Why hate the pagans?

yay! i'm not hated! *smiles delightedly* But hang on, i am. There are so many people i have encountered who are mainly xians, if i'm honest, who do hate pagans. Maybe not all xians, jews and muslims hate pagans, but a lot do.
I'm willing to bet that most also don't really know much about what 'pagan' means.

Of course they hate it. Pagan is used throughout the teaches (of at least chrisitianity) to represent people less spiritually 'pure'.
You contradict yourself Persol, my friend, you first say that "most also don't really know much about what "pagan" is, and to this I agree. Som then why do you say "they hate it." I have to assume that by "it" you mean paganism.

You cannot make a statement like that, but I do know what you mean. Many have this, "hate the sin, love the sinner" thing, and I would be a bit suspicious of that too, but I swear, I know no one who hates pagans, and I know a lot of people. Yeah, I do.
Daydream Believer is all warm and reassured; let us not spoil it for him! (Just kidding around.) You guys behave! pmt
Religion is about superiority. Whatever religion considers themselves morally superior to everyone else. Thus, most religions = hate everyone that isn't part of your group.

Yeah, hate is a strong word and probably not always true. But they still see themselves as superior. I have even met a few "hippy-love" pagans who act that way, as well as athiests (there it is supposed intellectual superiority, same thing, different frock).

As you can tell, I am not a big fan of religion. However, in all honesty, the pagans tend to be more fun.
And after all, daydream_believer, isn't everyone hated by someone at least, for something? At least you'll get to have fun instead of stressing about converting people!
P. M. Thorne said:
You contradict yourself Persol, my friend, you first say that "most also don't really know much about what "pagan" is, and to this I agree. Som then why do you say "they hate it." I have to assume that by "it" you mean paganism.

You cannot make a statement like that, but I do know what you mean. Many have this, "hate the sin, love the sinner" thing, and I would be a bit suspicious of that too, but I swear, I know no one who hates pagans, and I know a lot of people. Yeah, I do.
Daydream Believer is all warm and reassured; let us not spoil it for him! (Just kidding around.) You guys behave! pmt

You should be aware that people hate what they do not understand so Persol was NOT contradicting him/herself... And if you know of no-one who hates Pagans, well how many of the people you know have you actually ASKED of the subject? People can feel very strongly when provoked.
RAINBOW WRITES: You should be aware that people hate what they do not understand so Persol was NOT contradicting him/herself... And if you know of no-one who hates Pagans, well how many of the people you know have you actually ASKED of the subject? People can feel very strongly when provoked.
...and...P.M. Thorne, I believe they were referring to the people who DO hate Pagans... why do they?

PMT RESPONDS: First: If you do not know what something is, it is a bit confusing--at the least--to say that you hate it. That was the only point I was making there.

As for what I should know, perhaps you what should know is that I just might be almost as smart as you are. Do you suppose? FYI Yes, I do listen, and yes, I know no one who hates pagens, and yes the people I have exchanged thoughts with over many years, on this subject do know what a pagen is. As for me personally, I consider myself right in there with you and all the people in this world. I like almost everyone. Why not? We are all in this together, right?

Silverback Writes: Religion is about superiority. Whatever religion considers themselves morally superior to everyone else. Thus, most religions = hate everyone that isn't part of your group. ..Yeah, hate is a strong word and probably not always true. But they still see themselves as superior. I have even met a few "hippy-love" pagans who act that way, as well as athiests (there it is supposed intellectual superiority, same thing, different frock).

PMT Responds: Feeling superior and hating do not necessarily go hand in hand, right?

Silverback: As you can tell, I am not a big fan of religion. However, in all honesty, the pagans tend to be more fun.

PMT You could have a point there, kiddo. However, I have fun and I suppose what I am is religious, but I am not a church goer. So, what do you think about, when you are not having fun? pmt

Oh, I agree that feeling superior and hating are not the same, that is why I admitted "hate" is probably overused. But to quote my favorite band (hey, that is always a sign of intellectual genius, no?) ;)

Rush, "Witch Hunt" (part 3 of "Fear"):
Quick to judge, quick to anger,
Slow to understand.
Ignorance and predjudice,
and fear walk hand in hand.

