Why Homeopathy is getting more and more popular?

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Dr. Nancy Malik

Homeopathic Physician
Registered Senior Member
Homoeopathy is highly scientific, logical, and extremely effective method of treatment.

It is the most rational science with respect to its concepts of health, disease and cure.

Homeopathy is an evidence-based medicine. It is supported by worldwide clinical research.

Some major medical schools, including Yale, and Salford now include homeopathy as part of their medical curriculum.

Undoubtedly, homoeopathy is the medicine of the 21st Century.
Homoeopathy is highly scientific
No it isn't.

Nor that.

and extremely effective method of treatment.

It is the most rational science with respect to its concepts of health, disease and cure.
It's not based on rationality.

Homeopathy is an evidence-based medicine. It is supported by worldwide clinical research.
Nope and nope.

Some major medical schools, including Yale, and Salford now include homeopathy as part of their medical curriculum.
Then they're less than rigorous.

Undoubtedly, homoeopathy is the medicine of the 21st Century.
Only for the gullible.

Although I do give you points for having the sense to post this in Pseudoscience. The correct place for it.
Homeopathy is about to lose all of its government funding in Britain, something that should have happened more than a century ago. You can't just have some quack doctor pop up in the 1800's, make up a bunch of things in complete contradiction to established biology off the top of his head, and then expect it all to work do you? That's like how mormonism and scientology were founded, people just came along, made a bunch of shit up off the top of their heads and bingo. Of course lots of people swear by homeopathy, just like millions of Africans swear by their witch doctors. Lady, it's called water, it's not going to cure everything under the moon just because you shake it around a bunch of times, that'll just give you arthritis after all the years of shaking and rattling your hips. Oh, but some goof-offs at Yale decided to add it to the curriculum because they were getting complaints from wealthy folks who couldn't get accepted into real science programs, so I guess that somehow proves homeopathy is 100% real.
clinical research in homeopathy

DWYWDDYR: Homeopathy is not effective

Here the proof it is

IIPCOS: An international project to investigate the effectiveness of homeopathy in medical primary care in upper and lower respiratory tract complaints including allergies, ear complaints, abdominal pain/cramps, injury/bruising and teething.

It was an international, perspective outcomes study in 6 study centres with 348 patients in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and USA

The primary outcome criterion was response after 14 day’s treatment defined as “cured” or “major improvement” according to GHH outcome scale.

The results: 75% of the patients were managed with just 14 of the total 60 available medications.

These medications, in order of frequency were as follows: Puls, Lyco, Sulphur, Ferrum Phos, Hep Sulph, Bell, Kali Bi, Arnica, Merc Sol, Ars Alb, Phos, Rhus Tox, Bryonia, NV.

Consultation times were shorter than 16 minutes in 75% of patients. The response rate after 14 day’s treatment was on average 80.5%.

Homeopathic treatment of children between 2 & 11 years proved to be particular successful.

Over 90% of patients were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with treatment and were willing to receive homeopathic treatment again.

Asian Journal of Homeopathy, 01 Feb 2008, pp. 3-19
DWYWDDYR: Homeopathy is not scientific
Here's the proof it is
links to Studies published in international journals
Publication is NOT proof of being science.
Especially since the publications aren't exactly neutral or independent.

DWYWDDYR: Homeopathy is not effective
Here the proof it is
And here's evidence it isn't.
Ernst summarised no less than 11 systematic reviews published after Linde's Lancet paper and found that 'the best clinical evidence for homeopathy available to date does not warrant positive recommendations for its use in clinical practice.' [Reference 32] This conclusion was also confirmed by two further systematic reviews. [Reference 33, 34]

If it is not, then you think is this evidence-based medicine
Same report:
a study by the NHS Centre for Review and Dissemination, based at York University, concluded that there was insufficient evidence of effectiveness either to recommend homeopathy as a treatment for any specific condition, or to warrant significant changes in the current provision of homeopathy within the NHS

Homeopathy is about to lose all of its government funding in Britain, something that should have happened more than a century ago. You can't just have some quack doctor pop up in the 1800's, make up a bunch of things in complete contradiction to established biology off the top of his head, and then expect it all to work do you? That's like how mormonism and scientology were founded, people just came along, made a bunch of shit up off the top of their heads and bingo. Of course lots of people swear by homeopathy, just like millions of Africans swear by their witch doctors. Lady, it's called water, it's not going to cure everything under the moon just because you shake it around a bunch of times, that'll just give you arthritis after all the years of shaking and rattling your hips. Oh, but some goof-offs at Yale decided to add it to the curriculum because they were getting complaints from wealthy folks who couldn't get accepted into real science programs, so I guess that somehow proves homeopathy is 100% real.

