Why Has Nothing Worked?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
God has pretty much thrown everything at us, yet we still sin like crazy. Despite some Godawful stuff and an enticement or two the people of the world remain unchanged.

From a life in Shangri-La to eternal life after death, we continue unphased. Worldwide genocide, isolated incidents of divine destruction, dropping His son on us and even miracles have been just a few of God's attempts to straighten us out. Alas all His work has resulted in nothing except utter failure.

It's easy to blame Satan. He's probably got his nose in there somewhere I suppose. When you look at God's futility one can't help thinking Satan has a little more power. Perhaps that is a reason things haven't worked out for God.

Simple solutions don't come easy for God. Why not a wave of the hand or just kill Satan and that's it, over, we're all good again. Demonstrations of power don't mean a thing since it appears we completely ignore it.

So why has nothing worked? Even those who worship Him believe they are born sinners. Maybe that attitude should change. Original sin has no statute of limitations? God could change that, might help.
Correction: God threw everything at us then hid all the evidence for it leaving only a few questionable books all telling contradictory stories of this being. As our methods of recording history has improved, and we now have a world media... miracles are suddenly becoming a little thin on the ground... funny that, isn't it? :bugeye:

If he really gives a shit how I act, then he should let me know. I am a nice fellow, I am sure I would take his advice on board.

Until then, there is no god, and just like Hitler, the Pope and trillions of other people (both 'good' and 'bad') I will end up like dust - back into the eternal nothingness from whence I came.
Simple...humanity is responsible for it's own sh*t, but we like being blameless. So we invent extremes of good and evil and ascribe actions of either onto these powerful beings...nothing works because ultimately we answer to ourselves.
And that is exactly what all religions agree that God is.

I agree 100% with the fact that 'god' is eternal nothingness, but disagree that religions claim that's what god is. Religion must promise that god is very real, and interacts (even physically) with human beings, otherwise it wont attract any followers.

What religion would attract fans if it said "come worship the god of eternal nothingness!"... Sounds a bit like the invisible pink unicorn...
God has pretty much thrown everything at us, yet we still sin like crazy. Despite some Godawful stuff and an enticement or two the people of the world remain unchanged.

From a life in Shangri-La to eternal life after death, we continue unphased. Worldwide genocide, isolated incidents of divine destruction, dropping His son on us and even miracles have been just a few of God's attempts to straighten us out. Alas all His work has resulted in nothing except utter failure.

It's easy to blame Satan. He's probably got his nose in there somewhere I suppose. When you look at God's futility one can't help thinking Satan has a little more power. Perhaps that is a reason things haven't worked out for God.

Simple solutions don't come easy for God. Why not a wave of the hand or just kill Satan and that's it, over, we're all good again. Demonstrations of power don't mean a thing since it appears we completely ignore it.

So why has nothing worked? Even those who worship Him believe they are born sinners. Maybe that attitude should change. Original sin has no statute of limitations? God could change that, might help.

given that materialistic society doesn't work, where does that leave us?
given that materialistic society doesn't work, where does that leave us?

Right where God left us. We can't get any more materialistic than given the entire world. That's a lot of resources and we are resourceful. You can go live in a mud hut and throw your PC in the garbage if you want. :D
Why Has Nothing Worked? Selfishness, Self-centeredness, Pride, Jealousy, Greed, Envy, Hate, and everything else that causes people not to love their neighbor as themselves.

When you find out why people don't care for one another as they care for themselves, you will know why nothig has work.
Why Has Nothing Worked? Selfishness, Self-centeredness, Pride, Jealousy, Greed, Envy, Hate, and everything else that causes people not to love their neighbor as themselves.

For man was made in the image of god..
God has pretty much thrown everything at us, yet we still sin like crazy. Despite some Godawful stuff and an enticement or two the people of the world remain unchanged.

That’s right the world is totally stuffed. As things rapidly change things remain the same, The advancement of technology has only increased the power and opportunities for people to play the same old game they have always played. A game they will play with ever increasing ferocity until God Blows the final whistle/trumpet.

From a life in Shangri-La to eternal life after death, we continue unphased. Worldwide genocide, isolated incidents of divine destruction, dropping His son on us and even miracles have been just a few of God's attempts to straighten us out. Alas all His work has resulted in nothing except utter failure.

Your measure of success and failure is limited to your perception of what exists. Therefore you see nothing except utter failure. Other see beyond what you can perceive and understand the field of play is far bigger than the little world encompassed by base perception.

It's easy to blame Satan. He's probably got his nose in there somewhere I suppose. When you look at God's futility one can't help thinking Satan has a little more power. Perhaps that is a reason things haven't worked out for God.

There are some who do believe that satan in more powerful than the God of Abraham, But they also suffer from a limited perception of the size of the game.

Simple solutions don't come easy for God. Why not a wave of the hand or just kill Satan and that's it, over, we're all good again.

Then God would rule by nothing but the overwhelming power of His might. God does not want to rule by intimidation but by universal consent. God wants to be followed for the right reasons.

Therefore He must allow satan to demonstrate both his inability to rule and Gods justification to rule.

Demonstrations of power don't mean a thing since it appears we completely ignore it.

Well many soon forget. Because many do not want to remember the things that cause them fear or remind them of their vulnerability and powerlessness.

So why has nothing worked?

It is working. Everything is going to plan. It's just that the race is not over yet.

Even those who worship Him believe they are born sinners. Maybe that attitude should change. Original sin has no statute of limitations? God could change that, might help.

lol That's what people already do. They reject what God says and declare their sins to be good. Because they want to be free to enjoy the sins they enjoy without any moral hindrance or fear of retribution.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Then God would rule by nothing but the overwhelming power of His might. God does not want to rule by intimidation but by universal consent.

I would call the threat of an eternal hellfire without any type of parole or possibility of spiritual advancement quite intimidating.
"Nuff" said!:(
God has pretty much thrown everything at us, yet we still sin like crazy.
speak for yourself oh, the brainwashed One!
you wanna think youre a piece of shyt go for it,the rest of us have bit higher opinions of ourselves!
Despite some Godawful stuff and an enticement or two the people of the world remain unchanged.
oh realy??
did people in Jebus time lived as comfortably as we do now??
From a life in Shangri-La to eternal life after death, we continue unphased.
theres no eternal life its all fantasy.
Worldwide genocide, isolated incidents of divine destruction, dropping His son on us and even miracles
ha ha WHAT fng miracles would that be??
have been just a few of God's attempts to straighten us out. Alas all His work has resulted in nothing except utter failure.
IF god created all then its HIS fault for all, including evil read isiah 45;7