My point in that being simply that it is a short step for some people (present company excepted) from religion to superiority to disdain to hate.

Ok, that was three steps. A hop, skip and a jump, eh? :D
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P. M. Thorne said:
RAINBOW WRITES:pMT RESPONDS: First: If you do not know what something is, it is a bit confusing--at the least--to say that you hate it. That was the only point I was making there.

As for what I should know, perhaps you what should know is that I just might be almost as smart as you are. Do you suppose? FYI Yes, I do listen, and yes, I know no one who hates pagens, and yes the people I have exchanged thoughts with over many years, on this subject do know what a pagen is. As for me personally, I consider myself right in there with you and all the people in this world. I like almost everyone. Why not? We are all in this together, right?
Cool, just checking.
PMT RESPONDS: First: If you do not know what something is, it is a bit confusing--at the least--to say that you hate it. That was the only point I was making there.
Agreed... but I think that most people who hate Paganism, are what they 'think' Paganism is... not what it actually is. Either way that 'hate' (may be too strong a word) is still in the same direction.
Persol said:
...but I think that most people who hate Paganism, are what they 'think' Paganism is... not what it actually is.
Exactly. I think most intolerance (ie hate) is rooted in ignorance. It's easy to push hate against a group of people that nobody really knows. Through history, the Jews, the gypsies, the pagans, etc.

Plus, it's easier to sit on a moral high horse if they have someone to point down at.
Silverback, Hi again. What a response! And one of my favorites: "I have never been to Spain, but I kind of like the music." So, what was that quote all about?

You are a character! Thank you for responding. I like your sense of humor.

ANSWER TO PERSON: I think I have to agree, and this one of the biggest problems in this word, between human beings. We think we understand something, make a judgment and then cling to that judgment, while often closing our ears and eyes to further insight. This would not be quite so bad, however if closed our mouths as well.

Words have meanings over the years, and some have been rather subtle, so I really do not like labels. I have only one documented label and this is only because I want to vote in the primaries. :)
people were talking about everyone thinking themselves superior to everyone else
many atheiests are intellectually superior,
on the other hand maybe Christians are morally superior
and maybe pagans have more fun then everyone else

It could make sense, maybe people who are more concerned with being nice join a religion, maybe athiests are smarter, or just spend more time learning (as they spend less time in church)
Alain, In all due respect, Sir, who has brainwashed you into thinking that atheists are necessarily intellectually smarter; or, perhaps I should ask, in what way are they smarter. More academic, is this what you mean, more inclined to read many opinions that support their preconceived ideas, just as theists read many opinions that support their preconceived ideas. Yes, I see both sides, but a truly rational person knows how hard it is to prove a negative, yet many atheist spend much of their time asking for proof that their is no God.

You paint with a very wide brush my friend. (How are you doing anyhow? Have not seen your posts for a while.)

Cherrio pmt
Alian, In fairness, I should also mention that there could easily be many Christians who are not morally superior either. "People are people," may sound a bit trite and redundant, but is a safer statement, I think than assuming people into groups.

Just thought I should add that.
im not saying there is a big difference, though scientists have proved at least small differences. also, it would deffinately be averages, if you take 1 of each, who knows, if you take a hundred thousand, im fairly sure i would be proved right. I honestly dont know how they are smarter. It is hard to prove a negative, but most religions have it so that it is also hard to prove the positive.

"You paint with a very wide brush my friend." with 6 billion people in the world, finer details often need to be lost. ALso, thanx for the friend bit on the end

"How are you doing anyhow? Have not seen your posts for a while" u dont wanna hear me bitching about school, so ill mostly keep quiet about this, i have been writing in other forums apart from religion so i guess it depends which ones u read., how r u?

PMT - "make a judgment and then cling to that judgment"
gotta admit, ur right, happens all the time with music
"i hate The Cat Empire"
*cue, music*
"this song's good, whose it buy?"
"cat empire"
"i hate this song"