Why hate the pagans?


Why do Christians, Muslims, and Jews hate pagans? Even though religions like Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism promote peace. Buddhism says that you can take part in any religion that teaches to love. Hinduism says to see god in everything, including the Christian-Jew-Muslim god, and Judeo-Christian religions can be seen as a form of Bhakti yoga. Taoism rejects unecessary violence, and hatred and Taoist believe in a force that balances all.

So why?
<body bgcolor=gold title=GodLied>
Jews are as they are because of the OT.

Christians who spread hate are in conflict with their purported forgiving Jesus. Those Xians are hypocrites.

According to the Koran, Muslims are to live in harmony with all except for those who punish them for their beliefs. For that exception, self defense is imperative. As Israel continues to evict Palestinians in line with the OT, the Koran response is self defense. Combining the OT and Koran repsonses shows peace will not occur in the Middle East until Israel removes the dividing wall, returns land back to Palestinians, and lives at one with them. Such action will evict many Israelis. That action is the cost of peace.


Originally posted by VitalOne
Why do Christians, Muslims, and Jews hate pagans? Even though religions like Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism promote peace. Buddhism says that you can take part in any religion that teaches to love. Hinduism says to see god in everything, including the Christian-Jew-Muslim god, and Judeo-Christian religions can be seen as a form of Bhakti yoga. Taoism rejects unecessary violence, and hatred and Taoist believe in a force that balances all.

So why?
I think the pagans referred to in holy books are the types that used human sacrifice and sex orgies in their rituals, things, which are anathema to Judeo/Xian belefs.

Paganism is of course the basis of original humanistic religions and whatever horrendous deeds they enacted for the sake of their beliefs, must have probably been grounded in theories on their positive effects, even if they had been deluded. So deep had paganism been entrenched in the collective psyche of the people that the Xians, as their power took effect, conveniently hijacked most of the pagan holidays and turned them into ones of their own.
spidergoat said:
Nothing like an enemy to bring a community together.

Hit the nail on the head. Religion controls more than it does anything, and those who have apathy towards it (pagans) are seen as a threat to the religion because it shows all those under the putative religion that one can live without religion (a silly notion, I know, but there are many who would have you believe your life wouldn't be much without religion) and so the religion chides the pagans to make sure everybody knows they're "evil", which would make sure that they don't follow in the pagans footsteps and leave the religion. See the pattern. There's more, but because of apathy, I won't divulge, for it is of no interest to me.

Good day.
GodLied said:
<body bgcolor=gold title=GodLied>
Jews are as they are because of the OT.

Christians who spread hate are in conflict with their purported forgiving Jesus. Those Xians are hypocrites.

According to the Koran, Muslims are to live in harmony with all except for those who punish them for their beliefs. For that exception, self defense is imperative. As Israel continues to evict Palestinians in line with the OT, the Koran response is self defense. Combining the OT and Koran repsonses shows peace will not occur in the Middle East until Israel removes the dividing wall, returns land back to Palestinians, and lives at one with them. Such action will evict many Israelis. That action is the cost of peace.


and what exactly is the OT?
tablariddim said:
I think the pagans referred to in holy books are the types that used human sacrifice and sex orgies in their rituals, things, which are anathema to Judeo/Xian belefs.
Well, it sounds to me that Christians, Muslims, and Jews are just jealous.

and what exactly is the OT?

Old Testament
Persol said:
Well, it sounds to me that Christians, Muslims, and Jews are just jealous.

and what exactly is the OT?

Old Testament

had a hunch it was that, but wasn't too sure, thanks for the clarification.
tablariddim said:
I think the pagans referred to in holy books are the types that used human sacrifice and sex orgies in their rituals, things, which are anathema to Judeo/Xian belefs.

Paganism is of course the basis of original humanistic religions and whatever horrendous deeds they enacted for the sake of their beliefs, must have probably been grounded in theories on their positive effects, even if they had been deluded. So deep had paganism been entrenched in the collective psyche of the people that the Xians, as their power took effect, conveniently hijacked most of the pagan holidays and turned them into ones of their own.
M*W: Blame human sacrifice on the pagans, my ass! Let me tell you a little bit about the gnosticism and the Essenes whose followers were really into human sexuality which they considered to be a "sacrifice." Gnostics considered the sexual union to be sacramental and as a way of raising spiritual powers. They believed sexual activity was the road to ecstasy. Essenes believed semen was sacred seed that brought light and spirit. Christians identified semen as the medium that transmitted lust and original sin. Gnostics taught the practice of sexual offerings to divine beings (but not to just one God). As late as 380 AD Christians would perform a sexual ritual after intercourse where they would take the semen in their hands and exalt it up to the heavens as a holy offering of the body of Christ which they then consume. Then they do a monthly ritual with the woman's menstrual blood and follow suit by ingesting it.

