Why hasn't a single religion convinced the entire world?

because diversity is a healthly and normal thing. and would people quit using language that seems like their trying to convert people. personally i find it offensive
The "diversity" crowd seems to be assuming all religions are objectively false - although we like to believe otherwise. Can there be more than one true religion? I think not. Therefore, the "diversity" of religions implies the objective falsity of religion. Wouldn't the one objectively true religion dominate world belief? If not, why not?
Sure, there is more than one way to drive to the airport from my house. But, which airport?

It doesn't matter.
Pick any airport you like.
Do you think that we have to use the same airport?
Even if we DO use the same airport, we can take different ways to get there.
I shall kill you in the name of XXX and rape and kill your wife while your watching in the bad place where the death get tormentend acording to XXX.

Wait I also believe in XXX...crap... ,... I shall kill you in the name of YYY

And therefore there will never be a world religion.
But, misuse of a true religion should not hamper its ability to spread globally. After all, if it's true - it will spread.
How do you know there is more than one airport?

How do you know there isn't?

If there is, you have whichever airport you want to choose from.
Even if there isn't, there could STILL be multiple paths to it.
More than one cab driver could be right.

Seems unlikely that more than one true religion could exist, if any.
I don't see why that seems unlikely at all.
Please explain why - maybe I am missing something.
But, misuse of a true religion should not hamper its ability to spread globally. After all, if it's true - it will spread.

Funny. You're giving too much credit to religion. Take a good look at say christianity. There is a big brother that is POWERFUL that is watching over you and CARES. It is interested in DESTROYING or SUBJUGATING your enemies. It cares about the MORALS for cohesion within your tribe and protection as well as AFTERLIFE.

Take away contrived labels like religion and see things for what they appeal to, the common denominator.

True or untrue? True to what? True to base human nature? Yeah, lots of things spread because it appeals to somebody but "true" is relative in this context.
Well, if big brother is there looking after you, don't you think everyone is going to be wanting big brother's help?
How do you know there are multiple paths to the airport? You seem to want to believe there are, but how do you know? The unliklihood of multiple true religions is a result of the unliklihood that there would be more than one omnipotent God or lack thereof. What is the truth? How can there be more than one truth? That's a contradiction.
Is there more than one way to drive to the airport from your house?

But that's a well defined problem. One might find after analysis of traffic lights, road lengths and traffic patterns that (at a particular time) one path is faster than all others.

The problems religion deals with are often vaguer.
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Well, if big brother is there looking after you, don't you think everyone is going to be wanting big brother's help?
How do you know there are multiple paths to the airport? You seem to want to believe there are, but how do you know? The unliklihood of multiple true religions is a result of the unliklihood that there would be more than one omnipotent God or lack thereof. What is the truth? How can there be more than one truth? That's a contradiction.

How can there be more than one truth?? Why aren't all the flowers in my garden tulips? Why isn't my cat a zebra? Why aren't I seven feet tall like my neighbor? Why? Why? Why?

Why does it have to be one truth?? what is truth? and in what context?

If god xyz appeals to one group because of this or that and god abc appeals to another, that is truth too. The ONE truth being they are different. Is there a common link or truth to all life, possibly. Yes, we are carbon based for instance. That's a one truth.
The unliklihood of multiple true religions is a result of the unliklihood that there would be more than one omnipotent God or lack thereof.

Who is the supreme human leader of the earth?

Why, if there IS a God, must there be an omnipotent God, as opposed to multiple Gods with none being the big boss?
with religion i am a believer of all paths end up at the same place their just different journeys
Free will. Free choice. Many choices. One size does not fit all in religion. Man created many religions after themselves. They thought they had a better idea. They thought they could do it better. Ego. Self importance. The 'God' complex. To help people "feel" better. There are plenty of reasons why there are so many religions.
Yes. Leviticus, for instance.
LOL. Been there. Done that. No they wouldn't. They have been given plenty of tools/signs/messages (Bible, church, friends, family) and they still reject Him.
The message is not clear. Why? Because men and women (like you) meddle with it. For instance, the book of Leviticus is completely invented by men. The one and ONLY commandment from God is LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That is all. So why not just say "LOVE ONE ANOTHER"? Why write an entire book? Maybe that's because men enjoy complications? :rolleyes:

His Word is in His book the Bible. It is the handbook for everyday life. The 10 commandments were not suggestions. They're pretty simple to follow.
There's only ONE commandment, that we have told FROM THE BEGINNING- "LOVE ONE ANOTHER". Period. That is all. ALL.

And once you start living by His book you will never be the same.:)
Why haven't YOU started?
Can there be more than one true religion?
They are ALL true. Check this out:


"The Universality of the Golden Rule in the World Religions

All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
Matthew 7:1

Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state.
Analects 12:2

Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
Udana-Varga 5,1

This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you.
Mahabharata 5,1517

No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.

What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.
Talmud, Shabbat 3id

Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.
Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien

That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself.
Dadisten-I-dinik, 94,5 "

That, AND THAT ONLY, is the word of God.
Funny. You're giving too much credit to religion. Take a good look at say christianity. There is a big brother that is POWERFUL that is watching over you and CARES. It is interested in DESTROYING or SUBJUGATING your enemies. It cares about the MORALS for cohesion within your tribe and protection as well as AFTERLIFE.
Man made.

Take away contrived labels like religion and see things for what they appeal to, the common denominator.

True or untrue? True to what? True to base human nature? Yeah, lots of things spread because it appeals to somebody but "true" is relative in this context.