Why God doesn't exist

Okay, here is the reason that God does not exist: nobody believes in God anymore. Everyone these days seems to believe in a god that is really nothing more than an expression of the fact that you can't disprove an unfalsifiable claim. There is no rime or reason to it except for the fact that you can't disprove it. The God of the Unfalsifiable Claim is nothing in the world except for that: a claim. It's a claim that cannot be disproven. A claim is not the same thing as a god. If you are worshipping and bowing down to a claim, then you are not worshipping and bowing down to a god. If the only backing that you have for your beliefs is that it's a statement that is inherently not capable of being proven or disproven, then that's your god! You worship the God of the Unfalsifiable Claim!!! And that, in itself, is nothing more than the claim itself. You are worshipping a logical function or, if you prefer, dysfunction or malfunction.

God does not exist because, if you really subject the Bible to a critical analysis, it can very easily be determined that the Bible is man-made. If you really hold it to the candle of reason, then you can see that God is nothing at all except a figure that was invented by the Hebrews as a form of retaliation against emperor worship. It was a gesture of derision and resentment toward the Pharoah and other figures in their history who strutted around, pretending that they had supernatural powers and insights. The Egyptian Pharoahs got the pyramids built by telling people that, by participating in the building of these huge monuments to their egotism, they could attain some sort of immortality.

Now, do you want to know what I suspect? Do you really want to know? I suspect that the Pharoahs didn't even have the courtesy to believe their own bullshit, and they even joked around with their closest allies about how there was a sucker being born every minute. They probably spread and fomented this belief just to reassure themselves that they could get away with fucking people in any way they wanted to. I've known people like that. I've known people, mostly drug addicts, who would tell you big, fat lies, and there was an implicated threat to murder you if you dared to voice any doubt against them. They want to have the power to force a belief onto people at the point of a gun because it gives them a tingly feeling in their testicles to do so. What probably made the Hebrews or at least Moses different was that they knew this, and they resented it. They probably got fed up with wasting their lives on nurturing the egotism of a mass murderer, so they stomped off somewhere to create a big, fat lie that had no purpose whatsoever in its existence except to defend people against this kind of monster.

That's really just supposition, but you know what? It's consistent with my experiences with people. The Protestant Reformation occurred for precisely the same reasons: a bunch of people, at some point, got fed up with a religion where they basically worshipped the Pope. They were supposed to believe everything ther motherfucker said, even if it was clear to any retard who had READ the Bible that he was lying through his teeth, and often the lies were invented for political reasons. Before the Protestant Reformation, Christianity was nothing else but religion for hire. King Loo helped maintain an axis of power around Rome and kept wealth flowing into Rome, so Rome was all too pleased to make it Holy Writ that King Loo had a Divine Right to rule as a murdering tyrant. If I lived in that kind of culture, I'd make up any bullshit I had to in order to draw people away from the tyrants and outright bullies who were screwing up their lives.

The God of the Unfalsifiable Claim, though, is nothing else but that: an unfalsifiable claim. It really is an utter crock of shit.
Except it is no longer logical, given that evolution has been shown to create without a creator.

Evolution did NOT show that things just pop up and are found .
Also it is a reasonable thing to mention that both evolution and BB are theories .
No scientific evidence shows that there is one God, no God at all or multiple Gods .

Science doesn't work that way. The God Hypothesis must show reliable, repeatable evidence if it is to be taken seriously, and it must be falsifiable.
Science doesn't work that way. The God Hypothesis must show reliable, repeatable evidence if it is to be taken seriously, and it must be falsifiable.

Mike47 doesn't get it, he's to deep into that bottomless pit of lack. :rolleyes:
which he along with most atheists seem to be in short supply of.

Your not convincing me in God’s existence by saying I don’t have enough imagination. I have plenty of imagination and can recognize reality from unreality.
Originally Posted by scifes
lol, this could be fun, it's good when people start getting emotional

I realized I had become undignified and decided to go soak my head.

if you are saying that you exist to be telling us that god doesn't exist then you must show evidence you do for us to take whatever you say more seriously than something said by someone who doesn't exist. you can't do that so i say you don't exist and you are a liar, you are lying because you are nowhere to be found, prove you exist or shut up liar. you are fictiously lying about this god all the time. i say you are a nonexistent liar and make it up.