"According to Irenaeus, Marcus performed a sacrament that involved mixing a purple liquid that he said was the 'blood of Grace' with wine. Marcus and his followers may have been mixing wine with small amounts of male semen and female menstrual blood, viewed as the essence of each gender. This ceremony would have been particularly abhorrent to the Jewish, since Jewish dietary law forbade the consumption of blood. Such a ceremony was more literal than the Eucharistic consumption of the body and blood of Jesus. Morton Smith of Columbia University, a historian of magic, has suggested that various Gnostics carried out such literal reenactments of Jesus's 'This is my body; this is my blood,' thus demonstrating further freedom from the restrictive law of the Old Testament." (Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics, Chas. S. Clifton, Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1998).
most christians, muslems and jews hate pagans because their religious leaders do. The religious leader hold nothing but fear for these minority religions. They have been kept in low numbers, by shunning them and things such as witch burnings. christians, muslems and jews are losing their influence, they used to rule many countries, but now are mostly just religious leaders. Things such as wicca are spreading, many people now days are pagans. The church is being brought to its knees by individual rights, and a thousand smaller religions, sick of being crushed by the larger religions
M*W said:
Then they do a monthly ritual with the woman's menstrual blood and follow suit by ingesting it.
You're really indiscriminate about who you group under "Christians" aren't you?

Leviticus 3:17
'This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.'
Leviticus 15:19
'When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.'

And it's evident why the gnostics weren't accepted as Christians, and why Irenaeus felt compelled to called Marcus a heretic and a pagan.
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Jenyar said:
You're really indiscriminate about who you group under "Christians" aren't you?

Leviticus 3:17
'This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.'
Leviticus 15:19
'When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.'

And it's evident why the gnostics weren't accepted as Christians, and why Irenaeus felt compelled to called Marcus a heretic and a pagan.
M*W: Exactly who do you consider to be Christian, Jenyar? I thought it was anyone who believed Jesus died for them personally, therefore, granting them salvation. Or has there been so much infighting in this splintered cult that caused it to explode like a pile of sawdust?
VitalOne said:
Why do Christians, Muslims, and Jews hate pagans? Even though religions like Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism promote peace. Buddhism says that you can take part in any religion that teaches to love. Hinduism says to see god in everything, including the Christian-Jew-Muslim god, and Judeo-Christian religions can be seen as a form of Bhakti yoga. Taoism rejects unecessary violence, and hatred and Taoist believe in a force that balances all.

So why?

If that sweeping, unfounded generalization were absolutely true, I'd like to know why myself.

I, personally, cannot speak for Jews; and still less can I speak for Muslims. For Christians, however, I'll ask you to look no further back than the Renaissance for the evidence that Christians do not hate Pagans.
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johnlocke "I'll ask you to look no further back than the Renaissance for the evidence that Christians do not hate Pagans."
and ill ask you to look back to witchburning
Witch-burning is a symptom of fear caused by superstition. It happens in the animistic religions today even in our "civilized world". As Yoda would say, fear leads to anger, ander leads to hatred.

Generalizing about it won't help anybody understand what happened then any better, and it doesn't demonstrate great understanding of what happens in the world at the moment.
who counts as pagan? today, pagan is the general umbrella term for all the witchy, shamany, earth loving, hippy, recreationist type peoples......the xians and the others have always hated us.....probably coz they were jealous and coz they just don't like anything that isn't there own thing, any way, they all hate each other too (the jews, xians and muslims). They are just religons which have a fundamental principle saying; If it isn't what you're into, hate it." It's from their commandments and stuff.
The thing is that paganism covers over 250 different and/or separate religions so really it is impossible for every single religious person to hate every single pagan... but this convo seems to have taken a sharp turn towards Jews so I'll leave it at that...
I have lived a while and I know of no Christians, Jews or otherwise who hate pagans. That is an incorrect statement. Hate is a strong word, and most people do not spend their time hating other religions. True story. PMT