Why hasn't a single religion convinced the entire world?

Well, the Golden Rule may be nice - but it doesn't prove that the one saying it is divine. Unless your talking about quantum physics where different possible states can co-exist at the same time, a truth usually is a singular notion that excludes a bunch of untruths. To say that all religions are true really defies logic.
If your particular religion is true, why hasn't the entire world adopted it? The entire world has adopted television. Why? Because television is universally good. Is there no religion that can claim to be universally good? Or, perhaps five thousand, two thousand, fifteen hundred years isn't long enough?

Because if Jesus would re-encarnate in this world, and show everyone the exact same miracles described in the NT, most Christians would condem him for heresy because they wouldn´t like what he would look like or something.
Imagine the vatican seing a black guy perform the miracles of Jesus in Ethiopia, I think they would probably say is satanism.

This goes for almost every religion and their religious figures, most people are so closed minded about what they believe in that they won´t accept new refreshing things that come along.
What if Jesus Christ himself came to you and tell you Christianity is no good for you, that you should seek your own path?

Hell would freeze over before that happened.:rolleyes:
He would never tell us to be so self-centered as to do it our way.
His way is much better.:worship:
Because if Jesus would re-encarnate in this world, and show everyone the exact same miracles described in the NT, most Christians would condem him for heresy because they wouldn´t like what he would look like or something.
Imagine the vatican seing a black guy perform the miracles of Jesus in Ethiopia, I think they would probably say is satanism.

This goes for almost every religion and their religious figures, most people are so closed minded about what they believe in that they won´t accept new refreshing things that come along.

Well said..I agree.
It's pretty much the same mentality I have seen when reading fundamentalist christian websites regarding people's near death experiences and people who claim they encountered christ or the same being of light who appears as other recognizable religous figures. These websites claim people have encountered a "counterfeit christ".
The portions of these peoples experiences that seems to trouble the fundamentalists the most is the absence of an eternal hell.... they almost seem to relish the concept. I notice this in many fundamentalists...they really like the concept of a harsh judgemental God and can't tolerate the idea that God is not this way at all. Perhaps,unfortunatley, there is a dark side to peoples nature that wishes to embrace such a God.
Obviously they did not do any real research into NDE's or they would find that there is a limited state of hell and you do have to be responsible for your actions in life.
If your particular religion is true, why hasn't the entire world adopted it?
bringing it down to the lowest common denominator tends to result in a few essential aspects being missed

The entire world has adopted television. Why?
lowest common denominator
same with eating, sleeping, mating and defending

Because television is universally good.
certainly an issue for debate you can take to the ethics thread
Is there no religion that can claim to be universally good?
But it also may require that participants be universally good as opposed to the lowest common denominator

Or, perhaps five thousand, two thousand, fifteen hundred years isn't long enough?
with eternity there is no real time limit for perfection
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I would give up food and oxygen before I would give up my belief in Jesus Christ.

i guess that would help you meet him sooner and to your post about his way is better that it is and i await eagerly for the day when people start following his way of peace tolerance and love but honestly i don't see it happening any time soon.
i guess that would help you meet him sooner and to your post about his way is better that it is and i await eagerly for the day when people start following his way of peace tolerance and love but honestly i don't see it happening any time soon.

I have never seen that as a problem to follow what you say. If you follow the way you think is right in your heart, it doesn´t matter what other people do, you are in the right path...
i guess that would help you meet him sooner and to your post about his way is better that it is and i await eagerly for the day when people start following his way of peace tolerance and love but honestly i don't see it happening any time soon.
I doubt it as well. Not even Christians THEMSELVES follow His path of peace and love.... :bugeye:
I have never seen that as a problem to follow what you say. If you follow the way you think is right in your heart, it doesn´t matter what other people do, you are in the right path...
You have a good heart. But what about people who have been abused, or had very though lifes? It's easier for them to have a hard time in the path of peace and love....
You have a good heart. But what about people who have been abused, or had very though lifes? It's easier for them to have a hard time in the path of peace and love....

Being abused helps you understand how that is not something you want to do to others. If that abuse fucked you up for life, then that is not the person´s fault at all, nobody should judge someone with that world view, they are just victims of circumstances. If people would stop judging a drug addict who steals and vandalizes, then that person would truly realize how people are trying to help him, not criminalize him like we currently do.

I think abuse and hatred are just consequences of our overall ignorance and judging.
Being abused helps you understand how that is not something you want to do to others. If that abuse fucked you up for life, then that is not the person´s fault at all, nobody should judge someone with that world view, they are just victims of circumstances. If people would stop judging a drug addict who steals and vandalizes, then that person would truly realize how people are trying to help him, not criminalize him like we currently do.

I think abuse and hatred are just consequences of our overall ignorance and judging.
Exactly! Precisely! :)