I have a driver’s license and a birth certificate. I log in here and these words you’re reading aren’t magically coming from nowhere. I don’t allow myself to be deceived about a non-existent deity.

so, can you prove that you, username earth, exist?
are you nonexistent if you can't?
is anyone who say you exist a liar for saying so?

I’m sure the mods here can vouch for my username and e-mail address. How about coming up with a real as in reality address for God?
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Originally Posted by scifes
why do most people believe in him then?
and if most people believe in him without proof, what does that make of proof?

Obviously you don’t understand facts correctly. Neither do people who think God is real, nor do people that accept belief as though believing is the same as proof.

who's puff the magic dragon who doesn't exist?
Disney channel or cartoon network?

Puff the magic dragon is a famous sixties song by the band, Peter, Paul and Mary'.

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.

Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched on puffs gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow wheneer they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag when puff roared out his name. oh!

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.

A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no more
And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,
So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.

God is in the same boat with Puff.

Did anybody feel a little emotion while reading the poem? If you did welcome to the spiritual realm.

Puff the song
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Originally Posted by scifes
where are electrons then? don't lie to me, show me, where are they?
i can't see them.

There is scientific evidence for electrons, however there is no scientific evidence for the existence of God. Structure of electron: An important scientific discovery!

well i'd rather believe in good old santa clause then to grow up to learn i was a monkey one day.

It has been said ignorance is bliss.
Originally Posted by Alien Cockroach
Everyone these days seems to believe in a god that is really nothing more than an expression of the fact that you can't disprove an unfalsifiable claim. There is no rime or reason to it except for the fact that you can't disprove it.

Excellent post.

I thought I would start a new thread, 20 reasons why God doesn’t exist - by Dr. Mary Walker

not sure why you opted for the word "new" ..... but anyway

Every reason listed by Dr. Walker are good ones.

I like reason Number 7,
It’s been suggested that God exists beyond time. However, if God changes in any way; for example, has a thought, then the elapse of time (old-thought to new-thought) can be distinguished from the absence of time (old-thought to new-thought), so any change, no matter how insignificant or what form it takes, inevitably results in time. Consequently, if God exists beyond time, then he would be reduced to an impotent statue, unable to create the earth, let alone think.

The impossibility of a creator of everything has become more evident with the ever increasing scientific accumulation of knowledge about our world and the universe.

I like Atheism's Thirteen Biggest Flaws

I particularly like

13. "Can your all-powerful God create a rock that is too heavy for Him to

If you answer, "No," then the atheist will reply, "Then your God can't
create such a rock and therefore isn't all-powerful."

If you answer, "Yes," then the atheist will reply, "Then your God won't be
able to move the rock and therefore isn't all-powerful."

I've read a few long and complicated "answers" to this apparent dilemma,
but the fact is, the question itself is problematic, much like the question,
"Can God run and walk at the same time?" or even the often-quoted statement,
"Everything I say is a lie." (If everything I say is a lie, then that
statement itself is a lie, so I must therefore be telling the truth. But if
I'm telling the truth, then everything I say must be a lie, and we're back
to square one.) All three examples illustrate the limitations of the human
mind and its logic. The "rock" question doesn't say anything about the
nature of God nor His power, but our own inability to comprehend something
that is beyond our understanding.

4. "Atheism is supported by logic."

Not only is this wrong, just the opposite is true. In logic, it's
impossible to prove a negative, that is, prove that a God Who Can Do
Anything doesn't exist. When someone claims he is an atheist, he is in
effect claiming to have proven a negative (at least to himself)-which is a
logical impossibility. In terms of pure logic, the only viable alternative
to theism is actually agnosticism, which is the belief that the existence of
God cannot be known. But atheism runs counter to logic.
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When I see the word Creationist I just can't rev things up, or down. How much more condescending do I have to become in order to have a normal conversation with one. C'mon LG, help me out here. How do you accept the creationist into the theist fold? Surely you must cringe when one of them flaps their gums.
No one knows who created whom from point zero or before time zero.....everyone is guessing .
Stupid sheep ?. Huh.....:shrug:.
sarcasm man, sarcasm.
Except it is no longer logical, given that evolution has been shown to create without a creator.
then evolution is one hell of a complex creation pointing at an even more complex creator!!

creating something out of nothing? and i thought my wounds healing themselves was magical..
Your not convincing me in God’s existence by saying I don’t have enough imagination. I have plenty of imagination and can recognize reality from unreality.
really? then draw the line between them please.

