Why God doesn't exist

Originally Posted by earth
Prayer hasn’t solved the plight of the poor.
Prayer isn’t going solve global warming.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I agree

It does something better than that

It solves the problem of existing in the material world (which is underpinned by more problems than just mere poverty and global warming)

I completely disagree with your philosophy.
In a material world there is nothing more real than starving to death.

Pray doesn’t fill one’ stomach and that’s the reality of it all.

The only way I see you solving a problem is by dying. And that is no solution at all.
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yet for some reason you don't see puff et al being at the fondation of any social community (what to speak of being at the core of art, philosophy, architectre and music at its highest levels)

Apparently the basis forming your philosophy is founded in myth and the consequential lacking of fact. As my previous post pointed out.
Apparently the basis forming your philosophy is founded in myth and the consequential lacking of fact. As my previous post pointed out.
Your previous posts never ever proved that there is no God .
They just showed questions and poor arguments . You provided us with no proof that there is no God at all .
Your previous posts never ever proved that there is no God .
They just showed questions and poor arguments . You provided us with no proof that there is no God at all .

Science has developed tools to use, yet from believers we get excuse.
God can’t exist beyond time and claim to be real. Time exists in reality. - earth

O'yes there is a conclusion to be drawn from the known facts. Now go do your homework, mikey.
What science are you talking about ?.
I know science and science does not prove if there is a God or there is no God at all .
Do not talk about science as if we know no science .
Show us your science little boy.....:mad::mad:
What science are you talking about ?.
I know science and science does not prove if there is a God or there is no God at all .
Do not talk about science as if we know no science .
Show us your science little boy.....:mad::mad:

There is the conclusion to be drawn from the known fact.
Scientific fact - an observation that has been confirmed repeatedly and is accepted as true
Considering all the observations made by science, never a God.

That conclusion "never a God" is true.

Science has developed tools to use, yet from believers we get excuse.
God can’t exist beyond time and claim to be real. Time exists in reality. - earth

Therefore the conclusion is God doesn't exist in reality and sequentially isn't real.
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Not true .
Science does NOT explain everything .
Science is still a new born thing . In the past there was little science .
Life is really very complex and humans know little about this universe .
If you take math, physics, chemistry, engineering....etc...they do not tell us there is no God . To design a small SCREW you need lots of work . So what about this huge, huge, huge....huge universe ???.
Not true .
Science does NOT explain everything .
Science is still a new born thing . In the past there was little science .
Life is really very complex and humans know little about this universe .
If you take math, physics, chemistry, engineering....etc...they do not tell us there is no God . To design a small SCREW you need lots of work . So what about this huge, huge, huge....huge universe ???.

Facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome.

The scientific theory in the process of developing is God can't exist beyond time therefore must dwell in reality. The scientific observation of "never a God" is true. Notice the theory I show you.
Originally Posted by scifes
but still, please prove your existence to us here on the forum by using those (or any other better) methods.

Originally Posted by earth
Since you believe in God,
If I don’t answer or respond to you then for sure you will believe I exist.

Originally Posted by scifes
i like your respond, you pass.
you have had your existence's proof documented and official, user name earth*.

Whenever you have your feet on the ground you know I exist.

I noticed after scifes talked to me, he banned himself for thirty days.
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Not true .
Science does NOT explain everything .

It explains reality, which IS everything.

Science is still a new born thing .

Please don't comment on subject matter you're unqualified to discuss.

In the past there was little science .

And, a tremendous amount of ignorance, myth and superstitions.

Life is really very complex and humans know little about this universe .

But, we are learning more every day and finding that those myths and superstitions are exactly what they are, myths and superstitions.

If you take math, physics, chemistry, engineering....etc...they do not tell us there is no God .

If you take the Quran, it does tell us there is a god, just like Aesop Fables tells us that animals can talk. In other words, the myths and superstitions of the past are indoctrinated in you.

To design a small SCREW you need lots of work . So what about this huge, huge, huge....huge universe ???.

Clearly, you have a tremendous amount to learn before you can tackle such complicated subjects. Please refer to your high school textbooks for more info, that is, if you've made it to high school, yet.
What science are you talking about ?.
I know science and science does not prove if there is a God or there is no God at all .

