Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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Links & studies published in journals: results better than placebo (8th)

Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children: A Preliminary Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial

J Jacobs, DA Springer, D Crothers,

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 20,2 (February 2001):177-183.}

A study of 75 children with otitis media that was published in Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, parent’s diary scores showed a significant decrease in symptoms at 24 and 64 hours after treatment in favor of those given a homeopathic medicine (P<.05). There were also 20% less "treatment failures" in children given a homeopathic medicine as compared with those given a placebo.
I see you've already cited at least 2 articles by "J. Jacobs" as support for your case. The term "independent verification" doesn't mean much to you, does it? I'd also very much like to see the data they're using to make their case. I know quite a fair bit about stats, and it's very easy to cherry pick an interpretation that will make a meaningless null result look like something significant. Drug companies do it when they want to justify using their medicines in ways that haven't been established and proven (i.e. finding additional uses for medication that has been proven effective only for a very specific circumstance). Homeopaths trying to look scientific do it too, because that's the only way they can ever justify anything, although the reliability of their data is also highly suspect because again, independent verification is meaningless to them.
CptBork there is a great lack of understanding on Malik's part from stats, to reading the contents of articles, to "independent verification".

Let's see what the abstract says that Malik has just referenced:
RESULTS: There were fewer treatment failures in the group receiving homeopathy after 5 days, 2 weeks and 6 weeks, with differences of 11.4, 18.4 and 19.9%, respectively, but these differences were not statistically significant. Diary scores showed a significant decrease in symptoms at 24 and 64 h after treatment in favor of homeopathy (P < 0.05). Sample size calculations indicate that 243 children in each of 2 groups would be needed for significant results, based on 5-day failure rates. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that a positive treatment effect of homeopathy when compared with placebo in acute otitis media cannot be excluded and that a larger study is justified.

There it is: "not statistically significant".

So this means that when posting evidence either:
1. Malik did not read the material
2. Malik read the material and did not understand what was written
3. Malik read the material and has posted a knowing lie

Due to Malik's apparent inability to understand simple issues such as introductory statistics I suggest it is more likely Malik is posting without understanding.
Thanks, dude! Very nice work, bringing the truth to light. One can only wonder how many studies Mrs. Malik is neglecting to mention in the process. That's especially what I hate about these metastudies quacks like to use when making claims- throw together a cherry-picked bunch of statistically insignificant results from carefully selected studies, and suddenly you have a large enough sample size to claim something significant. It's freaking pathetic is what it is. I say they should either put up, or go straight to jail without passing Go for all the harm they're causing to innocent people around the world.
I read in the paper this morning that a local homeopathy clinic is offering homeopathic swine flu shots for $5. They're running a special this month.
I read in the paper this morning that a local homeopathy clinic is offering homeopathic swine flu shots for $5. They're running a special this month.

How are these people allowed to walk the streets as free men?
I read in the paper this morning that a local homeopathy clinic is offering homeopathic swine flu shots for $5. They're running a special this month.

Homeopathy for influenza: Preventive medicines for influenza is available in homeopathy.

In India

http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/099200908021751.htm //govt to fund homeopathy research on swine flu

outside india

Governments around the world should start keeping track of who's receiving shaken water to treat their swine flu, and who's administering this water, in order to arrest them when it doesn't work and someone dies as a result. Time to pay the piper.
One of the problems in your statement CptBork is that India does not keep vital records. At least they didn't when I was there. Things might be different today.
It's just a bunch of anecdotal claims. It is unsubstantiated, but delivered as gospel. My grandfather was a physician during the 1918 pandemic. He was very successful at treating people for the flu. The only person who almost died at his hands was himself. He contracted the flu and collapsed in the middle of treating the sick. Of course, this is an anecdote and is no better evidence than posted by homeopaths.

When people are unable to prove a point they rely on unsubstantiated claims from a long time ago. If the homeopaths want to provide evidence, then they need to do that for something like the current flu season.
Governments around the world should start keeping track of who's receiving shaken water to treat their swine flu, and who's administering this water, in order to arrest them when it doesn't work and someone dies as a result. Time to pay the piper.

What it seems to you as simply as water is potentised homeopathic medicine taken by millions of patients worldwide to alleviate their ills.

Governments around the world should also start keeping track of side effects and deaths due to of conventional medicine
Malik any comments on the misrepresentation of the papers you posted?

There has not been misrepresentation. You are trying to bypass the good research studies published in reputed journals. You showed study against homeopathy in lancet. And when same journal shows results in favour of homeopathy, you do not accept it. It's simply double standards.

Links & studies published in journals: results better than placebo (9th)

The Homeopathic Medicine Research Group, formed by the European Union to determine the effectiveness of homeopathy conducted another study in 1996. This study is notable in that skeptics of homeopathy were involved in its design. The study pooled results from 17 clinical trials involving 2,001 patients and found that homeopathy was more effective than placebo with a 0.027% probability that this result was due to chance.
Next up, why phrenology and iridology are gaining in popularity.

This thread is really like arguing with someone who believes in astrology.

"When someone maintain that the moon is made of green cheese, you don't argue with them; you feel sorry for them." - Bertrand Russell
There has not been misrepresentation. You are trying to bypass the good research studies published in reputed journals. You showed study against homeopathy in lancet. And when same journal shows results in favour of homeopathy, you do not accept it. It's simply double standards.

Now you are lying. You have misrepresented several articles as I have shown.

You are also a liar when you say I rejected an article in favor of homeopathy. I simply pointed out what was in the article.

The Homeopathic Medicine Research Group, formed by the European Union to determine the effectiveness of homeopathy conducted another study in 1996. This study is notable in that skeptics of homeopathy were involved in its design. The study pooled results from 17 clinical trials involving 2,001 patients and found that homeopathy was more effective than placebo with a 0.027% probability that this result was due to chance.

Why don't you provide the name and authors of article? Afraid we'll see what the article actually stated?
See Repo Man this person makes claims such as homepathy is better than a placebo when in fact the articles suggest that the placebo and homeopathy results are different.

Check out the study at the top of the page which is offered as evidence. The article states that the results were not statistically significant and a larger study is required.

I beginning to think Malik is a pathological liar.
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