I have a driver’s license and a birth certificate.
both can be faked. and faked can be done in more ways than forging.
but still, please prove your existence to us here on the forum by using those (or any other better) methods.
I log in here and these words you’re reading aren’t magically coming from nowhere.
oh but the bible and the quran and the torah have magically came from nowhere?

earth(the real one), the sun, galexies can pop out of nowhere, but words on an electronic screen can't?

ever heard of bots who can hold a conversation?
do you know how complex their programming has gotten?
do you know how complex they could be in the future?
ever heard of top secret research who the public knows of decades after it is done?
i wonder how you- an advanced conversation bot- would deal with my accusations regarding your real identity.
also i wonder if your programming was so complex you're not aware you're a bot, i'm sure you could participate more lively and be more convincing about your authencity as a human being that way.

where is evidence of your existence?

I don’t allow myself to be deceived about a non-existent deity.
but if it's not a deity then you let yourself be deceived?

I’m sure the mods here can vouch for my username and e-mail address.
so? how does that say anything about the real you? if such thing exist, proof i say! PROOF!!
How about coming up with a real as in reality address for God?
we'll come to that shortly, after you provide us with a reality address for yourself.
Obviously you don’t understand facts correctly. Neither do people who think God is real, nor do people that accept belief as though believing is the same as proof.
obviously you don't understand practicality correctly.
if all people do it anyways without proof, why ask for proof in the first place?

that's why we're asking you proof of your existence, we need to establish the fact of your existence before going any further with this discussion, i don't mind discussing things with people who may not exist, but you're not content in acknowledging a god that (for you) might not exist.

Puff the magic dragon is a famous sixties song by the band, Peter, Paul and Mary'.

God is in the same boat with Puff.
so, puff exists.

There is scientific evidence for electrons, however there is no scientific evidence for the existence of God. Structure of electron: An important scientific discovery!
lol, to hell with scientific evidence, where's scientific evidence for love?
man stupid scientists are so full of themselves.

not to mention that there is scientific evidence proving god's existence, but it's countered by scientific ignorance and scientific bigotry.

It has been said ignorance is bliss.
it hasn't been said for nothing you know.

not sure why you opted for the word "new" ..... but anyway

I like Atheism's Thirteen Biggest Flaws

I particularly like

true, many things are out of a brain's threshold, but the bigger than him rock thingy i've solved, and plan on putting it in a (new:p) thread.
skinwalker shhushed you once with that one didn't he?;)
Originally Posted by scifes
but still, please prove your existence to us here on the forum by using those (or any other better) methods.

Since you believe in God,
If I don’t answer or respond to you then for sure you will believe I exist. :)
i like your respond, you pass.
you have had your existence's proof documented and official, user name earth*.

*or the geeks who are designing bots have really worked their asses off.

but on a serious note, i'm really glad you get my point, earth:)
Originally Posted by scifes
oh but the bible and the quran and the torah have magically came from nowhere?

The bible is a make over of Babylonian beliefs and born again Roman to Christian beliefs.

Spare me the test about rest.
Originally Posted by scifes
ever heard of bots who can hold a conversation?
do you know how complex their programming has gotten?
do you know how complex they could be in the future?

Yes to all three

God is a robot, and as to how complex the programming can be speaking futuristically then ask Lori7. She can describe her unique conversations with God the robot.
The bible is a make over of Babylonian beliefs and born again Roman to Christian beliefs.
your words which are appearing on screen are a reply based on a database holding numerous encyclopedias on every subject, and are formed by a complex language interface algorithm, which you also use to understand other posts, and you link those with multibillion threaded logical choices, resulting in the posts we read as written by you.

giving a story of how you think something is can be done from today till tomorrow,

proof of existence please, as it seems you haven't passed after all:(