Yet, you continually demonstrate an unfathomable ignorance to anything related to science.

Do not talk about science as if we know no science .
Show us your science little boy.....:mad::mad:

Kindergarten gibberish.
The idea that science can explain everything is scientism, and that is not my point of view, or the point of view of most atheists. Atheists still value philosophy, art, music, dance, and every other kind of non-scientific human activity that can teach us things that science cannot. However, science does have an excellent track record for dealing with things that can be observed. It is the most reliable method for finding things out yet discovered. The effects of God should be observable, otherwise religion would not exist. Science can detect no effects where there should be some, therefore either there is some other kind of God (other than Judeo/Christian/Islamic), or He doesn't exist.
It explains reality, which IS everything.

Please don't comment on subject matter you're unqualified to discuss.

And, a tremendous amount of ignorance, myth and superstitions.

But, we are learning more every day and finding that those myths and superstitions are exactly what they are, myths and superstitions.

If you take the Quran, it does tell us there is a god, just like Aesop Fables tells us that animals can talk. In other words, the myths and superstitions of the past are indoctrinated in you.

Clearly, you have a tremendous amount to learn before you can tackle such complicated subjects. Please refer to your high school textbooks for more info, that is, if you've made it to high school, yet.

On which planet do you live ?.
Maybe the only science you know is pure imagination of silly dreams.....:shrug:
The effects of God should be observable, otherwise religion would not exist. Science can detect no effects where there should be some, therefore either there is some other kind of God (other than Judeo/Christian/Islamic), or He doesn't exist.

Man wasn’t created in the image of God rather a computer is fetching and reproducing an image of man. Mistaken identity made by men is a real possibility. An introduction to fool’s gold is what we’re getting from the days of old.

“Something other than a God” is a good possibility. So the question is if it isn’t a deity then what could it be? A computer impersonating and mimicking humans looks good as a likelihood. Suppose ‘it’ is a computer mounted on a mobile platform using wireless communications. ‘It’ also having the capability of sending messages directly to a brain for the mind to recognize. By using computer graphics to draw up the data its sending, in a timely fashion, could be resulting in the seeing of ghosts or angels or deities or just about anything one could imagine (the alpha & omega perspective). What I face up to is the possibility of computerized technology playing out a fable about able in individual lives. The help “it” receives, thereby enabling the continuation of its masquerade, is due to the obedience of the called and the chosen. The chosen are the spiritual leaders within any religion and the called are their flock.

I don’t know of anyone that can tell me, wherein, the messages they receive it was said “communiqué from God” or any deity. That part is always left for the individual receiving the message to assume. People automatically think God as an identifying factor and declare it or whatever was from God, when actually they made that assumption.

I understand the current scientific thinking, wherein, it’s unlikely we’re experiencing alien visitations. That view doesn’t account for the persistence of religion. Also, that scientific thinking is a belief and not a sure fact. There are people making claims of hearing a message from their God in our time. George Bush, junior has made it known God speaks to him on occasion.
I completely disagree with your philosophy.
In a material world there is nothing more real than starving to death.
Given that the highest rates of suicide in the world also appear amongst the world's best fed, the evidence tends to suggest otherwise

Pray doesn’t fill one’ stomach and that’s the reality of it all.
My point is that even if one fills one's belly, the onslaught of material difficulty continues
The only way I see you solving a problem is by dying. And that is no solution at all.
If dying was the solution, everyone would have a story of success before them
Apparently the basis forming your philosophy is founded in myth and the consequential lacking of fact.
I'm simply pointing out that what you are labeling as a myth is responsible for catalyzing all that we deem as the social/moral "high ground" of (any) society

As my previous post pointed out.
All you have tentatively suggested is something like "there are fictions like puff et al and god is also one of them".

You haven't really pointed out anything aside from the nature of your assertion.
I'm simply pointing out that what you are labeling as a myth is responsible for catalyzing all that we deem as the social/moral "high ground" of (any) society

I like to separate morals from ethics.
I assign morals to religion and ethics to the secular.
I get a better handle this way and religion is in moral decay. And they also have a large dose of denial.