Why hasn't a single religion convinced the entire world?

John J. Bannan

Registered Senior Member
If your particular religion is true, why hasn't the entire world adopted it? The entire world has adopted television. Why? Because television is universally good. Is there no religion that can claim to be universally good? Or, perhaps five thousand, two thousand, fifteen hundred years isn't long enough?
Maybe someday, so far most have sought the power for the few from the many. Humans never seem to get sick of the pyramid....
Even if someone does come up with a message that was "perfect" humans are not.
The better the message is at appealing to people, the more apt the religion is to becoming corrupt by those who want to wield that power.
Perhaps someone will convince people to reject "religion" as it is usually a divisive force rather than a binding one. That is....if the goal is universal alignment.
Perhaps someone will convince people to reject "religion" as it is usually a divisive force rather than a binding one. That is....if the goal is universal alignment.

I think that would be the only possible unifying religion.
That or one that murders everyone else.
If your particular religion is true, why hasn't the entire world adopted it? The entire world has adopted television. Why? Because television is universally good. Is there no religion that can claim to be universally good? Or, perhaps five thousand, two thousand, fifteen hundred years isn't long enough?

Why hasn't the entire world adopted ANY idea/philosophy/religion as the truth? Why are some liberal and some conservative? Why are some believers and non-believers?

The entire world has not adopted the television...many people don't watch TV and claim that it's bad for you (what a bunch of BS)...

The truth is the truth...with or without believers....with or without evidence...
Because television is universally good.

??:eek: ??

Jesus, how did I miss that.
Did you know that your heart rate, pulse and brain activity are all slower while watching TV than they are while sleeping?
Then there is is the constant inundation with ads and other mind stripping propaganda.
Not to mention the fact that TV breeds short attention span and ADD.
TV makes zombies out of people.
If your particular religion is true, why hasn't the entire world adopted it? The entire world has adopted television. Why? Because television is universally good. Is there no religion that can claim to be universally good? Or, perhaps five thousand, two thousand, fifteen hundred years isn't long enough?
TVs are good? WTF...!?!? :wtf:
The whole world has adopted food. Once a religion is as necessary as food, it will be universally adopted.
Why hasn't a single style of music prevailed all around the world? Same reason. It would be boring.
I would say the One God meme has just about taken over the whole world. But a religion is a combination of too many memes - it can not be unified. Even within every One God religion there are hundreds of thousands of individual variation of beleif. As many as there are people. When too many ideas build up - a new religion breaks off.
Free will. Free choice. Many choices. One size does not fit all in religion. Man created many religions after themselves. They thought they had a better idea. They thought they could do it better. Ego. Self importance. The 'God' complex. To help people "feel" better. There are plenty of reasons why there are so many religions.
"Free will. Free choice. Many choices. One size does not fit all in religion. Man created many religions after themselves. They thought they had a better idea. They thought they could do it better. Ego. Self importance. The 'God' complex. To help people "feel" better. There are plenty of reasons why there are so many religions."

Why is your god so impotent? Why does he not send a clear message?
A clear message is not as fit as a vague message. Clear messages - specifically those concerning fairy creatures, die off quickly - vague ones rule the world.
LOL.:D Been there. Done that. No they wouldn't. They have been given plenty of tools/signs/messages (Bible, church, friends, family) and they still reject Him.:(

His Word is in His book the Bible. It is the handbook for everyday life. The 10 commandments were not suggestions. They're pretty simple to follow.

And once you start living by His book you will never be the same.:)