopathy is always good, used by celebrities and it has many websites; but conventional medicine usually kill people), does it ever occured to you that anyone could suspect from your intention?

irony is you have a social group in this forum which is called "Homeopathy", yet you are the only member of it. Does it tell you something about its popularity, at least in this environment?

People will see you with a purpose of selling some products

If you don't show people that you are aware of any of these, don't expect them to follow your religion...

I have provided the links which are concerned with the topic under discussion or a point being raised by some one else.

Each system of medicine has its own strengths and weaknesses. Homeopathy is not excluded.

Conventional medicine has done wonders for the mankind, no doubt about that but it should be questioned for its problems, weaknesses and ill effects.

Have I asked anyone to buy product A, B, C from X, Y, Z company?

Have I asked anyone to be a part of the group "Homeopathy" so as to popularise Homeopathy?

The other way around, it is the conventional medicine which is a religion, not homeopathy as you have said.
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