As far as britain is concerned, see this http://www.hpathy.com/cartoon/images/alan-Edzard.jpg

As far as funding by NHS is concerned, see this http://www.hpathy.com/cartoon/images/NHS_budget.gif

Sucussion is a very specific and carefully controlled process which along with serial dilution, forms the basis of the potentization process, it is not some haphazard 'bottle shaking' as you seem to think.
Homeopathy is science

Publication is NOT proof of being science.

According to Webster’s New World dictionary, the word comes from the Latin sciens, present participle of scire, to know. The dictionary says: 1. originally, knowledge. 2. systematized knowledge derived from observation, study and experimentation. 3. a branch of knowledge, especially one concerned with establishing and systematizing facts, principles and methods. 4. a). the systematized knowledge of nature. b). any branch of this.

Homeopathy is a science because all knowledge pertaining to homeopathic medicines is derived from observation, study and experimentation
Ernst in support of Homeopathy

[Ernst summarised no less than 11 systematic reviews published after Linde's Lancet paper and found that 'the best clinical evidence for homeopathy available to date does not warrant positive recommendations for its use in clinical practice.' [Reference 32] This conclusion was also confirmed by two further systematic reviews. [Reference 33, 34]"]here's evidence it isn't.

Barnes J, Resch K-L, Ernst E (1997). Homeopathy for postoperative ileus? A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 25:628–633.

Ironically, this review of research that shows benefit from homeopathic medicines was co-authored by Dr. E. Ernst!
conventional Vs traditional medicine

i doubt it. in fact when a homeopathist themself gets a real illness (heart disease etc), they seek out traditional medicine. so much for that.

Allopathy is conventional medicine. Whereas naturopathic medicine, homeopathy, ayurveda, chinese medicine are traditional medicines.

Homeopathy for Heart Diseases

http://homeorizon.com/medicine/sayeed-angina.asp //angina
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sources of homeopathic medicines

Is homeopathy where bee stings are used to treat MS? or is homeopathy herbal meds?

The homeopathic medicines are derived from following sources:

Plant Kingdom: Herbs and plants are from plant kingdom such as Belladonna atropa (Deadly Nightshade) , Calendula Off (Marigold), Arnica Montana (Leopards bane), Crocus Sativa (Meadow saffron)

Mineral Kingdom: Most of the elements and compounds like metals, salts, alkali, and acids are from mineral kingdom such as Sulphur, Calcarea Carb (Calcium Carbonate) , Nitric-Acid, Natrum-Muriaticum (Common Salt)

Animal Kingdom:

There are other 4 classes of homeopathic medicine-Nosodes, Sarcodes, Impondarablia, Tautopathic.
so where do bee stings fall?
And I take it zinc and iron are considered homeopathic? They are in my vitamins.
so where do bee stings fall?
And I take it zinc and iron are considered homeopathic? They are in my vitamins.

Medicine prepared from bee stings is 'Apis mellifica'. And it falls under animal kingdom.

Medicine prepared from zinc is 'Zincum Mettalicum', and from Iron is 'Ferrum Metallica'. They belong to mineral kingdom
The homeopathic medicines are derived from following sources:

Plant Kingdom: Herbs and plants are from plant kingdom such as Belladonna atropa (Deadly Nightshade) , Calendula Off (Marigold), Arnica Montana (Leopards bane), Crocus Sativa (Meadow saffron)

Mineral Kingdom: Most of the elements and compounds like metals, salts, alkali, and acids are from mineral kingdom such as Sulphur, Calcarea Carb (Calcium Carbonate) , Nitric-Acid, Natrum-Muriaticum (Common Salt)

Animal Kingdom:

There are other 4 classes of homeopathic medicine-Nosodes, Sarcodes, Impondarablia, Tautopathic.

that is where traditional medication comes from too.;) it is good when all avenues are explored though.

i just think it is funny when people use terms like natural and synthetic when everything on the earth is natural. but that is beyond the scope of this thread.
that is where traditional medication comes from too.;) it is good when all avenues are explored though.

i just think it is funny when people use terms like natural and synthetic when everything on the earth is natural. but that is beyond the scope of this thread.

I think not all sources are natural. Sometimes replica of natural source is prepared in laboratory which is purely a synthetic chemical.

For ex: In homeopathy there is a medicine 'cortisone' (sarcode family) which is mainly used for nephrotic syndrome patients and is prepared from natural steriod 'glucostreriod' produced inside body, whereas the synthetic equivalent of it is 'prednisone' or 'prednisolone' which tries to mimic the nature and behavior of natural steriod produced in body.
I think not all sources are natural. Sometimes replica of natural source is prepared in laboratory which is purely a synthetic chemical.

i see what you mean. what i meant was the sources are from nature and often times those terms get overused. it is nice of you to take the time and explain things.

so many time though there is no real substitute for traditional medication. even something like a sinus infection can cause major problems yet all i needed to do was take a few pills and it was cleared up in a day or two. for me that was amazing and the pain that infection caused was unbearable, it hurt more than a broken bone.

i am just giving some examples.
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